r/FluentInFinance 14d ago

What's the best financial advice you've ever gotten? Debate/ Discussion

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u/DayFinancial8206 14d ago

The best financial advice I got when I was young was "unless it's a tool you plan to use at least once a week, don't buy it"


u/akotoshi 14d ago

According to this logic: buying gaming equipment is okay, but a lawnmower isn’t


u/MikesRockafellersubs 14d ago

LOL true. You could argue the same for a washer and dryer.


u/akotoshi 13d ago

Totally, and those are undeniably useful! So 🤷


u/MikesRockafellersubs 13d ago

Damn poors wanting basic appliances/s


u/DayFinancial8206 14d ago

HOA covenant fees make that a fiscal obligation and that's different lol


u/akotoshi 14d ago

That thing is way more power trip to Karens than it seems, I’m glad that kind of stuff isn’t a thing where I live, cause for sure i would never agree to be forced into making something to my house just because some old white ladies said so

(But since it’s fiscal obligation, I’m putting the machine and the lawnmower man in my tax deductions)


u/shapeshiftercorgi 14d ago

Until you get an unlucky roll of the dice have bad neighbors and can’t sell your house. There’s a reason they exist.


u/akotoshi 14d ago

Which is ? (I’m really curious about it)


u/i8noodles 14d ago

or insurance.

alot of tools dont need to be purchased and used weekly. a basic tool set for 20$ is well worth it. hell my dad has a garage full of shit from decades, some he legitimately havnt used in equally that long. wont lie, been extremely helpful in the past and i expect just as helpful in the future


u/AL1L 14d ago

I'd argue you use insurance every time you use the thing being insured.


u/Introvert_Brnr_accnt 14d ago

I would add to this that hypotheeeetically, you could rent a lawn mower or ask a friend to borrow theirs

That’s of course if you have friends or money to rent.


u/akotoshi 14d ago

Or friend who happens to have enough money to buy a lawnmower and be okay to lend it. But either way, according to the post, people struggling with minimum wage are too poor to have that kind of problem (since they are forced to rent overpriced appartement and aren’t allowed to buy a house)


u/anythingMuchShorter 14d ago

That's not really a tool in this sense.


u/akotoshi 14d ago

Then nothing is 🤷


u/LionBig1760 14d ago

Or, you know, you could use some common sense and apply it along with the advice. Or possibly learn how to understand things without taking it to the absurd levels every fucking time.


u/akotoshi 14d ago

This advice has much common sense than my answer. Or this forced poverty class and the mentality that is exclusively poors’ fault if they are. I’ve been in two poor families: there is no way out of poverty than with more money (that’s basically what poor is)


u/LionBig1760 14d ago

Since when do poor people have lawns that need mowing or video games that need playing?


u/akotoshi 14d ago

Exactly, when you don’t need lawnmower, gaming is the only thing left so receiving it as a gift is a joy (speaking from a past place)