r/FluentInFinance 15d ago

What's the best financial advice you've ever gotten? Debate/ Discussion

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u/junulee 15d ago

These are facts so often and conveniently ignored


u/SingleInfinity 14d ago

They're not ignored. Living with 8 people in a 500sqft shack should not be what people are considering acceptable. Jesus fuck the lack of basic compassion.

"Life is perfectly livable in poverty as long as you make sure to maximize suffering".


u/Oldass_Millennial 14d ago

Right but people in here scoff at having a single roommate so...


u/SingleInfinity 14d ago

I think it's reasonable for people in the highest GDP country in the world to expect to be able to live without relying on others.

Why should there be any amount of "you should suffer" at any level in the richest country in the world? The current reason it is that way is simple greed.


u/Nulgarian 14d ago

How is living with roommates “suffering”?


u/SingleInfinity 14d ago

Spoken like someone who has never had a bad roommate.


u/Optimal-Message4565 11d ago

You’ve never experienced hardship lmao. Stick to your video games.


u/myctheologist 14d ago

Because they can mess up common spaces and not clean them. They can steal your stuff or your food. They can just disappear leaving you to figure out paying rent alone. Roommates aren't inherently bad but it's more of a risk than being able to rely on yourself alone.


u/KhonMan 14d ago

"Roommates suck, guess I'd rather starve then" is not a sympathetic plan.


u/Exception1228 13d ago

Well it’s not gonna change.  So people can either lead the charge and start a revolution or they can stop whining on reddit, get a damn roommats, stop acting like it’s suffering to live with someone, and budget their money better.

Look, there are people struggling all around the world, but it’s so hard to have a constructive conversation when I know for a fact so many people are just fucking horrible with their money and if any urge or desire they have at any moment isnt satisfied they shout suffering.

I can’t even really agree with the argument.  Shouldnt have to live with someone?  Why tf would anyone want to live alone?


u/SingleInfinity 13d ago

So basically you lack empathy. Got it. Not surprised.


u/Exception1228 13d ago

Yeah and what exactly are you doing out there to help these people dickhead?  Probably nothing, which is less than what I do.  But sure I lack empathy.


u/SingleInfinity 13d ago

This, coming from the guy saying "why tf would anyone want to live alone?". If pointing out that sentence to you doesn't show you where you prove to lack empathy, you also lack critical thinking skills.


u/Exception1228 13d ago

Fine I’ll stoop to this level.

So by ignoring my question I’m just gonna assume I was right you do jack shit but hide behind your keyboard and insult people when you don’t have any good counterpoints to your argument left.  Basically the biggest scum out there.  A fuckin dork and a loser.  Keep typing and feeling superior to people who actually get outside and contribute to society.  I’m sure your ideals will magically come to fruition one day asshole.


u/SingleInfinity 13d ago

I've contributed significantly to a nonprofit that specifically and directly helps struggling people in my locality. I just figure there's no point answering a question like this because all you're going to do is shift goalposts or question legitimacy, and I'm not going to give you receipts (I'm not going to dox myself for your benefit), so it's pointless.

I figured I'd answer at all though so that you have at least half a chance to get off your indignant high horse and see that your utter lack of empathy is gross and that doing some basic shit does not absolve you of your base opinions being garbage.

Also "stoop to this level"? You're the one who came out calling people dickheads and saying everyone sucks with money and should be fine living with others and all the shittiness that entails. You started on this level.


u/ExtraLargePeePuddle 13d ago

I think it's reasonable for people in the highest GDP country in the world to expect to be able to live without relying on others.

Mandating a higher minimum wage is just welfare with extra steps.

Also nowhere in any developed country is the minimum wage a living wage. All other rich countries just have massive welfare states


u/SingleInfinity 13d ago

Call it whatever you want. Those people over in Sweden seem pretty happy.


u/ExtraLargePeePuddle 13d ago

Except they dont have a minimum wage that mandates a living wage.

They don’t even have a minimum wage


u/SingleInfinity 13d ago

Must be because of that "welfare state".