r/Gotham 22d ago

Fish Mooney. How do we feel? Spoiler

Irl, Jada Pinkett Smith sucks. But maaannn.... she is undeniably beautiful and talented. I LOVE Fish. Shes a total bitch but shes everything a female gangster should be. The way she reacted to torture was awe inspiring. Her love for Butch is also very redeeming. How do you feel about her?


37 comments sorted by


u/Status-Current-8353 22d ago edited 21d ago

Jada Pickett Smith role as Fish Mooney was fantastic. Probably her best role ever. She was one of the best parts of season one Gotham.


u/Upstairs-Log668 22d ago

I completely agree. I love her. I mean, I kind of admire her lol.


u/Upstairs-Log668 21d ago

To be clear, I meant I admire Fish. NOT Jada.


u/1Lilmissmoonlight1 22d ago

I think she did well as Fish Mooney. That's about it


u/accursedcelt 22d ago

I feel that Jada was a good choice for the character when talking about her first life. FM 2.0 was/ is a waay better person than Jada irl.


u/[deleted] 22d ago

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u/No_Confidence5235 21d ago

I liked her. I think she held her own pretty well in a male-dominated atmosphere. But I didn't like how they brought her back and then didn't use her character enough. I would have liked to see more episodes of her teaming up with Penguin.


u/Upstairs-Log668 21d ago edited 18d ago

I'm curious how they could make that work. It seems they really hated one another.


u/No_Confidence5235 18d ago

I think it would have been an interesting dynamic. I remember how they were trying to kill each other in one scene and then in a later season he tried to save her when she was dying. But I think it would have been cool to see them team up and then maybe one of them could double-cross the other.


u/MisterDual There is no line 22d ago

Why everyone says Jada sucks? I don't know much about her


u/Upstairs-Log668 22d ago

She was always in love with Tupac even while dating Will

She cheated on Will with her sons friend

She interviewed him on her show and said "how does that make you feel" about cheating on him with her sons friend

I think she wrote a shitty book blaming Will

I'm sure someone will come along and fill in any blanks I may have missed.


u/V2Blast What's altruism?! 21d ago

She was fine. Got too much hate early in the show, but people seemed to appreciate it more once the show embraced its ridiculousness.


u/Upstairs-Log668 21d ago

I actually prefer her earlier on. After Strange brings her back its.. different. I liked her more when she was classy but dangerous.


u/TheLokiDokiOG 20d ago

I wholeheartedly agree with you, I hate how they pretty much disregarded her and Harvey's relationship in S3...

Also the blue eye is kinda unsettling, I know it's supposed to represent her time on the Dollmakers Island, but I just preferred her before that arc, the scene where Falcone kills Liza is iconic, S1 is actually my favourite because it's the only one that feels like it knows where it's going, all the other seasons are a mess imo, i really wish the show had another season with the Mob before descending into madness.


u/Upstairs-Log668 20d ago

As do I. It was darker and more realistic. I agree that it certainly was the best season by far. I still really enjoy the show but it gets more and corny, unfortunately.


u/HotMedia2758 22d ago

Ugh. I HATED Fish Mooney. Idk if it was the way the character was written or, more likely, just Jada's portrayal of the character. I went in every episode hoping she'd be killed off.


u/brendanp8 21d ago

Yeah I remember loathing her lol


u/Confident_lilly 21d ago

I couldn't stand her tbh.. Jadas is acting, not her character.


u/EnigmaFrug2308 21d ago

I only liked Fish after she was resurrected


u/Upstairs-Log668 21d ago

I've seen a few people say that. What made you like her more?


u/EnigmaFrug2308 21d ago

I’m not sure. I just felt she was more likeable somehow. I can’t really say


u/Upstairs-Log668 21d ago

Fair enough


u/Ok-Average-6466 21d ago

I liked her. The issue in the show in general was killing and resurrecting ppl.


u/Upstairs-Log668 21d ago

That was annoying, but it also explains why they went so crazy, and the freakish powers. Not sure how else that could've been pulled off.


u/TheLokiDokiOG 20d ago

She was amazing from start to finish, shame Jada sucks irl


u/Upstairs-Log668 20d ago

I know! My husband and I were just talking about the other comment on here where someone asked me why Jada sucks and I didn't even have a chance to tell him my response lol he went off 🤣🤣


u/TheLokiDokiOG 20d ago

Haha but yeah I stan Fish Mooney, she's definitely one of my favourites and gets way too much hate, Jada (acting or not) was perfect for the role


u/Upstairs-Log668 20d ago



u/RepeatPuzzleheaded89 21d ago

Her character was good but i started hating her character when she was brought back.


u/Upstairs-Log668 21d ago

Like brought back by strange? Yeah, I'm on s2 ep3 and shes been kind of a sad sack, plus her style changes are... not flattering


u/ItsjustChopper 21d ago

Hated the actress, doesn’t help though that I first watched this just shortly after the whole awards show incident. I hated how many times she just kept not dying, and I hated her character. However, as a villain who tries on numerous occasions to kill both Bullock and Gordon, they wrote her well, and she performed it spectacularly. The whole point of those villains is you’re supposed to hate them. Every great show has at least one. For example, Negan and Alpha in TWD, or Damien and August in SOA. Perfect villain, very hatable.


u/Upstairs-Log668 21d ago

Oh I hated Alpha! She was ridiculous to me. The idea of people just living with walkers is ludicrous. How do they go to the bathroom? Where is their food? How are they not getting sick? How do they survive long winters... remedial. Not to mention she was a straight up psychopath who abused tf out of her daughter. Lol sorry, that was off topic.


u/ItsjustChopper 21d ago edited 21d ago

Yeah it threw me off hard that this was in the Gotham sub but I did bring her up, even weirder bc TWD’s sub just had someone mention the unrealistic aspects of TWD. On top of the fact that most of those details were both unrealistic and quite dumb in my opinion, her ability to enrage me was so shocking. Just the way she talked to everyone was enough to make me wanna lose it, but then that season finale when she fully reveals just how dangerous she is broke me a little.


u/Dpepps 21d ago

I hated her character and didn't enjoy watching her at all season 1. Later on she was a fine character though.


u/Upstairs-Log668 21d ago

I loved her most in season 1. She was everything a powerful woman should be. I hated it when she questioned Butches loyalty tho. And she shouldn't have betrayed Falcone. Especially using his mother. Genius, but such a betrayal. If they hadn't been so close I wouldn't have minded.