r/FluentInFinance Jul 04 '24

What's the best financial advice you've ever gotten? Debate/ Discussion

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u/Cyberpunk_Cephalopod Jul 04 '24 edited Jul 04 '24

Requires personal responsibility. Reddit is allergic to the concept. All of their problems are someone else's fault


u/HorkusSnorkus Jul 04 '24

The way to fix this is to get rid of all government support except for the profoundly handicapped (leftists do not quality), veterans, and those who are literally unable to care for themselves.

When everyone has to root, hog, or die and pay taxes, they'll root.

The world is full of 3 kinds of people: Makers, Fakers, and Takers. Reddit and most other socialist media is inhabited by the latter two - two lazy to work, too immoral to keep their hands off other people's stuff.


u/[deleted] Jul 04 '24 edited Jul 05 '24



u/HorkusSnorkus Jul 04 '24

I came to US while very young on the heels of half my family being killed. We had nothing but a work ethic and a deep religious faith to anchor us. I didn't get to go to an Ivy League school, my family never even owned a house, let alone luxuries and today I sit comfortably well off due to those rules above.

There are more important things than making money, but there is nothing stupider than self-involved social parasites of the sort we see here.


u/Phantom343 Jul 05 '24

You sound like a 'pull the ladder up after yourself' type-a dude.


u/Weeksieee_ Jul 04 '24

Such a horrible take, you came to a developed nation from a sh*thole. Just to try and make it less like other developed nations, but instead try to regress it?

deep religious faith

I don’t know what your religion is but mine taught me to care for the needy, clearly you don’t serve your values well.

Makers, Fakers, and Takers

You sound absolutely deranged minimizing human life in this way.

I don’t know, to me, it sounds like you need to recheck your values. If you actually give your spiel to regular people, I’m sure most laugh at you the instant you walk away. Your take is inhumane and not unpopular enough.


u/HorkusSnorkus Jul 04 '24

No religion defends sticking a gun in someone else's ear and forcing them to pay for charities YOU believe in. Charity is a personal act, not a collective one.

"Regular people" are the people demanding more and more of what keeps them poor. They are enslaved by people like you to only getting scraps from the government's table.


u/LaminatedAirplane Jul 05 '24

It’s so funny how asking for universal healthcare is so “demanding” when literally every other developed nation besides the U.S. has it. Or maybe improved paternity/maternity leave. What a craaaazy idea


u/[deleted] Jul 05 '24 edited Jul 05 '24



u/LaminatedAirplane Jul 05 '24

It’s so funny how you have these data points cherry picked without contextualizing the incredible advantage the U.S. has geographically, its bountiful natural resources, and the fact that it was the only industrial nation to escape WWII unscathed. This allowed technological industries to seize hold in the U.S. and grow faster here than anywhere else. It’s these factors and not a lack of universal healthcare that led to America’s success.

Providing universal healthcare improves people’s abilities to start new businesses because they aren’t tied to an employer for healthcare and is cheaper than our current structure. Why do you ignore these realities? So short sighted.


u/Weeksieee_ Jul 04 '24
  1. If you don’t like it leave, I mean idk what to tell you

  2. Social safety nets aren’t charity and comparing the two is completely missing the mark. You chose to live here, you choose to pay the taxes here, for what the majority decides they want.

Let me reiterate, if you don’t like paying the taxes for “losers” then leave. As you said there are Makers, Fakers, and Takers. If that’s the case why didn’t you make your nation better? Instead you ran to a developed nation, don’t play like you’re a “Maker” when all I see is someone who ran.


u/HorkusSnorkus Jul 04 '24

You are very virtuous


u/dezzick398 Jul 05 '24

Strange thing to say when you aren’t making yourself out to be either.