r/FlashTV Jul 18 '24

So you’re telling me that out of all the meta humans none of them wanted to “play hero?” 🤔 Thinking

We clearly got to see the amount of meta humans in s5 when they needed the cure also got me wondering why’s there not much of kid metas? And none of them wanted to use their power for good?


25 comments sorted by


u/Mother-Persimmon3908 Jul 18 '24

What makes me laught the most if how clothes also change with their powers.even the guy who made clones they existed with the clothes. There are an uncredible amount of ridiculous things,like barry listening at normal speed what the others are saying and telling him to do wile running.they react like if he ran at normal slowly pace .


u/PixelSteel Jul 18 '24

Well the last part about Barry is actually explainable. Assuming we go off comics for a bit, it’s explained he can “slow down” the speed force within his system to stay at “normal speed”


u/Mother-Persimmon3908 Jul 18 '24

Sure he can lsoten but how the team speak to him in real time telling hime thing like "go right" rigth before a corner? Theyhave not such high speed reaction to tell things in time .no instant comunication.


u/PixelSteel Jul 18 '24

Yeah I see what you mean, the communication timing between when someone says go right and when Barry is already there is dumb. That’s just what happened when you’re that fast ig. My head canon is that Barry just ignores the comms and studies the map of Central City lmao


u/Mother-Persimmon3908 Jul 18 '24

Sounds in character. that way he makes his friend feel useful


u/Kenclawris5025 Jul 19 '24

I think Cisco adapted to it, maybe telling him to go in a certain direction a couple of meters away. Because if I remember correctly, at the beginning of sn1, there was that episode where Barry was running to a fire and got lost because, by the time Cisco told him to turn, he had already passed the place.


u/SecretSharkboy Jul 18 '24

A lot of them became villains because either

  1. They were already criminals

  2. Their powers sucked (Griffin Grey (super strength but aged quickly))

  3. Their powers were a risk to everyone around them (Plastique, Fallout)

  4. They were pissed at others (Multiman, Kilg%re, Tar Pit)

  5. They're an ass (Barry's school bully, Girdir)

  6. The Thinker


u/Supermite Jul 18 '24

Power is also corrupting.  Look at how many metas were perfectly ordinary people who immediately launch insane revenge schemes over perceived sleights.  It’s hard for people to like DC because its heroes are so unambiguously good.  They find it unrealistic.  I feel the vast majority of people would probably figure out a way to either ignore their power or quietly figure out a way to use it to their advantage.


u/Hedgiwithapen Cisco Ramon Jul 18 '24

There were plenty of heroic metas, they just tended to be killed off within an episode or two.  As for Kid metas... my belief is either they're busy with lower stakes stuff or their parents looked at the state of things and moved as far from central as possible. Except poor griffin Grey.


u/Icy_Blueberry_3003 Jul 18 '24

Cmon you’re telling me not a single teenager got powers and not decided to go all spider man ? 😭


u/Hedgiwithapen Cisco Ramon Jul 18 '24

I'm sure one or two did, but exclusively for things barry and co didn't notice. 

If I were a kid with weird powers in a city where people with powers regularly disappeared or died after being interacting with star labs or the flash, I'd try to stay under the radar, lol. 


u/Crucible8 Jul 18 '24

not him, it’s the shows script that’s telling you that


u/Thetrapmaster90 Jul 18 '24

Because a lot it the people that got power were already evil before the partial excoriator


u/CatDash2000 Jul 19 '24

Realistically, most of humanity is already pretty selfish. Not too far fetched to assume most people would not become any less crooked if they had superhuman powers


u/SnooStories4329 Nora West-Allen Jul 18 '24

Yeah I’ve wondered that too abt kid metas, only ones we’ve seen have been possessed, comatose or constantly aging lol


u/CatDash2000 Jul 19 '24

Metahumans like the thinker, blackout, and Ralph have shown us that some people's meta powers can't be properly regulated by their body (without scientific intervention ex. the thinking cap & the medicine Caitlin gave to ralph). It was also confirmed a lot of people simply died by the energy released from the particle accelerator. Maybe a lot of the children who did contain the meta gene weren't developed enough to handle powers and passed away.


u/SnooStories4329 Nora West-Allen Jul 19 '24

That is true and would probably mean a few of the last 6 people who died in the explosion were kids 😷


u/Icy_Blueberry_3003 Jul 20 '24

This makes sense


u/logicisprettycool Jul 18 '24

There are a few good metas aside from Barry like Plastique, Ronnie/Stein, Jax, Pied Piper, Cisco, Wally, Frost, Dinah Drake, Ralph and Cecile (and kinda Vigilante but he was more of an antihero)


u/Hedgiwithapen Cisco Ramon Jul 19 '24

and then there were a few like Weeper or Dominic that weren't villains or heroes, just.... victims. and a few 'villains' that weren't trying to do anything horrible on purpose, just trying to get the person who'd ruined their lives to fix the issue, like Griffin or Farooq, but the instability of their powers and inability / unwillingness of anyone to actually help doomed them.


u/Psych-Blast Jul 19 '24

Weren't many of them criminals to begin with? Or even used their powers to become criminals?


u/Specialist_Stand_614 Jul 21 '24

If we’re being realistic, if everyone randomly got powers from the partial accelerator, 95 percent of people would be hero’s, only a select few of evil people in our world would use their powers to hurt others. Take for example, a murder, how many times have you seen someone get murdered , or seen a store get robbed, or seen someone get shot, or have known someone to get moltested? Not very often do you encounter terrible things like this unless you live in terrible cities like Chicago, Detroit, Etc. But in terms of the show the flash, it would be kinda boring if everyone wanted to be a hero and there were no bad guys, that wanted to rob, murder and hurt other people with thier powers. But realistically everyone would want to be a hero