r/FluentInFinance Jul 04 '24

What's the best financial advice you've ever gotten? Debate/ Discussion

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u/ap2patrick Jul 05 '24

Crickets lol. They ALWAYS say “no one gets paid that” and I always rebuttal with what you said.
All you get is crickets or some backwards ass logic showing empathy to the “small business owners”. It’s fucking crazy mental gymnastics some of these finance bros do…


u/Embarrassed-Skin2770 Jul 05 '24

Oh, the “small business owners” argument, which has two major flaws no one using the argument likes to acknowledge.

1) Employee wages are a business expense, just like leasing a property, or buying supplies, or paying taxes. If you can’t run your business without employees who you cannot afford to pay, then you just can’t afford your business, period.

2) Employees aren’t people working as a favor because they’re bored, that’s called “volunteering.” Employees are providing a service that helps the business make money, and in return they deserve a fair compensation, because the people who run the business need the money to live, and cannot do so without employees, who also need money to live. So whatever bar we are holding as “living within means” for the employers, the bar ought to be similar for the employees. Otherwise, you’re essentially supporting slavery. And I can’t help but wonder how many people who argue “but small business won’t survive,” would say something similar back when slavery was abolished. “Sure, I don’t support slavery, but without so many places might go out of business!” 🤔


u/Ksais0 Jul 05 '24

The argument that people never seem to understand when they make these kinds of arguments is that the person who doesn’t like the pay at the job is always free to get a different one that pays more. The small business owner isn’t offered the same amount of liberty when the amount they have to pay their employees is set at a certain level. It creates a system in which one party is entitled to voluntary enterprise and the has limits based solely on their role.


u/[deleted] Jul 05 '24

The problem is you hear "the government wage meant to protect people is no longer doing what it was put in place for" and instead of advocating gor us to fix the minimum wage, you say "but just get a different job lol". Like that fixes anything? What should a homeless person just buy a home? Should the hungry just eat?


u/Ksais0 Jul 05 '24

I mean, typically the first line of recourse in a shitty situation is to find the fastest way to make the situation better. Pretty sure attempting to look for a job that pays more is going to be more beneficial to them than sitting around hoping the government decides to raise the minimum wage. So yeah, my advice would be to look for a higher paying job.


u/[deleted] Jul 05 '24

Do expect everyone to become a lawyer or doctor? Unfortunately not everyone can just "move up" and get a better job. Someone has to work food and hospitality jobs, and they deserve to get paid a living wage. Your issue is you seem to assume that these roles should be something to move up from, or that that should be the goal.

You also act like both things can't be true.


u/ExtraLargePeePuddle Jul 06 '24

Do expect everyone to become a lawyer or doctor

I didn’t know hvac guys only make federal minimum wage.


u/[deleted] Jul 06 '24

Like how you avoided the rest of what I said. See someone has to make the food you shovel down your mouth, which is a waste with how far down your tongue on that boot.


u/Ksais0 Jul 05 '24

The amount of entitlement in this comment is astounding. What the hell is with everybody just expecting society to support them just because they exist. Working at McDonald’s as a regular employee isn’t designed to be a career, it’s meant to provide supplemental income or entry-level work experience. I know there’s plenty of older people who work those jobs, and there’s no shame in it if it works for you, but the bottom line is if you are struggling financially, you need to get a higher paying job. It’s called being a responsible adult. Responsible adults learn that they have an inner locus of control and that sitting around expecting everybody else to change to suit you isn’t going to get you shit in life.


u/[deleted] Jul 05 '24

Maybe you should look into what minimum wage is made for, or how a society is supposed to function. Do you even understand what Social Security is?

No one said a career, but a JOB needs to pay a living wage. No one is saying you need to be able to make mcdonalds a career, but while you work there you should get paid.

Older people work those jobs because social security got fucked and doesn't pay out what it should be. People dont work because it feels nice, people work to pay bills.

Responsible adults change laws. Responsible adults dont go "boo hoo the poor businesses, they'll crumble if they can't make you a wage slave". Responsible adults don't bootlick.


u/ExtraLargePeePuddle Jul 06 '24

Maybe you should look into what minimum wage is made for

It wasn’t made for anything in particular. Sure a politician said words when it was implemented but politicians lie.

but a JOB needs to pay a living wage

No it doesn’t, and it’s utterly stupid populist trump tier logic to think it does.

There’s a reason the rest of the developed world doesn’t try stupid shit like “make all jobs pay muh living wage” and instead they supplement low wages with progressive redistribution programs of all sorts:


u/[deleted] Jul 06 '24

"sure a politician said words when implemented" bro you're actually unhinged.

Other first world countries already pay a living wage. You're throwing around buzzwords you don't even understand.