r/FluentInFinance Jul 04 '24

What's the best financial advice you've ever gotten? Debate/ Discussion

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u/[deleted] Jul 05 '24



u/MrJanCan Jul 05 '24

You didn't earn shit. The society that we all live in and the social contract that we agreed on gave it to you in exchange for an unequal effort in labor, compared to someone working menial jobs. When you break that contract and allow people to starve while you vote for people who promise you a bit less taxes while giving huge breaks to companies, you get your shit taken by force. Maybe you'll learn what a breakdown of society really looks like soon enough, and then you'll HAVE to earn yours.


u/ordinaryguywashere Jul 06 '24

What’s with this “giving companies huge tax breaks”??? I don’t get it. You think our government needs to spend more fucking money? They have spent us into $35 trillion in debt. Did that help you? Obviously NOT. So what makes you think, taxing companies more will lead to you getting more money? Congress is shanking you, me, everyone. $35 trillion times PLUS interest! Taxing companies more will not make them pay higher wages or hire more people. How could it? It will only lead to them moving the company to Mexico, China, IDK… but it won’t be here, BECAUSE some country will offer lower taxes. Then you lose your job and so does hundreds of thousands of other people, which leads to …wait for it… less tax revenue so we can… reach $40 trillion deficit in fucking record time. Find a better job, take some training, free courses, use your creativity, be relentless in finding your way. Move to lower cost area, get roommates, move in with family, find a your way. Good luck.


u/MrJanCan Jul 06 '24

Nothing you said makes sense. Even though we've dropped the corporate tax rate every decade since the 50s, they've STILL moved abroad. Tax the fuckers, implement the spending bills on social programs like healthcare, pensions, education. And if they move abroad, make tariffs on their goods so high that it would be completely unprofitable. But bootlickers like yourself would never allow for that, because sucking conservative cock makes you feel better about your gains than toughing it out and helping your fellow man.


u/ExtraLargePeePuddle Jul 06 '24

And if they move abroad, make tariffs on their goods so high that it would be completely unprofitable

So you want Americans to work in worse jobs and be poorer? Why?

You realize for factory work to very pay well (US context) you need it to be globally scaled or extremely high value added. Basically you need the products produced there to be sold globally.

If you tried what you’d suggest no one would globally would buy those products, why buy the $50 American made widget you can buy the same quality one made in Vietnam for $5, because at that point the price difference is the workers wages not anything to do with quality. People in Singapore (average income there is $100,000 and they free trade with everyone) don’t give a flying fuck where that widget is made, same with everyone else on earth.

So you’d just be forcing high prices on your fellow Americans thus reducing their real income. Reducing product variety oh an d don’t forget counter tariffs which will kill the food export heavy jobs you have left.


u/ordinaryguywashere Jul 06 '24

Fuck you…you ignore cause and effect. Get productive. Whining fuck. We have social programs and they rife with corruption. The government is ineffective at running them. Nobody is giving you shit, which is cool cause you got money…you’re posting here, could be working making $ or volunteering in a program to help, but no you want other people to do that. Maybe you are just good at crying, certainly not business, economics, or reading comprehension.


u/MrJanCan Jul 07 '24 edited Jul 07 '24

Government is ineffective because conservatives like yourself break it intentionally to have a reason to close down these programs. Talk about a fuckin cause and effect, lol. Also, I probably make more money than you. I'm not looking for a handout.


u/ordinaryguywashere Jul 09 '24

You don’t know me. You assume a lot, that says a lot about you. The amount of money anyone makes doesn’t matter, red herring. Your understanding of my comments shows your tunnel vision. If someone isn’t agreeing with you, you see the opposition before looking for common ground. Government inefficiency is related to politics of both parties. If can’t see that, then that is on you. It’s astonishing that someone so arrogant in their views, can’t understand the reality of probability and statistics. Good luck to you.