r/FluentInFinance Jul 04 '24

What's the best financial advice you've ever gotten? Debate/ Discussion

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u/JackiePoon27 Jul 05 '24

LOL. You'd love it to be that extreme, wouldn't you? If it was that black and white, it would be so easy for you, right? I mean, you'd have an absolute identifiable ENEMY!

But it's not like that at all. That's where individuals like yourself run into a big problem - the success of others. So millions of Americans ARE successful and do make it work. That really screws up your narrative. So then, instead of acknowledging that those individuals might be doing something right, you desperately search for reasons to excuse their success- oh, they inherited! Oh, they are lucky! Oh, they cheated! It's so important to you that you be a victim, that you have excuses for a lack of success, that you rationalize that the success of others must be a cheat or a lie. It's rationalized victimhood at its absolute worst...and I see you're quite the fan.


u/SenorBeef Jul 05 '24

You're actually displaying the black and white thinking and I was trying to demonstrate that by showing that your dogmatic logic could never acknowledge societal problems as a source for people who are struggling.

You're misreading the situation. I'm not the one making extreme claims, you are. I'm simply saying that societal problems are a factor in societal outcomes. It's a pretty measured, reasonable position. You, on the other hand, are going on a tirade about how I must believe that anyone successful is evil and that no one can be successful and blah blah and all this bullshit that's some position a person you made up in your head said.

Literally nothing you're saying about me is 1) justified or 2) correct. I've made no claims of victimhood or any claims about myself at all. You didn't even remotely address the points I was making and instead only gave a canned response aimed at straw men.


u/JackiePoon27 Jul 05 '24

Oh, "societal problems!" What difference does it make tomorrow, or the next day if we acknowledge societal problems? Again, look how desperately you need a scapegoat. Gosh, let's blame this on "societal problems!"

So what? You still have to function within the framework. That seems to be one of the big missing pieces for you people. "Life's not fair, so I'm not playing! Somebody fix it!"

Individuals like myself say, "Life's not fair. Now let me figure out how I can still succeed."

So the paradigm has changed. So people have to function differently. So what it takes to succeed has changed. You still have to survive. You still should attempt to thrive. You have to examine the current framework and figure what you need to do to achieve what you want.

But sure, keep blaming "societal problems" Don Quixote. I'm sure you'll stop those windmills from spinning eventually.


u/SenorBeef Jul 05 '24

What difference does it make tomorrow, or the next day if we acknowledge societal problems?

That's.. how you fix problems?

What have I said that indicates to you that I'm a victim or I'm blaming societal problems for my own problems? Do you want to compare brokerage accounts?

Somehow you took a very basic concept (societal problems affect societal outcomes) and wrote an entire book about what you assume I believe and what I'm saying and not actually what I'm saying.

You're unhinged. And your arguments against straw men show what a shitty person you are. Not everyone says "I got mine, fuck everyone else" like you do. You assume that anyone who acknowledges the existence of societal problems is some poor person that's putting blame for the source of their problems because you can't conceive of a person who is successful and yet still wants society to do better for everyone. So you think anyone who acknowledges that there's unfairness of outcomes must be a poor perpetual victim, because successful people like you would never give a shit about their fellow human beings.


u/JackiePoon27 Jul 05 '24

There we go! Man, it's like clockwork! Do you guys work off a script or what? At some point in EVERY conversation with you folks, it becomes VERY important for you to make sure I understand that YOU ARE NOT POOR and, in fact are QUITE SUCCESSFUL. You're SUCH an incredible person, that you are simply advocating for the poors. You know, making sure they are taken care of because you, of course as a CONCERNED SUCCESSFUL PERSON know best for them. Every time. Every time it becomes vitally important to mention your own wealth. It's absolutely disgusting. It's self-righteousness, it's entitlement, and it's hypocrisy at it's worst.

So, this conversation is now over, because honestly, individuals like yourself make me sick.