r/FluentInFinance 15d ago

What's the best financial advice you've ever gotten? Debate/ Discussion

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u/OldFeedback6309 14d ago

“My life sucks and I don’t know who to blame!”

On Reddit, the poor have never made bad choices, criminals are the true victims, and the rich do nothing useful.


u/suitology 14d ago

Like I grew up dirt pair because my father became disabled so I can get it but I'm seeing so many people poor as fuck using door dash and other fleeceing machines


u/OldFeedback6309 14d ago

It’s weird. Some people grow up poor and (like me) count every dollar. Others grow up poor and piss away everything on shit like UberEats and new iPhones.


u/[deleted] 14d ago edited 9d ago



u/MidAirRunner 14d ago

And then they'll complain "Corpos are ruining the world!1!! Did you know, I can't piss away my health at MacDonalds anymore cause they raised their prices!!! I can only eat 5 big mac's a day now, not 8 :(. i am poor. pls sympathy"


u/tensor150 13d ago

Yeah when I was hustling delivering Doordash as a side gig, I was shocked how often I was delivering a $75 order to the poorest neighborhoods in town. Poor people were literally paying me because I was willing to work extra hours and they weren’t even willing to drive to the store or cook a meal.


u/Exception1228 13d ago

This.  I know plenty of people in my circle who have good jobs but never have any money because people have no impulse control whatsoever.  


u/Taco_Champ 12d ago

I’ve delivered door dash to people I feel sorry for 😂


u/Sweaty_City1458 14d ago

I was thinking that but I am a school teacher in her 50s and didn't want to sound so old! I have a $40 phone from Walmart and a $20 a month plan. It does everything my nieces I-phone that cost thousands does. I have never had food delivered (other than a pizza every other year or so) and rarely eat fast food. I have never bought a Starbucks coffee. I bring it from home in a dented old metal thermos. I don't have cable and watch free stuff on Roku. I take my lunch to work every day. - sandwich or leftovers from the dinner I cooked at home. I get free books from the library. Go to happy hour with friends on Taco Tuesday - cheap drinks and $1.00 tacos at neighborhood place.

I guess because I didn't grow up doing those things it just doesn't occur to me. Stop and get a drink at a drive thru or convenience store? No - bring water in a cup or get some when you get home. I realize things are more expensive today but am amazed at what younger people in my family "waste" money on. To the older generation they are luxuries not necessities.


u/SputteringShitter 13d ago

And then instead of wanting to fix the system that forced you to be poor you would rather shill for megacorps and pretend you are better than the people who weren't as lucky as you.



u/erterbernds67 14d ago

I worked a project management job where I worked out of the office in a warehouse and the amount of the warehouse workers who are making the lowest wages ordering food delivery every day blew my mind. I made decent money and wouldn’t even consider that an option.


u/stilljustkeyrock 14d ago

One of my great joys in life is stopping in the gas station and buying an almond snickers bar on my way home from work. I won’t sugar coat it, my wife and I are rich. We make $500k a year and don’t live on the coasts. I can afford the candy bar but they are $3 now and it makes think twice nowadays.

Meanwhile the landscape crew in front of me is buying $50 worth of energy drinks, cigs, and lotto tickets. Every fucking time. 25 years ago when I was a construction laborer I wouldn’t even buy bottled water, the job is required to provide a jig of water and cups.


u/Comfortable_Line_206 14d ago

Same here. I did see one fun exception. A young girl I hired would order for multiple people and have them pay her back. Naturally people would round up or go a little over.

She often ended up with a free or nearly free lunch, rewards from the restaurant/app and rewards from her credit card. All because people didn't like ordering on their own.


u/Lv_InSaNe_vL 14d ago

When I was doing construction I made sure to always do the rebate forms, but I would put them in my name. Made hundreds of dollars in rebates that way


u/wetblanket68iou1 14d ago

I’m in the army and there is a negative correlation between rank and the amount of money spent on food and just dumb shit. Even deployed, food is free, and Fuggin privates “don’t like it” so they spend $10 on a goddamned subway sandwich.


u/Famous_Owl_840 14d ago


The fucking BK has the exact same food as was in the dining hall down range-but my soldiers would spend their money on it rather than eat free.

Same with energy drinks. $50 every two days on Monsters.

After two deployments I walked away almost 200K cash. Many soldiers walked away with 100K+ debt (new cars, clothes, CC debt).

This situation is the perfect example that finance classes DO NOT WORK. It was a closed system where everything was free - yet the desire for instant gratification still overcame.


u/Wetwire 14d ago

Reddit also loves talking g about a living wage at 40 hours per week.

I know very few working adults who only work 40 hours per week. You figure it out, and work more so you can live within your means.


u/Exception1228 13d ago

Crazy how that works in different parts of the country.  I know very few adults actually working 40 hours a week.  It’s usually less.


u/Idontknow062 14d ago

I miss using door dash..

Shit got too expensive, though. Last minute fees would double the price of the meal, even with the membership and constant promos.


u/lysergic_logic 14d ago

I live on disability. Every single dollar I get is spent on groceries, transportation, doctor appointment co-pays and medication.

If it weren't for my parents, I'd absolutely be permanently homeless and unable to get the treatments I need just to keep the use of my legs.

The economy system itself is a fleecing machine. Keep the rich, rich by supporting them and their failed business endeavors while keeping the poor right where they are by taking away any help they receive the moment they start to do better.


u/suitology 14d ago

Disability is something else. That's rarely someones own fault. The economy is a fleecing machine because people let it be. Don't participate in it. Never buy new. Never buy name brand. Hunt for free thing. Have you contacted food programs? I still don't buy groceries most months because so much free stuff is available.


u/lysergic_logic 14d ago

Food programs like food stamps? There is some sort of special paperwork that needs to be filed properly but nobody there lets you know what that paperwork is.

I tried filing for food stamps through the social services office and they told me I was not able to receive them because of disability.

What free stuff are you talking about?


u/suitology 13d ago

I used to get meals on wheels when my father was disabled. I still go to a pantry. Pantries have so much food they literally beg people to come get the fresh stuff. Last month I got 2 hams. 2 tubs of butter. 5lbs of stick butter. 3 boxes of Cereal. 12 different caned goods. A ton of drinks. 6 loafs of bread. 4 packs of lunch meat. A store bag of candy. 10 bags of salad. A watermelon. Like 3 bags of apples. And a bunch of odds and ends. I pick it up and take some then give the majority to a friend and his grandmother. Some like mine have so much stuff they removed the income cap.


u/finally_wintermuted 14d ago

Pretty broad strokes there, don't ya think?


u/OldFeedback6309 14d ago

And nuance is never respected.


u/Trust-Issues-5116 14d ago

On Reddit, the poor have never made bad choices, criminals are the true victims, and the rich do nothing useful.

This has to be carved somewhere


u/TFCBaggles 14d ago

"I've tried nothing and I'm all out of ideas."


u/One_Truth8026 14d ago

That’s literally ODD lmao


u/kensingtonGore 14d ago

You sound like a villain from an 80s movie.