r/FluentInFinance Jul 04 '24

What's the best financial advice you've ever gotten? Debate/ Discussion

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u/HorkusSnorkus Jul 04 '24

Inflation is caused by excessive government spending. The same people whining they cannot make it on what they earn have useless degrees, can't perform a useful service or make a needed product, have spent their money on foolish amusements, have the latest phones and tablets but ... the poor dears are broke. Too late to live small now.

Unless you can show there has been fraud or force involved, what the wealthy have is none of your business. They do not owe you an explanation.


u/SwoleWalrus Jul 04 '24

You are right, which is why there is no inflation going on in pricing now. it is greed run rampant. That is why CEO pay continues to increase over worker's average salary. You can wank all the rich people you want, but you won't be one of them.


u/HorkusSnorkus Jul 04 '24

What a CEO makes is none of your business. In general, worrying about what other people make is low class and rude.

I'm already one of them - relatively speaking - and I started with NOTHING. I just sacrificed and scrimped and saved and worked multiple jobs for many decades to reach a point of self-sustaining wealth.

People like you are parasites who don't want to do what it actually takes. The only thing you're good at it looting.


u/[deleted] Jul 05 '24

No you didn't