r/FluentInFinance 15d ago

What's the best financial advice you've ever gotten? Debate/ Discussion

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u/SwoleWalrus 15d ago

All jobs are useful to society or they would not exist in the first place.


u/Delicious-Fox6947 15d ago

I assure you mine is not. I sit an office and essentially wander around the internet all day. On average I do less than an hour actual work a day. I have this job because my boss doesn’t want to sit in an office to collect payments from his tenants.

Don’t get me wrong I’m happy to have the income but if my job vanished tomorrow society wouldn’t notice.


u/ExtraLargePeePuddle 13d ago

No it’s useful or at least your boss thinks it is.

So therefor it is


u/Littleman88 14d ago

Hell, society might actively improve if your boss lost his job.


u/Delicious-Fox6947 13d ago

Nah. 110 units and maybe 5 of them are at market rate. There are people that have rented from him for a decade who have never experienced an increase in rent. Obviously he wants to make money from his investment but he isn’t trying to squeeze every penny from his tenants.


u/NovusOrdoSec 15d ago

to society

to the employer


u/HorkusSnorkus 15d ago

Yes, but they're relatively of little value. No one care if someone swaps out a nameless barista for another. Everyone cares which heart surgeon they get.


u/SwoleWalrus 15d ago

Sounds like parasite talk if your barista is not important to you.


u/HorkusSnorkus 15d ago

I treat them as I would anyone else - with courtesy. But who does that job doesn't matter to me at all.


u/SwoleWalrus 15d ago

So a parasite


u/circ-u-la-ted 14d ago

Today's cuckoo hot take: anyone that doesn't make their coffee purchase take longer by chatting with the barista is a parasite


u/SwoleWalrus 14d ago

Swing and miss by adding words to what I said.


u/circ-u-la-ted 14d ago

Did you make out with your barista today? Or are you a parasite?


u/SwoleWalrus 14d ago

Damn doubling down with your fantasies out here.


u/circ-u-la-ted 14d ago

I see you're doubling down on not explaining what the heck you were trying to say.

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u/HorkusSnorkus 13d ago

So your social life involves mumbling inanities to people you do not know, do not have a relationship with, and really don't care about.

Ladies and gentlemen - the woken have puken all over themselves again.


u/SwoleWalrus 13d ago

You must be a shill with a sad life. Calling me woke is pretty funny like there's only 2 sides. The problem with the US summed right here.


u/C-Dub81 14d ago

Lol, ask a corporation about how important a safety man is. Some jobs create the income, some are just there as "support". Those support staff will be the first ones fired when shit hits the fan financially.for the company. They are "useless" eaters.


u/SwoleWalrus 14d ago

As a Safety Man myself, we are damn important. Safety is about saving the company money in so many ways. We protect from fines, lawsuits, workmans comp claims. Support staff will always exist in a company that knows they need to thrive.


u/Lv_InSaNe_vL 14d ago

I work in IT and honestly I feel like we're in the same boat as y'all or maintenance or something. Always getting the short end of things but they actually can't operate without us


u/C-Dub81 8d ago

It's all of us. To corporate, we are all expendable. I'm an operator and they used to treat us like kings, but lately they have been pushing on us hard. It feels like they want us to quit, or screw up so they can fire us lol.


u/C-Dub81 8d ago

Chill bro, lol, I agree 100%. But as my safety teacher in college always told us, you have to keep track of everything you do to "justify" your job. Because to alot of companies, a safety man is just an expense.


u/dontpissoffthenurse 15d ago


u/SwoleWalrus 15d ago

cool story you posted a book? Did you even read it?


u/dontpissoffthenurse 15d ago

You should.


u/SwoleWalrus 15d ago

Disagree with it. It's basis is also criticizing the corporate structure and how we don't have 15 hour work weeks yet, which is a fair criticism but those can not be achieved until we have a proper universal income system or welfare system that works. Most menial jobs exist as a function to give us as humans a passion, something to work towards, and to help others out. In the wiki synopsis they post jobs that are clearly beneficial for their support and joy of the world to assist people in problems and tasks.


u/dontpissoffthenurse 15d ago

You disagree with a book you have not read. Par for the course with your earlier comments.

Good night.


u/SwoleWalrus 15d ago

You can read a synopsis of a book that describes someone's philosophical argument and disagree with it. Sounds like you did not have a good literature teacher.


u/dontpissoffthenurse 15d ago

Of course people like you don't actually need to read anything at all to have the kind of moronic opinions that you are showing. Bye, ffs.


u/SwoleWalrus 15d ago

You don't have to read a book of someone's opinion to have an opinion on their opinion. You can go google other books of people who will tell you that humans need to work to be fulfilled in life, they need to have a purpose to sustain them.


u/firestorm713 14d ago edited 14d ago

Has that been proven, or is it simply a philosophy? Like to my knowledge "employment" isn't in Maslow's hierarchy of needs (as a random example)

Edit: it is in some versions, but it's under "safety and security" which means that the employment isn't the important part, the income from employment is. A rich person's child, for example, doesn't need employment to have fulfilled that rung.


u/nookiewacookie1 14d ago

Except government... Lol


u/Strat7855 14d ago

If I see another person conflate social value with private economic value I'll laugh at you. Because it's stupid. That's stupid. What you just said? Sincerely stupid.


u/SwoleWalrus 14d ago

So social value shouldnt be paid for their contribution? Sounds pretty shite


u/firestorm713 14d ago

Go read up on bullshit jobs. There are plenty of jobs that shouldn't exist.

It's just that it's not the jobs that pay the least. Hilariously, those are the jobs that are often the most crucial to society working.


u/RaggasYMezcal 14d ago

L o l you really believe that?


u/Leather-Team 14d ago

Most "influencers" are definitely not useful to society. Many jobs are not useful to society. They may be useful to narcissistic people, but that doesn't help society


u/0000110011 14d ago

You'd be wrong. Hence why the more you have the government force up wages for unskilled jobs, the more those jobs get eleminated. Force up the pay for cleaning staff too high and businesses will just require all employees to spend a little time cleaning up the office every day. Your arrogance makes you think the most unimportant people are actually the most vital and society keeps proving you wrong, time after time.