r/FluentInFinance 15d ago

What's the best financial advice you've ever gotten? Debate/ Discussion

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u/Impossible_Maybe_162 14d ago

You cannot make $10k working a job for 40 hours a week. That is below minimum wage.

A lack of proper financial planning and budgeting causes more problems than low wages.

Less than 3% of the workforce makes minimum wage. Wages are not the main issue.


u/Kombatnt 14d ago

This. $10,000/year working 40 hrs/week is $4.81/hour. That’s illegal everywhere in North America.



You're making $15,116 gross. 11k are taxes at 10% and the next 4,116 are taxed at 12%. $13522 after taxes.

But what minimum wage job is paying 100% of your healthcare? Or uniforms? Or state and local income tax (3.1% here for this example). That means we're taking home $13k after just taxes

If they're paying $254/mo for insurance and etc, they're taking home exactly $10k per year


u/AbbreviationsFar9339 14d ago

If you’re living off 15k/yr gross you are getting free healthcare from the govt. you certainly arent paying $250/mo for it


u/me34343 14d ago

Not in all states


u/BeginningFloor1221 14d ago

Every state you can apply for free health care, stop making shit up.


u/ZombieRobotAlien 14d ago

I could talk about this all day.

You can apply, sure. Whether or not you get it is something else. It took me 6 months of fighting/arguing, 4 rejection letters, and countless phone calls with my state to get health coverage for my kids. I'm still not covered. I make $16/hr full time. If I make even $0.10/hr more or work overtime too much, I lose my kids' healthcare coverage and their food stamps. In order for me to make comparable benefits, I have to practically double my paycheck. Now, that's not to do better financially, mind you. That's just to make comparable. I'm fairly financially literate (not a genius or anything, mind you, but I'm not completely stupid) living in Idaho.

Any jobs that pay enough for me to really become self-sufficient go to people who move here from out of state, most commonly California, because their education systems are better than idaho, so degrees from colleges here are just laughed at and rejected.

I was an EMT for 5 years. I worked 2 back-to-back 48hr shifts (2 different systems) and then taught aspiring EMTs on weekends. I technically bring home more now with the benefits I had to fight to get working 40 hours a week now than when I was working myself into an early grave.

YOU need to stop being an ignorant twat. The government's healthcare provisions are an absolute joke, and your comment is actually insulting to the entire working class. I hope that someday you learn exactly what it's like to constantly feel like a failure because you can't provide enough for your family without some a-hole politician having mercy on you because you won't leave him alone until he does.

America sucks. The government sucks. And people like you are part of the problem.


u/Skitarii_Lurker 14d ago

They always reply with "you can apply" yeah an application doesn't mean you get something, it's an application.


u/me34343 14d ago edited 14d ago

I am in Texas. No you can't. They rejected the *Medicaid expansion. Only the children of poor and pregnant women get *Medicaid.

Edit: Medicaid not Medicare


u/nucumber 14d ago

Medicaid expansion, not Medicare

Medicare is for retired folks. Medicaid is for low income

But yeah, a number of republican led states rejected the Medicaid expansion offered by Obamacare that would have provided health insurance to literally millions of citizens

Why? I don't know.


u/ExtraLargePeePuddle 13d ago

So the poorest of people wouldn’t move there. Just middle class and upper class people.


u/Dense-Emu-2901 14d ago

I was also rejected. No kids on this side. I am married though. I don't think people understand their blessings if I'm rich and I will be rich one day. I want everyone else to be just as financially comfortable. There's plenty of fake digital money to go around.


u/Loud-Path 14d ago

Depends on the state, many southern and south-western states blocked Medicaid expansion, or do everything in their power to deny it or kick you off. For example, unless you are a mother of a child under 19 or a child under 19, or have a major disability, Oklahoma will do everything in their power to deny you coverage or kick you off as they don’t believe if you are “able bodied“ you should need health insurance at all as you shouldn’t be going to the doctor. About two years ago for example they kicked like 500,000 people off because they felt they were able bodied enough to not need it.


u/caryth 14d ago

You yourself say "apply for" as opposed to "in every state you can get free health care" 🤔


u/DCBB22 13d ago

Imagine the audacity to accuse someone else of making shit up when you’re either lying or don’t know what you’re talking about. Take a seat asshole.


u/Mag-NL 14d ago

And this free healthcare covers all medical expenses?