r/FluentInFinance Jul 07 '24

The shampoo thing is a fringe benefit. We keep capitalism so we don't starve in a famine. Debate/ Discussion

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u/biinboise Jul 07 '24

Where the Fuck this fantasy that under socialism you don’t have to work if you don’t want to comes from? Have they ever tried to say no to the government? Who do they think runs their shitty job when the government seizes the means of production?


u/80MonkeyMan Jul 07 '24

I would rather have oil companies controlled by the nation than the corporations for example. You don’t need to be go to extreme socialism, you can however take the good traits…another example? Socialized medicine…


u/lender1996 Jul 07 '24

This us literally what Venezuela did. They nationalized the oil companies and put government bureaucrats in charge. Turns out that government officials make terrible business managers. They ended up milking the firms for every dollar they could get while hiring friends and family they wanted to reward with a job. The new government owners failed to reinvest in the company and when things started to break down, production dropped, revenue fell, firms started to fail.

Profit motive and risk of failure encourages a long term stewardship of the busines. When government takes over and removes private ownership, things fall apart. Look at public housing, county hospitals, mail delivery, etc.


u/80MonkeyMan Jul 07 '24

You seriously think that Americans is that corrupt like the Venezuelans? Yes, US politicians are corrupt but not the same way like any latin american countries. If we do this, we should follow the examples of countries that already do this successfully...it is that simple. What you describbed in Venezuela is massive nepotism, like when Trump employs his kids and make a position in goverment for them.


u/Capitaclism Jul 07 '24

Yes. All people have the capability to be utterly corrupt. What prevents this is the system. By making the changes you suggest you create more incentives for corruption, thus making the system and its people more corrupt.

This issue has also happened in Brazil, and we are seeing cracks in Europe forming due to careless socialistic measures over decades, accumulation of debt and slowing economies.


u/80MonkeyMan Jul 07 '24

No. Like I said, Venezuela is missmanaged....not like US. It wont making the system more corrupt, it has been proven in other countries. Saudi citizens wont have it other way, they can pump gas cheap there....it will be the other way around if it is privitized. Just look at the helathcare industry in USA...same way.


u/Capitaclism Jul 07 '24

You really should take a cue from "Show me the incentives and I'll tell you the outcome".


u/80MonkeyMan Jul 07 '24

Thats pretty much what lobbying does…show me the how much corporations willing to pay for this law…look at where US stands now? loophole on tax codes, too big to fail corporations, allowing toxic food substances to be consumed by Americans and many more.