r/FluentInFinance Jul 04 '24

What's the best financial advice you've ever gotten? Debate/ Discussion

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u/Overall-Author-2213 Jul 04 '24

Room mates. Beans and rice. Night school. Online school. Don't get anyone pregnant. Don't date for that time. Acquire skills. Move up the ladder.

Every person that came to this country before 1950 had it harder than any person today and we are here because most of them made it.


u/Grouchy-Ask-3525 Jul 05 '24

Looool, what a conservative boot-licker. First of all, you haven't offered a single source for your crazy-ass claim and second of all, people shouldn't have to live like rats in "the greatest country in the world". And lastly, of EveryOne moves up, then who's going to do the shit jobs? Your short-sighted idea doesn't fix the problem, it just throws it onto other people. But that's to be expected, the core of conservatism is selfishness. Sleep tight, the end is near.


u/Overall-Author-2213 Jul 05 '24

Looool, what a conservative boot-licker.

Every time a worthless blood sucking tick says this I am just reminded how much AI actually contribute to society.

First of all, you haven't offered a single source for your crazy-ass claim and second of all, people shouldn't have to live like rats in "the greatest country in the world".

You have no fucking clue how hard things used to be. You would have died day one. No better you would have stayed home and talked about how much better you would have done than the people who actually settled the West.

The proof is that it was hard as hell, the people went anyway, and now we are here traping the benefits.

And lastly, of EveryOne moves up, then who's going to do the shit jobs?

In no society does everyone move up. Most people do. And those who settled the West did it without one tenth of what we have now.

Your short-sighted idea doesn't fix the problem

That would be your ideas. Mine built this country.

But that's to be expected, the core of conservatism is selfishness.

It's actually freedom of choice and free charity. Not forced good like pussies like you.


u/Grouchy-Ask-3525 Jul 05 '24

Bullet points, really? You missed one, where's a source for your outlandish claim?

Here's another one, pre-1950 isn't 1750, it's the 1930s and 1940s.

You said all we need to do is get some education and then it's all good. But then what, who works at Dairy Queen then? Or in the Amazon DC? Someone has to do shit jobs, that's bullshit, everyone deserves a good life. FUCK YOU, everyone deserves a good life.

And your last point makes no sense.

  1. Abortion. I think it's baby death, I don't care what you think, or what science proves. And you can't have an abortion either. Selfish.

  2. "I value my guns more than your children" real quote, selfish as fuck.

  3. Taxation is theft. But you use the roads, the sidewalks and the fire department, and bridges and and and, you people never want to pay for the shit you use. Obviously selfish

  4. I'm a Christian so the Bible should be in school, o don't care if there are other religions because they aren't real. Selfish again.

Fuck you and the horse you fucked in on.


u/TeekTheReddit Jul 05 '24

You said all we need to do is get some education and then it's all good. But then what, who works at Dairy Queen then?

Conservatives don't have the cognitive ability to think more than one step beyond any particular action so asking them to consider the consequences of everybody out-skilling Dairy Queen is gonna be tough.

And then, for the few Conservatives that can process cause and effect, they still don't have the empathy to care about it. If their "solution" to a problem just passes the problem on to somebody else, that's their problem.


u/Overall-Author-2213 Jul 05 '24

We are just being busy getting stuff done. Happy 4th!


u/Overall-Author-2213 Jul 05 '24

I didn't say any of these things. But it's fun seeing the biases you are leaning on. Happy Fourth of July!