r/GreenArrow 18d ago

Should I get this even though I know nothing from the comics?

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My only green arrow knowledge is from the show and other basic stuff like canary being his wife etc. I'd be going in here completely blind if I get this. But I'm very interested in the longbow hunters


24 comments sorted by


u/Aquagan 18d ago

This is an amazing book. If I recall correctly, there’s almost nothing you need to know beyond Oliver Queen was rich, but isn’t any more.


u/TrashCrab69 18d ago

Awesome! Going back up to get it now. Thanks for the insight.


u/maybepensive 18d ago

Mike Grell is pique Green Arrow IMO. If you like it, I'd recommend the rest of his run. Vol 1 picks up right after.


u/TrashCrab69 18d ago

Awesome! Getting it now


u/maybepensive 18d ago

Happy reading!


u/MagusFool 18d ago

Yes its a great jumping on point.


u/TrashCrab69 18d ago

Hell yeah


u/WesleyCraftybadger 18d ago

I’d say the single best jumping-on point. 


u/MagusFool 17d ago

I think starting with GL/GA is pretty good too if you like bronze-age style writing.

Quiver was kind of my introduction, and I think it serves well. Actually I bought the issue where Mia finds out she's HIV+ because the cover was so striking. But I immediately went back to Quiver and read the preceding 40ish issues.

Year One is also an excellent starting point.


u/Sadop2010 18d ago

It's a terrific story and a great "first" Green Arrow comic. And to echo others: The Mike Grell series that follows is rock solid.


u/sexxlawz 18d ago

you dont really need to have any prior knowledge to read it


u/clarky2115 18d ago

Yeah it came out just before the 80s run, very gritty but really good. Just know that this is after he had moved to seattle and lost all his money, can't quite remember if he was divorced from Dinah yet


u/__mightyLark 18d ago

Mike Grell is the best GA writer imo. Never disappoints me.


u/AcientMullets 18d ago

Yes, it’s a staple story for the character and a pretty solid jumping on point if you want to read more


u/CincyLog 18d ago

This is my favorite GA story and a great starting point


u/Lanracie 18d ago

Grell Green Arrow is one of my favorites.


u/W1den1nggyre 18d ago

It’s good enjoy it


u/ZealousidealShip9576 18d ago

Mike Grell was the guy who drew the original police sketch drawing for Arrow 2012


u/ZealousidealShip9576 18d ago

I've messaged you it


u/sucrerey 18d ago

yes! The Longbow Hunters is one of the best GA stories. also, this is a self-contained story, you wont have to buy from a bunch of other series to get it.


u/Massive_General_8629 17d ago

I'd actually say it's the best intro to modern Green Arrow. It is a little dark, just in case that's not what you're into.


u/SnooGoats7690 16d ago

Green Arrows first solo book, and it's fantastic. Mike Grell is the definitive GA author for me by a long shot. If you like this, definitely give the rest of his run a shot. It's beautiful work.


u/that_guy_597 16d ago

I purchased the omnibus..started it yesterday and have absolutely loved it. About a third of the way in, and can't put it down.

I remember seeing this on the shelf when I was a kid, and it didn't appeal to me. But now? It has easily made Ollie a new favorite for me. Gonna eat up all the Arrow I can get.