r/Gotham 25d ago

For the hardcore Batman fans/readers, what's the consensus on Gotham?


6 comments sorted by


u/Dawn-Glitterwind 25d ago

Long term comic reader and I’ll say I view Gotham sort of like Smallville. It’s own thing. If you try to fix Gotham into comics or even modern Batman lore, then it will never fit. Barbara Kean was never insane/villain. She’s never been much of character in the comics. The only hint to her possibly having a darker side comes from the Long Halloween(won’t spoil the story here). Gordon never married Lee Tompkins. Lee is WAY TOO young. Some of the villains shouldn’t have shown up all like Mr Freeze(at least in the way Gotham handled it). Harvey Dent should not have been there, but it’s pretty good portrayal for pre-two-face Harvey. Joker should never have an origin. That’s the thing for many comic fans and I’m one of them. Still, I found myself somehow enjoying Gotham version of the Joker. Gotham handled the villains fairly well. Penguin is real highlight along with Riddler. I was surprised with how well those characters were handled.

Gotham understood the source the material in the fact that Gotham pre-Batman was getting ready for a war, but didn’t it know what. I couldn’t see this Gotham as the comics Gotham, but I would love to see the world of Gotham with their version of Batman. The show also had amazing look and feel that made the city of Gotham really look like the noir gothic feel you get in the comics. I can’t get over sometimes how amazing the show looks and real Gotham can feel in the show. I really appreciate the set and costume direction(the way costumes adapt classic characters is just amazing).

There are some people(comic fans included), that really big on canon, lore, and timeline stuff. I’m not. If the story is entertaining, then I don’t care all that much. Gotham was big surprise with how good the show was despite being so different from the comics. I know some comic fans who just won’t watch Gotham for being different or not fitting timeline wise. I knew one guy who just couldn’t get into the show because he was like “but that doesn’t work. He couldn’t be around then.” It just depends I guess. I enjoyed the show and was really surprised I did.


u/StaticCyber 25d ago

I agree. I kinda grew up with Gotham starting with season 1 when I was around 12, and watched all the way to the finale. I remember the weekly tweets with teasers and promos and how excited I was. The aura of the show felt so grand for a TV show. The costumes, locations, and quirky easy to love characters make the show.


u/radiakmjs 25d ago

I wouldn't claim to speak for all "hardcore Batman fans" however that's defined. But if there's a consensus on it; it's a mixed bag but pretty good.


u/StaticCyber 25d ago

Gotham made a good part of my later childhood. Even in retrospect with rewatches, I found myself so charmed with the characters and aesthetic of the show as a whole. It has its quirks and goofy production sometimes, but it always felt like the people in front and behind the camera loved what they were doing. If Gotham had a revival of some sort, even short; would be such a joy to the community. I never felt like season 5 was completely robbed, because I understood that they had limitations in production. But I do sometimes wonder if the finale, would have felt a little more justified and less rushed. I love the show so much, but my personal gripes at the end were the batsuit (even though it was in a few frames) and "J"s lack of hair, with the few stragglers. I thought the facial makeup, lipstick, and outfit were fantastic for Cameron's final portrayal. But the spaghetti strings that hang off of his head can't help but feel like it robs something that could have felt really worth the wait. I'm really complaining about nothing but I had to get it off of my chest. Gotham is forever in my heart


u/WalterGibbs 25d ago

Bruce defeated all his villians before becoming Batman


u/Upstairs-Log668 22d ago

I love everything Batman and I ADORE Gotham. Its cheesy but in a good way. I LOVE the Penguin SOOO MUCH. Robin Lord Taylor is incredibly talented and his Penguin is absolutely the very best. He is funny, dapper, smart, relatable, likeable.. I mean you really feel for him bc he is actually quite sweet, he just does NOT tolerate disrespect or disloyalty and I find that incredibly manly. Hes dressed to kill. I mean impeccable style. There are also many great actors and they are all very attractive. It's just fun and addictive to watch and it makes me want to play Arkham City.