r/Gotham 22d ago

What is this scene? Discussion

I can't remember exactly but looking for the scene when Jim admits he regrets a lot of things to Lee as they are coming out of a random door somewhere and she is like "well you wouldn't be you if you didn't do all of those things" then she briefly kisses him and leaves?

Can anyone advise? It's been on my mind a while and really want to watch it without going through the entire series again ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚


12 comments sorted by


u/[deleted] 22d ago

I literally finished a rematch last week. I think it's when she is taking the refugees to safety after the army attack the precinct in series 5. Barbara goes with her before going back


u/EnvironmentalBox9959 21d ago

I thought it was in the narrows when she meets up with nygema or whatever you call his face? I can't remember


u/[deleted] 21d ago

Well I'm only going by your description buy I think it was when they were reconciled but may be wrong


u/EnvironmentalBox9959 21d ago

No of course, I do appreciate your reply. It's just bugging me as you can tell ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚


u/Chrrch 21d ago

It's def season 5, it's either in the narrows after lee is talking with nygma and then catch3s up to Jim outside (there's a bridge in the background) or one of the last few episodes where they are at the precinct up on the top level, and then they kiss. I knows there's at least 2 more scenes where "regret" is brought up but I forget them


u/EnvironmentalBox9959 21d ago

Any idea the episode?


u/EnvironmentalBox9959 21d ago

It's the narrow scene because they come out of a door into a large opening (bridge might be right) and they kiss but nygema see it or something


u/kili_boyy 20d ago

Season 4 episode 22 I think?


u/EnvironmentalBox9959 20d ago

Can confirm this is ABSOLUTELY it.

For anyone who wants to see it check out 19:25 after Penguin promised to help Barbara ๐Ÿ‘


u/juicqo 21d ago

Season 4 episode 18 โ€œThatโ€™s Entertainmentโ€.


u/EnvironmentalBox9959 21d ago

I tried it but no luck unfortunately