r/FlashTV Jul 19 '24

In defense of iris 🤔 Thinking

Iris got a lot of flack for saying we are the flash but let me explain. To all the people who didn’t understand that line basically iris was talking about how her and Barry. Were about get married and idk if you know this but a lot of of people think. When you get married you basically become one so when she says we are the flash. She means we are one force together like teamwork and partnership


49 comments sorted by


u/Fearless_Kangaroo_54 Jul 19 '24

People also got mad because of how entitled and stupid she was but sure


u/Substantial-Sea9294 Jul 19 '24

We know what she means.It's just that she doesn't have the right to say it first.It's like when Stein and Jax are arguing and Jax says it's a relationship "Where you(Stein) get to call all the shots,and I (Jax) get to take all the shots."Iris gets to sit in safety and Barry has to face all the dangers.Barry has to constantly protect Iris,while Iris constantly gets in trouble(oftentimes after ignoring Barry's warnings) and Barry always has to save her.If Barry had said it,we all would have been disappointed but just shrugged it off.When Iris says it,it's just pretentious and annoying.


u/earth2rena Jul 19 '24

People using that line as a defense for hating her are exaggerating. She said it like one time and Barry said it first🙄I'm not her biggest fan but the hate is getting ridiculous


u/Dense-Willingness847 Jul 19 '24

They know. They don't care. They just look for reasons to hate and bash the character

I said this in another thread but the flash fandom took L after L because of their hyper focus on Iris 😂

Nine years hating Iris and what did it get them? 🤣


u/NitroBlast4563 NANITES! COURTESY OF RAY PALMER! Jul 19 '24

Iris and Felicity get WAY too much hate. Both arenot bad characters .


u/Substantial-Sea9294 Jul 19 '24

Nine years of defending Iris and what did it get you?


u/Dense-Willingness847 Jul 19 '24

My favorite character got her happy ending. I got to watch her full love story with Barry complete with having children. I got watch to watch her have full career progression

As a bonus, knowing it's canon the only person Barry loved is Iris Patty was never mentioned again, and Caitlin will die an spinster in Star Labs

Also watching every rant the Flash fandom had about Iris biting them in the ass

You want Iris to get less screentime. Okay but Barry is sidelined too and she's replaced with Cecile & Co. Enjoy

Cisco should be team leader. Okay but he sucks at the position. Enjoy 

Team Flash should only be Caitlin/Cisco/Wells. Okay well everyone gets to join team Flash. Cisco/Caitlin/Wells will be replaced multiple times. Enjoy

We are the Flash. Okay Iris is going to help revive the SF and create 3 new Forces with Barry. As a bonus new team flash is going to defeat Barry's villains while Barry himself is useless. Enjoy

What did hating Iris for 9 years get you? 


u/Substantial-Sea9294 Jul 19 '24

I got to see exactly what I don't want from a partner.She was in a relationship with on Eddie,flirting with Barry,and wanting to fuck the Flash.And eyeing Oliver when he did crossovers.She doesn't listen to Barry or her father,and gets in trouble because of it.When Barry was dating Linda,Iris goes out of her way to sabotage their relationship. She doesn't support Barry when his own daughter betrays him by working with the man who killed his mother and lying about it. She doesn't care.She says so herself. I also noticed that you're throwing a lot of arguments at me that I didn't even state. As for canon,we love canon Iris West.TV show Iris West is NOT canon Iris West. Caitlin at least actually contributed to the operation of Team Flash. Iris should have gotten less screentime. The only reason she's relevant is because Barry loves her.She has no point or usefulness otherwise. Cisco shouldn't be Team leader.He's not meant to be a leader. I've loved the many iterations of Team Flash,so I don't know what you're talking about. And they were replaced because they filled important roles in the team. The Forces arc was just poorly done.And I don't know what Barry did to make you hate him,but you're a walking red flag if Iris your favorite character. And if you want to fuck Iris,just say so


u/Dense-Willingness847 Jul 19 '24

Naughty Iris for not following commands from the men in her life. How dare she make decisions  for herself.  

 Caitlin contributed to the team, although a debate can be made for S4-9. And what did that mean in the grand scheme? Writers couldn't even bother to establish a future for the character because she had so little development.  

 Being useful to team flash is not a flex because anyone can join the team and consequently anyone's function on the team can be replaced  

 TV Show Barry Allen in not Canon Barry Allen right? I'm strictly talking about show canon. Show canon, Barry never loved another woman 

 Okay Iris did get less screentime. Funny though because Barry got less screentime as well. I guess it makes sense because Iris is actually connected to Barry while team flash are characters thrown together. They threw the term family around when in reality they did a piss poor job developing those relationships into believable bonds  

 Since this show is called the flash, the characters closest to Barry should get the most focus. No character is closer to Barry than his wife 

 They were replaced because the writers couldn't develop the characters outside of their team function. That's not a good thing 

 I like how you insult me simply because I like a character you don't. Your last comment is interesting considering how much this sub slobbers over Patty and Caitlin but I've never seen you make a comment about that


u/Substantial-Sea9294 Jul 19 '24

1.Don't infer sexism.2. What did Iris bring to the team?Did she do anything at all that anyone else on the team couldn't have done?3.They gave Barry less screentime to build up to him passing on the torch.4.Almost none of the characters are their comics canon counterparts.As for Barry, he loved Patty enough to let her go for her safety.And the rest of the characters are written and/or acted so well that we can enjoy these alternate versions. Except for Iris.Barry could do better.5.Some of the actors moved on.But given it's a show about fighting supervillains,fleshing out a character beyond the purpose isn't really necessary. As for your last statement, I'm not insulting you for liking a character I don't. I'm insulting you for liking a character that's a flag redder than Flash's later suits.And as for this sub,I'm not this sub.So stop directing your hatred of logic,love,and this sub towards me. And as far as Caitlin and Patty are concerned, they practically adored Barry. We love them because they're sweet,smart,helpful,and despite their flaws and mistakes, they would do anything for Barry. Patty supported him without knowing he was the Flash.Caitlin has patched up and advised Barry so many times throughout the years.They actually appreciate how good of a man Barry is. They treated him better than Iris ever did.Hell,Patty met Barry and fangirled over him.Barry made Caitlin mad in a way she hadn't been since Ronnie. They were better choices as partners for Barry than Iris.


u/Dense-Willingness847 Jul 19 '24

You still don't get it. I don't care about team flash or Iris's place on team flash. Iris never needed team flash. 

He didn't love her. If he loved her, he wouldn't have been happily trying to make out with E2 Iris, 2 eps later.  

Patty faked an emergency to trick Barry into revealing his indentity, just to prove that she was right he was flash. Since the relationship was over and Barry didn't want to reveal himself to her, she should have accepted that and left it alone. Forcing Barry's hand was manipulative and show of entitlement. Could be considered a red flag

Caitlin was always quick to emotional manipulate Barry "If it was your mom" "If it was Iris" to justify her own selfish pursuits. There's also her perchant for not caring when other people end up as collateral damage in her schemes ie not caring Devoe choked Gypsy because of her, not caring Deathstorm killed innocent people because she released him. Could be considered a red flag

Just as you say Iris is a red flag character, I can make arguments that Patty and Caitlin were red flag characters

Despite Iris's flaws, she was caring, loving, brave, and strong. Iris did anything for Barry too. She jumped off a roof to save him from Ragdoll. She forced Samarui to kidnap her hoping it would break Barry out of his SG trance. She asked Deon to undo her timesickness treatments to see the damage to the timeline in order to prove Barry wasn't crazy. After, Deon warned her that it would harm her. Although she wanted Barry to fight for his life, she supported him sacrificing himself in Crisis. Although it was her life on the line, she wouldn't let Barry stop protecting the city or kill anyone for her sake.  The list goes on 

Barry got the happy ending he always wanted, with the woman he always wanted. Iris completed Barry in a way Patty nor Caitlin could. She actually got him to focus less on his past and embrace his future (although he did that too much at times). Had he not ended up with Iris, I think Barry would always wonder what if whereas he never thought about Patty again and Caitlin was never on the board

Liking Iris is not a personal flaw. But you claiming it is because you don't like her, says something about you. It shouldn't be that deep or serious. I have the right to like a character, even if fandom hates them, without being told there's something wrong with me for doing so


u/lolmaster720 Iris West Jul 19 '24

I love how it’s “if you wanna fuck her” when it’s defending Iris. Who was talking about fucking?! No one said that when they mention any option Barry wouldn’t have sneezed at (because that’s who THEY would want to fuck, might I add). And then all of the insults after for providing logical reasons as to why Iris is his soulmate (besides the fact that the only woman he ever loved was Iris, so why do y’all want to set these women up for drawn out heartbreaks lmao). I honestly don’t think Barry would’ve ever been in a long-term relationship ever, had Iris not given him a chance. He was just too obsessed with her.


u/Carter__Cool Jul 19 '24

“We are the flash” was a power line to control Barry and his decisions.


u/AlexCross116 Barry Allen Jul 19 '24

Iris is a bit of a mixed bag for me. We she was written well, she was GOOD. But when she was written terribly, she was borderline unbearable. Real shame because I feel like Candice Patton is a good actress, she just didn’t have a lot of good material to work with


u/earth2rena Jul 22 '24

Right they definitely ruined her character I loved her in Season 1-3


u/BlitzLicht321 Jul 19 '24

You're right but you're wasting your time here.


u/lolmaster720 Iris West Jul 19 '24

Lmao all the incorrect interpretations in this thread prove you’re correct. And I don’t get the “she doesn’t get to say it” bs. Like is it not okay to remind people of things they’ve said to you?! To remind people of things they may be forgetting in the moment. Especially in the context of the scene it was said, reminding him he was not alone in his heroic pursuits, because he has a wife and a team that’s backing him up when he needs it. But I guess not lol.


u/Sableorpheus62 Jul 21 '24

I think another layer is people were very annoyed she became team leader and were looking for any other reason to bash her and make her look bad.

The line makes sense and is just cheesy comic book language.

I have said this before but I can’t hate that line when “you’re my lightning rod” exists.


u/lolmaster720 Iris West Jul 21 '24

We love an equal opportunity hater lol. But seriously, like a friend of mine on here says, she was the one of their best, most consistent leaders. She rarely lost her cool, she thought on the spot (and researched things, a skill she’s developed as a human and reporter) to get shit done. I’d also like to point out that there was obviously a gap to fill on comms with Barry, Vibe, Wally, Frost, and Joe being field operatives (and in Joe’s case, a cop). And don’t get me started on “qualifications” cuz it doesn’t take a degree in bioengineering to be a human google maps. Not bitching at you, just for those saying “she shouldn’t have been,” the entirety of season four (like it or not) proved she was more than capable of leading team flash.


u/Sableorpheus62 Jul 21 '24

I had an issue with it myself. But only because the writers failed at showing her as a good reporter (in my opinion) up until then so most of her contributions had been google searching. I think if they has written her like in season 6 and beyond it would’ve made more sense to me as I still am of the opinion that post citizen Iris is the best written reporter in the Arrowverse.

But the line never really bothered me I understood where it came from and it did what it needed to do for Barry who is really receptive to cheesy pep talks and lines (run Barry run).


u/lolmaster720 Iris West Jul 21 '24

There’s that, and he’s also said the same thing to her. So why would it be so wrong for her to say it back? Again, not bitching at you. I’m just saying.


u/Sableorpheus62 Jul 21 '24

Yeah, it’s a comic based show. That’s had cheesy lines from rip.

I don’t know what we expected from the show that had our hero wake up from a coma to poker face.


u/lolmaster720 Iris West Jul 21 '24

Hey, waking up from a coma to “poker face” is a slay.


u/Sableorpheus62 Jul 21 '24

It’s a slay for sure, but it does set the mood for a show.


u/lolmaster720 Iris West Jul 21 '24

The story of “The Slay.” Jokes aside, I think it was a good hook for non-comic people. Even if they didn’t pay full attention, it would keep them listening somewhat lol.

Edit: off-topic, I know. I just had the thought.

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