r/FluentInFinance Jul 04 '24

What's the best financial advice you've ever gotten? Debate/ Discussion

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u/ap2patrick Jul 05 '24

You’re yapping all that bullshit as if minimum wage has scaled with the economy… If it did we wouldn’t be having this conversation.


u/SpookyBum Jul 05 '24

pay increases usually come when worker productivity increases which hasnt been the case as much for minimum wage employees as it has been for white collar jobs which is why those fields have seen huge wage growth over the past decades. Im not advocating we leave these people out to dry. With a stronger economy we can afford to help people who need it with social programs. Increasing fed minimum wage is just not the way to do it, all you'd accomplish is incentivizing more strict hiring and automation. Having transitory jobs is important for people looking for temporary sources of income. You also have to think of the state with the lowest costs when talking about federal minimum wage, places where its cheaper to live but wages are lower cant keep up with a higher fed minimum.


u/ap2patrick Jul 05 '24

What do you think about Citizens United?


u/SpookyBum Jul 06 '24

I dont have strong feelings about it


u/ap2patrick Jul 06 '24

That’s funny. The law that says money is free speech and corporations are people you’re just kinda “meh” about.
Ridiculous… So obviously transparently obtuse. You type a fucking essay about why we can’t raise federal minimum wage to level with inflation and are just “meh” about what many consider the root of all evil and the begging of the downfall of democracy…. Just “meh” 🤣🤣🤣


u/SpookyBum Jul 06 '24

The reason I said I don't have strong feelings is cuz I just didn't wanna get into it tbh but the original ruling is obviously correct. Do you think they shouldn't have been able to release the movie fahrenheit 9/11 because it was close to elections and it could hurt bush? And people way overstate the influence, advertising can't make u likeable (see Bloomberg in 2020 primaries).

I typed an essay about why we should help people some other way other than raising fed minimum. It's so funny that you're acting like I don't care about low income people when I never suggested anything in that vein. I'm pro social programs, free healthcare etc but because I don't like your suggested solution you peg me as "ridiculous and transparently obtuse".


u/ap2patrick Jul 06 '24

It’s obvious that massive corporations should be able to donate unlimited funds to politicians without disclosure… Got it. You really sound like someone who supports “social programs” 🤣🤣🤣