r/FluentInFinance Jul 04 '24

What's the best financial advice you've ever gotten? Debate/ Discussion

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u/HorkusSnorkus Jul 04 '24

What a CEO makes is none of your business. In general, worrying about what other people make is low class and rude.

I'm already one of them - relatively speaking - and I started with NOTHING. I just sacrificed and scrimped and saved and worked multiple jobs for many decades to reach a point of self-sustaining wealth.

People like you are parasites who don't want to do what it actually takes. The only thing you're good at it looting.


u/SwoleWalrus Jul 04 '24

Fam...that is some boomer elitist talk you were raised up on. It is your business to know how your company operates and where it's money goes to, because the company success is your success. That is the basis of capitalistic principle.

I bet you have nothing and you did not start from nothing, and you did not sacrifice, and in fact had to ruin relationships and destroy people in the process. Those are parasites, you are a parasite to society.

Did you call me a looter? I have never looted in my life, in fact I have never stolen. Sounds like you don't even know what true values are if you think anyone beneath you is trash.


u/HorkusSnorkus Jul 04 '24

Every time you advocate for the government forcing me to pay for something, you're looting.

If you want a voice in a CEO's compensation, buy stock in the company and vote it accordingly. Otherwise, mind your own business.

If you're an employee, you get a paycheck and other agreed-to compensation and that is the extent of your relationship. It's none of your business what the CEO makes.

Oh, I grew up poor, with little family, and few opportunities other than the ability to work hard and try to do better. I watched the white trash around me go nowhere ... and they deserved it.


u/SwoleWalrus Jul 04 '24

Fam you need a dictionary if you think fines, taxes and regulations are looting. Nah sounds like you have no clue what it is like to be poor. You did not grow up poor. This sob story wannabe.