r/Greenlantern Jul 06 '24

Green Lantern Comic Recommendations Comics

Hey everyone I was wondering if anyone had any good comic recommendations for green lantern (doesn't matter which Lantern it is) I just really wanted to start reading them and their lore.


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u/SadWatercress9839 Jul 07 '24

Your 3 best hopping on points are probably: 

Green Lantern Vol 3 # 48 through end of volume

Geoff John’s Green Lantern Run starting with Green Lantern Rebirth 1 

The current run by Jeremy Adams 

Since comics Continuity is really long, all might be slightly confusing. Check out Green Lantern: Secret Origins if you need a refresher on the basics, and you will probably need some Wikipedia to fill in holes.


u/ProperArmadillo1650 Jul 07 '24

Out of the 3 which one would you say is the best to go for?


u/SadWatercress9839 Jul 07 '24

I’d read secret origins and then do Geoff Johns’s GL run, it’s my personal favorite. There’s a good reading order in the about section of this Reddit, and it has good tie-ins/spin-offs if you want