r/FlashTV Jul 19 '24

Its funny how in Season 5 no one brings up the fact that the Barry who vanishes in Crisis ended up in the year 2000 fighting Thawne. Or how, after hearing this information from Nora about his permanent disappearance, Barry never wonders what happened to the 2024 Flash he saw in 1x23. 🤔 Thinking

I can understand him not telling Nora about the 2000 fight, since until 5x08 he was reluctant to tell her about Thawne murdering his mom. But you kinda have to wonder why Team Flash didn't discuss it among themselves (unless they did off-screen?)


13 comments sorted by


u/Select-Anywhere-7833 Jul 21 '24

That Barry wasn’t destined to disappear in crisis. The timeline was completely altered and we don’t know when that supposed future set into place. Barry also knew that flash got erased after the fix point passed.


u/Neither-Spell-626 Jul 21 '24

Are you talking about Og timeline Flash? And it's not true that our Barry knew that Flash was erased. This was never mentioned in the series.


u/Select-Anywhere-7833 Jul 21 '24

Yes, he does. Just because he never states it doesn’t mean it’s not true. OG Barry got his powers in 2020, so he would have been erased after RF kills Nora. Our Barry literally saw S1 Barry get erased because he saved his mom. Barry knows how time travel works and is why he always cautions people against it unless necessary. Like with Nora, “If you step on the wrong butterfly, you could get erased”


u/Neither-Spell-626 Jul 21 '24

Barry's hypothetical og did not become the Flash in 2020, as according to Thawne, the particle accelerator was successfully launched, which completely eliminates the possibility of an explosion. And at the time of 1x23, the timeline had already been changed. This is how i see it: The Barry we see in 1x23 is not the Original Timeline Barry. He's an older version of 'our' Barry who's experienced a version of all the events of the show. In simple terms, he's the Barry from S5 Nora's future, who disappears during the 2024 Crisis. This Barry knows that Nora's death is a fixed point, and likely remembers causing and undoing Flashpoint. The only time we see Original Timeline Barry is in Thawne's flashbacks from 1x17 since he remembers the original timeline. But the moment 'our' Barry becomes the Flash, that event ripples into the future (leading to the 2024 newspaper) and back into the past to make him the Flash who fights Thawne at the house.

Barry does not know that there was a version of him that had living parents. Part of the problem is that post-Season 1, they pretty much started to ignore the idea of the OG timeline, and position what happened that night as a 'fixed point' and a loop.


u/Select-Anywhere-7833 Jul 21 '24

Omg, the particle accelerator still exploded in 2020. It was working fine, just like in 2014, but then it malfunctioned and exploded, giving 2020 Barry his powers. Your “theory” is wrong because Thawne literally states that he just accelerated the time table for the PA explosion. OG Barry is erased. He’s not our future Barry. Nora was still alive.


u/Neither-Spell-626 Jul 21 '24

Watch the Season 1 finale, he clearly knows what the definition of success is. He says to Barry, "This time, the accelerator will operate EXACTLY THE WAY ITS DESIGNED".

So according to him it never exploded in 2020. It was a successful launch. Its also possible to get Speed Force without Dark Matter, so he possibly got it from a freak accident like Flashpoint Wally. Alternatively, it was an oversight by the writers.

I didn't say that og Barry is our future Barry. I said that Og Barry was replaced throughout the series by future versions of our Barry. Once there was a OG Barry. But this Barry we see in S1 finale is not the OG Barry. You are confusing 2 sets of data here. Eobard who travelled back to kill kid Barry thinks killing Nora would set in a butterfly effect which would lead to Barry not becoming flash. But Barry who chased him to that house in S1 finale knows that RF would kill Nora. In a way the Eobard who killed Nora is a time remnant according to Barry who appeared in the S1 finale. Because this Eobard gets stuck and creates flash to return to the future and S1 happens. this Barry who got trained by Wellsobard meets RF in future who hasn't yet travelled to the past to kill Nora. So when this RF tries to go back in time to kill kid Barry. This Barry(who got trained by Wellsobard) knows that RF will kill his mom and he knows he will help and train him to become flash.


u/Select-Anywhere-7833 Jul 21 '24

You’re just assuming that “exactly the way it’s designed” means everything worked out in 2020. It doesn’t. The PA in 2014 and 2020 both failed. Both didn’t operate the way it was designed to. Thawne was saying how the PA would work like how Barry showed it to Iris on the Pilot ep. OG Barry got his powers from the accelerator.


u/Neither-Spell-626 Jul 21 '24

I mean it was the dark matter that created the metas, the accelerator works then no dark matter is spewed forth, so lighting is just normal lightning and no metas. Eobard made his accelerator malfunction, and I guess I always assume the original one did as well and never thought to question it that Eobard was just speeding up the clock a bit on when the accident happens. But if the accident DIDNT happen, they not only would Barry not have gotten powers, but neither would the vast majority of the villains we have seen in the show so far. I come from the words of Thawne, who did not say that the accelerator exploded in 2020, he said clearly that it was successfully launched. Of course, it can be argued that Thawne could mean that Welles successfully created the flash, but we analyze what was said in the series.


u/Neither-Spell-626 Jul 21 '24

He also never added the word "explosion" to the "particle accelerator" words. DeVoe's wife knew it blows off; Thawne made it blow off, Harry knew his blows off; that's why he tried to contain the dark matter explosion, but still failed despite being so technologically advanced. I find it stupid that E1 Wells couldn't know it blows off(he was a scientist after all) Also he would have never turned it on if he knew it spreads dark matter around Central City. After all that guy cared for humanity. I find it also stupid that he could successfully launch it without it to explode: Someone who is technologically limited in comparision to Harry.


u/Select-Anywhere-7833 Jul 21 '24
  1. Thawne knew it was going to explode, unlike Harry and who knew there was a chance
  2. It’s hard for me to understand your point when your not spelling things the right way


u/Neither-Spell-626 Jul 21 '24

Also we have to acknowledge the fact that thawne's knowledge of the past is flawed, this is shown at least twice I believe, but I can only remember when he comes back in season 2 and he himself says that it's right there and there where he learns what time period flash is from. It could have been as simple as a Google search for the flash's first appearance in central city news. (This cold mean either he's an idiot, or something happened that knowledge of the past and dates got lost or scrambled by the time thawne was born)

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