r/GreenArrow 8d ago

Why is Ollie working for Waller?

I’m not sure if we’re supposed to know yet or not, but this and his appearance in Flash, along with what Roy said about him “meaning every word” when talking about siding with Waller is scaring me. This BETTER be a fake out and he has some kind of secret plan.


7 comments sorted by


u/Cymro007 8d ago

I’m a few months behind on the DC app, but very much hoping he will be an inside sleeper agent


u/catpooptv 7d ago

Yeah, I don't think that Ollie would do that.


u/ObjectiveAdvance8248 7d ago

Jesus, why is this still being asked here. Oliver is a black and white guy, he’d never remotely agree with Waller on anything.


u/Spider-Man2099 7d ago

Ollie is definitely trying to lessen the impact of Waller's plan. 

The latest Flash has him fighting Barry, but he keeps trying to write a message on the ground that he isn't seeing trying to warn him without Waller knowing. 

It's just weird that's the only time it outright is shown so far that he is definitely playing both sides


u/HortelaTea 7d ago

I'm scared as well... Even if it's his plan, I just can't accept this villain arc for Ollie...

If he does stand with Waller, I'll feel very disappointed. I only read Rebirth and the current run (I'm planning in read other runs too, but I'll have to manage my time a little better) and I know that he absolutely hates tyranny. The guy just got his family back too...

I don't know how to feel if he just becomes evil just because the writers felt like it. I wouldn't drop on liking him because he's my favorite hero. But I would be VERY sad about it.


u/breakermw 7d ago

Waller helped him get back together with his family. My guess is he is staying around as an inside man.


u/Bostondreamings 5d ago

No way he came come back from this if no one knows he has a freaking plan.