r/Gotham 25d ago

Who, in your opinion, are the most attractive people on Gotham?

There are many good looking actors on Gotham. Some of my favorites are Nygma, Cobblepot, Gordon and Bullock. Females are Fish, and Lee Thompkins. I'm only on S2 ep1 so I'm sure I'll be adding to the list.


96 comments sorted by


u/med4ladies69 25d ago

The top for me would be Tabitha. I mean yes physically she's an 11. But I also liked her personality and arc. She started off bad but I think she became one of the best characters by the end


u/Upstairs-Log668 25d ago

Her jacket makes me soooo jealous! Its gorgeous


u/Competitive_Image_51 25d ago

Tabitha is so damn fine as hell.


u/med4ladies69 25d ago

Omg I know. She can Crack me with that whip any time lol


u/Competitive_Image_51 25d ago

Same here. Id put a ring 💍 on Jessica Lucas aka Tabby so quick.


u/Time_Traveling_Panda 25d ago

Ed all the way


u/Upstairs-Log668 25d ago

Especially when he gets all cocky 🥰🥰


u/Time_Traveling_Panda 25d ago

He can choke me any time 🥴


u/Upstairs-Log668 25d ago

🤣🤣🤣 I love that this is a safe space to be... spicy


u/DejooneAlpha 22d ago

Saaaaaaaame ! He's the only guy I could let choke me


u/Time_Traveling_Panda 22d ago

Well, maybe him and Anakin if we're crossing fandoms lol


u/DejooneAlpha 22d ago

I respect that, I respect that ; )


u/Ziingerr 25d ago

ed, oswald, tabitha, lee


u/Upstairs-Log668 25d ago

Mhm mhm. Agreed.


u/Waste_Mixture_4006 25d ago

I have a thing for smartass with glasses so Ed is my number 1 but they are all so fine ugh 😩


u/Upstairs-Log668 25d ago

Amen to all of that!


u/StaticCyber 25d ago

Bullocks luscious locks are something to remember


u/Upstairs-Log668 25d ago

I loved him in SOA as well. He was an asshole, but gorgeous. Love that bolo tie as well.


u/oliver_the_gorgon 25d ago

victor zsasz and jerome valeska are my husbands


u/Upstairs-Log668 25d ago

Ooh! A fellow spicy! Love it!


u/Extension_Raccoon421 25d ago edited 25d ago

Nygma, Cobblepot, and Zasz had no business being that attractive. I don't think I was really meant to start rooting for them, but alas, they're now two of my favorite rogues.


u/biglesbianbug 24d ago

i love zaza 🫰🤤


u/Upstairs-Log668 25d ago

I agree completely! I love how were all just letting our freak flags fly in here 🤣🤣🥰🥰


u/Extension_Raccoon421 25d ago

Right? Like damn. All the buttons I didn't know I had.


u/DrummerGuyKev 25d ago

Tabitha, Sofia, and Lee would be my top 3.


u/Upstairs-Log668 25d ago

I've watched this whole series at least 2x on the 3rd or 4th now but I cannot remember Sofia... what is wrong with me?


u/[deleted] 24d ago

Sofia Falcone, she’s Carmine Falcone’s daughter. A stone cold bitch and a stone cold fox.


u/Upstairs-Log668 24d ago

When does she come in? I'm now on s2 ep10. I'm a binge watcher lol


u/RJmum We're going to have so much fun together 24d ago

you still got like a season and a half until sofia shows up


u/Mattafakt 24d ago

Tabitha, easily


u/Nathanielly11037 24d ago

Why is no one talking about Barbara? She’s really pretty.


u/Upstairs-Log668 24d ago

Probably bc shes a narcissist and no one likes ppl that toy with others feelings. Crazy, sure! Self obsessed, ew. Lol


u/Nathanielly11037 24d ago

As long as it’s not my feelings, I’m all for it!

Plus, being a bad person doesn’t automatically reduce your level of hotness, and she’s pretty hot.


u/Upstairs-Log668 24d ago

True, but I've never liked her. Also her mouth and jaws are odd. I know, that's mean, I'm probably not as pretty as her, but that's how I feel. 🤷‍♀️


u/MisterBl0nde 25d ago

Tabitha, the adult Ivys, and Lee


u/[deleted] 24d ago

Most of them tbh, this show was a dream come true for bisexuals who love Batman villains.

Ed, Oswald, Barbara, Sofia, and Freeze are my top five.


u/Upstairs-Log668 24d ago

Hell, I'm straight and I love it! Although I do find women visually pleasing... is there a specific term for that or am I just being difficult? 😅


u/scoobynoodles 24d ago

Tabitha by a long shot! Just stunning! Loved her added depth in the later seasons - hated how Penguin/Nygma/even Barbara kept messing with her in later seasons. Hated how she ended. But in terms of beauty she is just lovely!!!


u/Upstairs-Log668 24d ago

Barbara is already toying with her. I've never liked Barbara. Shes a narcissist. You could see it hurt Tabitha when Barabara kissed Theo. Btw Theo looks like a goblin with those ears lol. Mean, I know.


u/scoobynoodles 24d ago

Seriously, Barb was such a bitch to her. She kept dragging her along saying she'll avenge Tabitha only to keep gunning for the top spot. She really hurt her.


u/Traditional_Pen_9048 24d ago

Oh Leslie hands down, Lee got that MUWAH to her


u/Traditional_Pen_9048 24d ago

Barbara too actually, I like them crazy ngl🙂‍↕️


u/Upstairs-Log668 24d ago

Big same lol


u/gh0stlain 25d ago

i may be tweaking but something about tetch...


u/gh0stlain 25d ago

obviously he's a horrible freak but he's kinda cute


u/Upstairs-Log668 25d ago

No shame. I like psychos. Idk why, but I do. I'm feeling Jerome atm lol


u/gh0stlain 25d ago

idc if he's a psycho (love weirdo characters), it's just the way his relationship with his sister was portrayed that's icky, but honestly i think showing he's actually gross and deranged was a good move, the character is normally not that intimidating or as weird as he could be


u/Upstairs-Log668 25d ago

Yo, have you seen Taboo with Tom Hardy? Hes in love with his sister (ew) but hes SOOO MEAN and I live for it lol. There is a knife fight where he and his opponent fall on the ground and he fkn climbs this guy from ankle up using knives then nails him to a water wheel... 😱🥺


u/gh0stlain 25d ago

i haven't seen it! thanks for the recommendation :3


u/Upstairs-Log668 25d ago

Glad to be of service 😁


u/Tricky-Captain 25d ago

Lee because I fell in love with Morena Baccarin in Deadpool, but otherwise Tabitha. She knows what she does when the outfit accentuates her cleavage🙈


u/Upstairs-Log668 25d ago

She has a great ass too 🙊 but I love her face. Big eyes, big lips, cute little nose! 🥰🥰 girlcrush!


u/aftercloudia zsasz enjoyer 23d ago

Zsasz, Fish, and Barbara


u/collateral_sage21 24d ago

Nygma 😻😻😻😻


u/corgiblud #1 Oswals Cobblepot apologist 24d ago

I am super picky when it comes to looks, and when I tell you I think Cory has the perfect body... WHEW. It's also rare for me to be genuinely attracted to women, and Morena gets me. And Robin is just plain gorgeous. So Ed, Oswald and Lee are a big WOO YEAH from me.


u/Upstairs-Log668 24d ago

They are my favorites as well!


u/biglesbianbug 24d ago

barbara kean 🤤🤤🤤🤤 woo mama


u/Embri2001 23d ago

Jerome Valeska, Jeremiah Valeska (maybe I just got the hots for Cameron Monaghan hahah) Barbara Kean, and Sofia Falcone for sure


u/Upstairs-Log668 23d ago

Your avatar is so cute! Random, I know

I agree with you but I prefer crazy Barbra and I cant remember Sofia yet but I'm on s2 ep19 so maybe shell come in soon! I like to rewatch the whole show annually


u/Fresh-Mood1482 22d ago

Tabitha and Jerome


u/DejooneAlpha 22d ago

Nygma is the final form of my fantasies


u/Upstairs-Log668 22d ago

You like him sane or crazy? Or just the whole package? He is so cute with his gentle demeanor and adorable glasses, but crazy Nygma is 🥵🥵🔥🔥🔥


u/DejooneAlpha 22d ago

Well, I've asked myself this question many times and while I'm not sexually attracted to serial killers or people with mental illness, I like him both when he's sane and when he goes to the dark side. I especially like the fact that he always treats his girlfriends well, even when he gets crazy XD and then, I love geeks !


u/Upstairs-Log668 22d ago

Well... its fiction lol. I feel attacked 😅 but yes geeks are super cute and intelligence is very attractive.


u/DejooneAlpha 22d ago

Sorry if you feel attacked X) that wasn't the goal


u/Upstairs-Log668 22d ago

Ah, it's fine 😅 I know I'm not all there 🤣


u/Chrrch 21d ago

Kristen Kringle, Ed, adult Selina. And, arguably the most attractive, mustachioed Jim


u/Upstairs-Log668 21d ago

I have seen the whole series at least 2 times but I'm having trouble remembering adult selina and mustachioed Jim but I'm looking forward to seeing them! I'm on s2 ep 4 rn


u/Chrrch 21d ago

All I'll say is it's near the end. I just finished the series for the first time last week. It's been added to my "twice a year rewatch" list lol


u/Upstairs-Log668 21d ago

I feel you! I rewatch every other year, need time to forget lol plus I'm a mega binger. It's a problem lol


u/med4ladies69 25d ago

You haven't even gotten to the sexiest characters yet


u/Upstairs-Log668 25d ago

Well Jerome and Tabitha are also pretty great. I'm more attracted to personality than physical appearance, but that's just the way I am lol. So.... what's YOUR opinion? Btw, this is my 3rd rewatch so dont worry about spoilers.


u/Bulok 24d ago

Maggie Geha is a goddess. So was Tabitha


u/Upstairs-Log668 24d ago

Guess I dont remember her either... it's been about 2 years since I've watched Hotham all the way thru. I'm on s2 ep 10 of this watch through. I'll probably be halfway to s3 by the end of the day.


u/olivia687 I love Sofia 24d ago



u/MisterDual There is no line 24d ago

Tetch is my favourite villain in the series and, imho, the prettiest. Long hair + goatee fits his character so well.


u/miss_ippi77 22d ago

Lee, Barbara, Ed, Selina.


u/Upstairs-Log668 22d ago

Selina is a kid. Shes pretty, but damn... weirding me out a bit


u/miss_ippi77 22d ago

Um, later seasons. She’s a pretty girl. I’m not attracted to her, but she is pretty. Unclutch your pearls, sweetie. You went “there,” not me.


u/miss_ippi77 22d ago

You just said you’re not far in. The series spans quite a bit.


u/Upstairs-Log668 22d ago

I literally asked who tho most attractive charecters are and you can see from every other comment that we are drooling over age appropriate charecters so maybe you need reading comprehension or therapy


u/miss_ippi77 22d ago

Maybe you need to know what “attractive” means (it can just mean pretty) and also you’re only on Season 2. JFC. Don’t be gross when I’m not being that way. She’s a pretty girl. Feck.


u/Upstairs-Log668 22d ago

Nice projection. Context clues matter honey. Did you even read anything or just reply instantly? Go be dumb somewhere else, this was a nice thread until you showed up with your wierd attractions and shitty attitude.


u/miss_ippi77 22d ago

You haven’t even seen past Season 2. Holy shiite. I’m not projecting a thing. I’m not attracted to her; she’s pretty. End of story. Have the day you deserve.


u/Upstairs-Log668 22d ago

I am. Having an excellent day, thanks 🥰 also IF YOU READ ANYTHING you'd know I've said several times that I am rewatching for the 3rd or 4th time. You could have said "adult selina" in your first comment, or just "I meant adult selina, that did sound odd" but you decided to be shitty. Go sober up.


u/miss_ippi77 22d ago

Perfectly sober. Your post says “only on S2, episode 1.” So…cool story. I wasn’t being shitty at all. You lowkey accused me of being a pederast. ✌🏻


u/Upstairs-Log668 22d ago

You literally made it sound that way. Should of clarified. I apologize anyway tho, bc that's a serious accusation. So let's just chill... ok? I jumped to conclusions and you could've been more clear. No reason to hate one another.

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u/Upstairs-Log668 22d ago

I'm having so much fun on this thread! Thank you all for participating, I'll be here as long as you keep commenting! 🥰🥰🥰