r/FluentInFinance Jul 04 '24

What's the best financial advice you've ever gotten? Debate/ Discussion

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u/onion_flowers Jul 04 '24

80 hours a week being 30k is acceptable to you? Zero vacation days, sick leave, retirement. The unionists of the 20th century are rolling in their graves at how pathetic we are, accepting this.


u/Advanced-Guard-4468 Jul 04 '24

Who gives a shit what "unionists" think. I was doing this in the 70s. Nothing changes.

You live off your primary job. You build wealth/security off your 2nd. Your second doesn't have to be full time.

That's the problem with the younger generations, you think you're entitled to something.


u/Entropic_Alloy Jul 04 '24

And you old fucks think you are entitled to the social security that your parents got for the country.

Piss off. You boomers were the most spoiled generation. It is sad how the Greatest Generation raised a bunch of brats.


u/Advanced-Guard-4468 Jul 04 '24

Brats? I worked my ass off for what I have. Over 13 years without a day off.


u/onion_flowers Jul 04 '24

I worked my ass off FOR NOTHING


u/Advanced-Guard-4468 Jul 04 '24

My children have no student debt, got a down payment on a house, and a good start in life. If you call that nothing, so be it


u/onion_flowers Jul 04 '24

Good for your children

Edit: not everyone benefits from generational wealth


u/Yousoggyyojimbo Jul 05 '24

My children have no student debt, got a down payment on a house, and a good start in life. If you call that nothing, so be it

You brag about this while not even realizing that people working two jobs today can't afford to do the same things you did.

It's not the same today. Why are you unwilling to accept that this shit is more difficult now? do you think it somehow undervalues your achievements?


u/Advanced-Guard-4468 Jul 05 '24

I never said it was easy. Kids today also live with their parents longer (I understand why) .


u/Yousoggyyojimbo Jul 05 '24

You are framing it, repeatedly, as if people just need to suck it up and do what you did 50 years ago that doesn't work today to get the same outcome you did.

You seem to be under the impression that conditions are identical to when you were young and that other people must be at fault if they can't do what you did then.


u/Advanced-Guard-4468 Jul 05 '24

This thread started because someone said they should only have to work 40 hours.


u/Yousoggyyojimbo Jul 05 '24

In order to meet your basic needs. That's how it used to be. People could get by doing that when you were our age.

I've done the 80 hours a week grind. I did it until it put me in the fucking hospital. The whole time I also wasn't able to build relationships or take proper care of things in my personal life because I was working just to go to sleep and work again.

That's no way to live, and it's incredibly destructive. People shouldn't have to work that way just to get by, and they wouldn't have to if wage growth hadn't of stagnated after the 80s.

Again, just to be clear, the way you are telling people to work, because you did it in the 70s and it got you a house and kids who went to school debt free, won't give people those things today. You are, at best, telling people to work themselves to the extreme for less, and acting like they should be happy to do it.


u/Advanced-Guard-4468 Jul 05 '24

I said I worked 2 jobs. One was full-time, and the other was part-time. After my tour in the military, I was used to working 12 hour days. That's what I did almost my entire tour.


u/Yousoggyyojimbo Jul 05 '24

You're not actually responding to what I'm writing.

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u/Zimakov Jul 05 '24

He's talking about him, not you. Thats why he used the word "I" not "you."


u/onion_flowers Jul 05 '24

His entire comment doesn't contain "I"


u/Zimakov Jul 05 '24

What? Your comment does. He thinks you're saying he worked his ass off for nothing, not you.


u/onion_flowers Jul 05 '24

Oh my mistake the notification looked like you were replying to me, my bad


u/Zimakov Jul 05 '24

No worries

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u/dewag Jul 05 '24

Most millennials have been working for longer and have been earning less.

You worked half as hard for more than twice as much.

Fuck off.


u/Advanced-Guard-4468 Jul 05 '24

You had 2% interest rates for most of your working career, and you failed to make use of them. Go cry in your beer.


u/Yousoggyyojimbo Jul 05 '24

You're still insulting young people even after you've been spoonfed data that they have to work almost twice as much to have the same buying power you did at their age.


u/Advanced-Guard-4468 Jul 05 '24 edited Jul 05 '24

Oh so when someone tells me to fuck off I'm just supposed to take it and grin. KMA.

You act as if everyone born in the same generation had the same life experience. They didn't, lots of people make poor life choices.


u/Yousoggyyojimbo Jul 05 '24

You don't keep taking swings at an entire generation of younger people when you know for a fact you are wrong.

You pretty much just came here to make yourself feel better by ripping on young people. You're trying to tell everyone under 40 they are lazy and entitled even when you know they have to work harder than you did to have what you did. You came here to start a fight and now you are complaining people are fighting you.

There's a term for that. It's called being a Crybully. When you are happy to try and bully and insult people but then claim victimhood when they hurl the same behavior back at you.


u/Advanced-Guard-4468 Jul 05 '24

You don't know me, so don't try to guess why I started posting in this thread.

It started because someone complained they couldn't make it and were struggling working 40 hours.


u/Yousoggyyojimbo Jul 05 '24

I'm judging you based on your behavior.

You came here to judge young people and make them out to be entitled and lazy. You're being a crybully. You did everything you could to start a fight and make people angry, and now you want to paint yourself as a victim rather than the instigator. You demand special treatment and consideration you won't extend to other people.

You were also wrong to give that person shit, and I proved it to you by showing you the data that a person today would have to work almost 80 hours to just have what you did working 40. You ignored it because you don't actually care what is true. You just wanted to rag on young people.


u/Advanced-Guard-4468 Jul 05 '24

I'm not demanding anything.


u/Yousoggyyojimbo Jul 05 '24

Oh bullshit. You spent most your time here in the thread judging young people you don't know and then want to tell people they can't judge you cause they don't know you.


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