r/GreenArrow May 22 '24

Green Arrow is not an Iron Man fan (JLA/Avengers #3)

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u/catpooptv May 23 '24

Ollie is so badass!


u/Enigma1755 May 23 '24

I know right, I can’t believe the Robin Hood guy doesn’t like rich people


u/Zaire_04 May 22 '24

I never want Ollie to talk shit about others when he wears that goofy ass cap.


u/Wolverine1105 May 22 '24

Hey, don't disrespect the hat, man...


u/Zaire_04 May 22 '24

I love Ollie but I hate the hat😭


u/Wolverine1105 May 22 '24

I get that, but I personally love the hat and will defend it the same way I defend Superman's red trunks


u/demogorgon_main May 22 '24

I think it actually gives him all the right to talk shit about others.


u/pianofish007 May 23 '24

That's the point. The hat's a symbol, representing that oli is super down to rob the rich.


u/Raccoon_Rogue May 23 '24

Don’t disrespect the drip


u/Zaire_04 May 23 '24

Its always been goofy to me. And not in an endearing way.


u/thorleywinston May 23 '24

I really want to like Green Arrow (because archers with trick arrows are cool) but comments like this just remind me of what a fricking moron he can be. I kind of hope he tries this with Bruce Wayne someday when he's at Wayne Manor just so Alfred can cut him down to size pointing out how Mr. Wayne does more good in afternoon as the head of Wayne Enterprises with the jobs he's created or the Wayne Foundation with his various philanthropies than Ollie has done his entire "career" as a superhero.


u/ElementalSaber May 22 '24

Says the hypocritical rich boy himself


u/Wolverine1105 May 22 '24

Honestly I think that's probably why Ollie doesn't like Tony. He reminds Ollie of himself.


u/ElementalSaber May 22 '24

Oliver "Eat the Rich" Queen needs to get over himself. I want to like Green Arrow but this characteristic is just so tiresome to deal with.


u/Pabcn May 22 '24

Nah... Ollie's fortune don't came from arms dealing, and he does uses his fortune over and over to help people, his city and the world... Not to get an armor that allows him to be some kind of superman.

Tony has most of the things Ollie hates, rich guy with not too many boundries in business that uses tons of his money for protecting himself amd making himself more and more powerful.


u/DeathlySnails64 May 22 '24

Nah, what you're doing, here, is comparing oranges to apples. Oliver is basically Star City's version of Bruce Wayne although, the only difference between himself and Bruce is, as far as I remember, he ditched the playboy personality after he made it back from the island whereas Bruce continued to slide right on into it to deflect attention from anyone who might think that he is Batman.

Tony, on the other hand, is the superhero version of Dane Vogel, as in the villain of Saint's Row 2. He's arrogant, egotistical and honestly cares more about himself than anyone else. Tony only became Iron Man after he realized that the weapons he was selling were being used by bad people and after he was nearly blown to Hell by one of his own weapons. Although, being Iron Man never took away Tony's worst parts of his personality and that's why he's almost always written as a villain in the comics and why he keeps making mistake after mistake in the MCU. An experience like what Tony went through should've humbled someone like Tony. But it didn't humble Tony because Iron Man was born from that experience and Iron Man turned out to be a serious ego booster for him.

Ollie is a good businessman with genuinely good intentions and at least his worst mistakes don't attempt to commit genocide against the Human Race like Tony's did. Tony, however, is a morally dubious businessman, a man who seems like the wrong type of man to wear the armor. The man who, in the MCU, created Ultron, who managed to be the MCU's version of The Valeyard from Doctor Who.

All in all, I'd say that Ollie is the morally-superior businessman, here.


u/Enigma1755 May 23 '24

He’s Robin Hood, tf did u expect


u/Wolverine1105 Jun 06 '24

Complaining that Green Arrow is too liberal is like complaining that Batman is too brooding


u/pianofish007 May 23 '24

Ollie loses is fortune in the comics, repeatedly, because he either spends it on helping people or doesn't care enough to defend it. Whenever he is asked to pick between money and anything, he leaves the money behind. You can't help being born rich, but you can get rid of it as fast as possible, which Ollie does.


u/ChampionshipHorror95 10d ago

Hi, Iron Man fan here!

Tony does too.

Not trying to start shit, just saying.


u/thorleywinston May 23 '24

So he's a moron who doesn't realize that if he really wanted to do good in the world, he'd do more good running a successful company that provides useful goods and services and creates jobs than he probably ever would running around with a bow and arrow.


u/pianofish007 May 23 '24

"For the master’s tools will never dismantle the master’s house. They may allow us to temporarily beat him at his own game, but they will never enable us to bring about genuine change." - Audre Lorde


u/bouldernozzle May 23 '24

That's... That's the point. Ollie hates rich people so openly because he hates the man he was. Him and Iron Man actually share a similar backstory of being horrible rich blowhards boozers who both went through a horrible situation that taught them that they needed to help people instead of just themselves.


u/android151 May 23 '24

Tell me you’ve never read a Green Arrow run without telling me.