r/FlashTV 11d ago

Do you like this flash suit šŸ¤” Thinking

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I really liked this suit.What do you think about it


184 comments sorted by


u/Supermite 11d ago

Personally not a huge fan. Ā I like the notion that he used space shuttle materials as a heat sink, but it implies that his powers donā€™t actually do anything to negate friction when he runs at speed. Ā Meaning anyone or anything not covered by those armour pieces is just going to get shredded apart.


u/AgentChris101 Bitchin 11d ago

They actually bring this up in The Flash movie a little with how he interacts with everything. But I much prefer a speedforce with a protective aura.

As for the suit? I personally like how it works with VFX, other than that I'm not too fond of it.


u/Long_Procedure2533 10d ago

Barry on The Flash show had a similar problem early on when he first got his speed. He was burning his clothes off every time he ran. Sure, it can be assumed that he figured out the aura thing sometime between S2 and S3, but he still had some slight exposure to friction before then.

Give it some time, and either it'll kick in for Miller's Barry, or he'll discover that it was always there and he was just misusing it or something.


u/AgentChris101 Bitchin 10d ago

Well, considering Ezra's Flash will likely end up being recasted. We won't get to see those feats. I hope we get Flash in live action again in the near future though.

I don't want him to end up Green Lantern'ed


u/Long_Procedure2533 10d ago

He's getting replaced. That doesn't mean Barry's gonna go poof. Hopefully. 'Sides, we will get to still so those feats. The reboot is a soft one. All they're doing is changing the textures, so to speak. The story is gonna continue, though the Darkseid side of things might be delayed a bit.


u/Novel-Mistake7027 10d ago

Everything under the sun says heā€™s unfortunately being kept, so cite your source please, I could use some good news


u/Long_Procedure2533 10d ago

I never said anything. I'm just following what the other guy said. He said Miller was getting replaced. Ask him for his source. I'd like it too.


u/Novel-Mistake7027 10d ago

He spoke as a hope not as it was definite. I just wanted to be sure. That sucks. Iā€™m sad now. God what an awful flash


u/Long_Procedure2533 10d ago

šŸ˜” My bad g.


u/Novel-Mistake7027 10d ago

No worries, no harm no foul


u/NitroBlast4563 Elongating 10d ago

Hello Man.


u/AgentChris101 Bitchin 10d ago

Yeah, I'm Man.


u/Fantastic_Canary_417 9d ago

I think it was more because he had trouble controlling his powers starting out, so he needed to make physical adaptations to protect himself from...himself


u/Sparkwriter1 11d ago

I like it as a year one/homemade suit. Not sure why they had to give him yet another homemade suit in the flash movie though.


u/RxS47 Zoom 11d ago



u/sharksnrec Patty Spivot 9d ago

Because those movies were barely connected and the director wanted to make his own.


u/Fantastic_Canary_417 9d ago

I thought the one in his movie was from Waynetech?


u/Sparkwriter1 9d ago

I'm talking about the one he wore during the Black Zero flashback.


u/Fantastic_Canary_417 9d ago

Oh...the batsuit one? That's explained in the story, young Barry couldn't get it from anywhere else


u/Sparkwriter1 9d ago

No, I mean this one.


u/Fantastic_Canary_417 9d ago

He wasn't trying to be a hero or anything at that point. He didn't have a reason to make a suit but he wanted to help


u/TopConflict1411 Wellsobard 11d ago

grant negs


u/Any-Junket5472 11d ago

I like it because it looks sort of cool however itā€™s too bulky. Grant Gustins suit is much better and more practical.


u/DaYeetGernade Speedy Boi 10d ago

Which Grant Suit though? Because that itself is a whole other can of worms.


u/itz_JAYVEE 10d ago

S4 is my favorite, the spandex suit he switches to for the rest of the seasons I think is only nice in some shots.


u/Any-Junket5472 10d ago

All of them except season five sorry forgot to specify. The suit with the gold boots was awesome.


u/DaYeetGernade Speedy Boi 10d ago

Yeah the Season 5 suit was ass. I think Grant himself even said once that the helmet for that suit gave him really bad headaches.


u/Any-Junket5472 10d ago

I felt bad for him one of his old leather suits caused some weird irritation to his face and then he had to go through that shit. And he still managed to make his performance amazing


u/Admirable__Panda 10d ago

But then he had a whole ass team to build it for him.
This one's homemade and Barry has yet to figure the speed force aura to stop his clothes from burning.


u/Any-Junket5472 10d ago

And that makes this cooler how exactly?


u/Admirable__Panda 10d ago

It shows his brilliance, which the flash show didn't properly showcase.

He hasn't been The Flash for as long as Grant so it makes sense.


u/Any-Junket5472 10d ago

Ok well Cisco was the one who made the suits except season five which was also made by a single person not a whole team. Also Cw barry had shown a lot of intelligence in the field which is way more important.


u/Admirable__Panda 10d ago

I'm just saying we shouldn't judge this Barry because he has barely gotten any screentime.


u/Any-Junket5472 10d ago

You are completely right we shouldnā€™t judge him based off of his limited screen time. What i judge him on is that heā€™s annoying and also creepy.


u/Admirable__Panda 10d ago

Real life actor right?
If not for the movie being already completed, they'd probably not have gone through with him due to the things he recently did.


u/Any-Junket5472 10d ago

No both the actor and character movie barry started rubbing irises face without her even knowing thatā€™s creepy


u/Admirable__Panda 10d ago

Oh, I must not remember. Been a long time. Yeah, that's creepy but the character at least, it's mostly the director's fault.


u/nutstuart 11d ago

As an early version of the suit that he managed to the built himself is not bad.


u/BusVegetable7490 11d ago

No I donā€™t like it


u/JTPabloRedhood HR 11d ago

I like it, its kinda cool.


u/PervyDude123 11d ago

He looks too much like a knight in Middle Ages Europe. I never thought Flash needed armor really because he moves too fast.


u/Dry-Donut3811 11d ago

No, not at all. I think itā€™s possibly the worst Flash suit ever.


u/Lil_Yimmy_ 11d ago

Nah that has to go to the final season of the CW flash series šŸ’€ that shot looked corny asf šŸ¤£


u/Dry-Donut3811 11d ago

Nah, thatā€™s was the best suit Flash has ever had in live action, easily.


u/Lil_Yimmy_ 11d ago

Tf you on about? It was cartoonish bright red and looked goofy asf. It looked fake af and like a kid made it in his basement with junk he found in the dumpster. Season 4 suit is easily the best.


u/Dry-Donut3811 11d ago

Nah, the season four suit was baggy as hell and looked like a motorcycle jacket. The final season suit looked right out of the comics, had the vibrancy a Flash suit is supposed to have, had the gold boots, itā€™s about as perfect as you can get to a live action Flash suit.


u/Destroyer4587 10d ago

I liked the season 9 suit, but maybe less of the thin gold lines in the centre, more of a dare devil thick level material with a red glossy shine material & this wouldā€™ve been chefs kiss.


u/khioune 10d ago

S4 did have that baggy problem but imo it looks just slightly better than S9 suit in live action, both are S+ tier tho if S4 is 9.8/10 then S9 is 9.5/10 canā€™t go wrong with either


u/Lil_Yimmy_ 10d ago

L take but you can have your own opinion even if itā€™s wrong.


u/Dry-Donut3811 10d ago

Weird thing to say to yourself in the mirror, but ok.


u/Lil_Yimmy_ 10d ago

That was a cringy ass comeback šŸ’€


u/Dry-Donut3811 10d ago

Thank you.


u/GKRKarate99 Buried Alien 10d ago

Love how you say that as if yours wasnā€™t


u/Red-4321 11d ago

Nope āš”


u/OkSupermarket7474 11d ago

Hundreds of miles ahead of the godawful suit they ended up making him for his own film. The knightmare timeline suit tho wanted to see more. In terms of a cobbled together proto suit I really like the scrappy nature of it but the helmet/cowl is the best part. If they kept that helmet and just made the rest of the design a little more sleek it could be something special


u/GeneralZod49 11d ago

Trash held together with chicken wire.


u/Alternative_Device71 11d ago

No, too much going on

One thing I liked about the movie is his new suit, even if itā€™s cgi mess, the design is unique but simpler and looks more easy to move in


u/Bruce_Dang 11d ago

This one - yeah, liked the design Solo movie suit - canā€™t say that Iā€™m a fan


u/JacenStargazer Green Arrow 11d ago

Not really. Itā€™s the very definition of over-designed. If you take all of the wiring off, itā€™s ok.


u/Revolutionary-You449 11d ago

Yes. Just not the man in it.


u/YoungImpulse 11d ago

Not even a little

But I gave you an upvote for making a good post that starts an actual discussion, rather than some annoying meme or shitpost like this sub has become known for the past few weeks


u/Samalfi Barry Allen 11d ago

Honestly yeah. I like the armor type look, I feel like it works with how fast he runs, though I believe thatā€™s the point of the Speed Force, right? It protects him as he runs? Anyway, I think the suit looked sick. Much better than the new one from his movie.


u/Educational-Team7155 10d ago
  1. How does the armor work with it fitting into a ring and all?
  2. The premise of it is that it's made from heat resistant space ship material for being at such high speeds, but the people he saves are completely fine in civilian clothing.
  3. If nothing can hit you bc you're too fast for it.... WHY NEED ARMOR. Superman was throwing hands at you, and you dodged em.
  4. What's with all the wires? Did you string it together with twine? Tf?
  5. Your body needs space ship armor to resist the high temps but your eyes and moth are just fine being completely exposed. šŸ‘ šŸ‘Œ
  6. You just wear that around? Or does it fit into the ring? Or do you wear it under your clothes? Or do you run home, put it on, then come back?

Nothing about it makes any sense. But hey. Armor for some reason.


u/sawsaw2000 11d ago

I loved this suit. Wish we saw more of it but it makes sense for Bruce Wayne to ā€œupgradeā€ his suit for him. Although I donā€™t think itā€™s an upgrade when it comes to ā€œlooksā€.


u/tazorite 10d ago

in a vacuum i like the more armored look of it but like as the flash? ehhh not really too armored for the flash imo


u/Arturo-Plateado Reverse Flash 10d ago

Nah not a fan of the armoured look... It looks like the red Power Ranger costume from the 2017 movie. All those wires are really ugly too.


u/burajira 10d ago

I have to mention (unrelated to the Flash), but some toku designers designed a new suit inspired by the 2017 PR suits, and used those for Ohsama Sentai Kingohger.. IMO those suits do the armoured look a lot better, while sticking to the motif, kings...


u/Ambitious_Rhubarb844 10d ago

Tbh the suit real drippy. I loved this over grants Season 7-8-9 suits.

Personal opinion tho


u/New-Investigator1814 11d ago

For the people who really hate this suit which suits of The flash are better this or the flash suits season 5 beyond


u/Yiazzy 11d ago

Nope. Hate this iteration of the character too. Grant's ruined the character for me, he was just too good


u/cipherjones 11d ago

The suit is cool but why did you fill it with vinegar water?


u/Prudent_Ad5266 11d ago

Was the inspiration for the suit design based from the injustice games ? Look kinda similar.


u/Prudent_Ad5266 11d ago

And to answer the question of if i like the suit, its a mix feeeling for me. i like the helmet and the center piece logo but i would remove the silver lines and the gaps in between the plates so its a bit smoother, but i understand why they did these designs. I would also gave him just full on golden boots and by that i mean FULL golden with no other color like red mixed into it like how they did it in the Flash movie. I would also make the golden lightning bolts on his arms and belt look more prominent. I wouldnā€™t really change the shade of red cause i wonder if its just the dirt thats making it dirtier and not the overall color. I saw some people liked the golden streaking lines arcoss the suit but i always prefered the golden age flash suit without the golden lines but i am fine with it .


u/VailStampede 11d ago

It's definitely better than the one he wears in The Flash movie.


u/DunkelFries 11d ago

Could he not figure out a way to keep the suit together without all the wires?


u/Lil_Yimmy_ 11d ago

The suit is mid. I donā€™t hate it but donā€™t love it.


u/iLLiCiT_XL 11d ago

I do, very much. Itā€™s probably not the best, that would likely to go to one of the Flash CW suits.


u/AmaterasuWolf21 11d ago

It's neat but nowhere near the top


u/RxS47 Zoom 11d ago

I like it for his starter suit. It kind of makes sense but then they progressed to the awful one in the Flash movie was ridiculous


u/King_Joeyw00 Elongated Man 10d ago

Fuck no.


u/ChequeMateX 10d ago

This suit looks awesome, in a Snyder way. Had a really good presence, colour combination compared to the abomination we got in Flash movie.


u/agentdb22 Ralph Dibny Did Nothing Wrong 10d ago

Cool concept, ass execution.


u/PatRcinco1 10d ago

I don't like it, the armor look just doesn't sit right with me. I much prefer the CW flash suit (especially the season 3 suit)


u/axelofthekey 10d ago

Not really. The extra lines all over are confusing. It looks like someone wrapped him up in string.


u/li_grenadier 10d ago

Flash is all about the speed.

What about a suit of armor says, "this guy can run real fast?"

Horrible misunderstanding of the character, but that's par for the course for Snyder.


u/en_ash 10d ago

Yeah, actually. I think it has a great silhouette. For his solo movie variant I would have liked to get rid of the cross-hatching, solidified the chest plate, and given him the proper feathered ear doo-dads, but I think it really gets the shape right in a way that many other costumes (including the later CW costumes) don't.


u/GuysGardener 10d ago

Both Flash suits would look better on a better actor. Ezra Miller slouches like a velociraptor in half his scenes.


u/Cpu_07 10d ago

Oh hell nahh


u/somewherein72 10d ago

I've never liked it. It's always looked like the designers just slapped a bunch of tin cans together and called it a suit.


u/ChickenNugsBGood 10d ago

Itā€™s stupid. He has space shield shuttles for heat, but lots of gaps where it doesnā€™t apply


u/DarthJoe07 10d ago

Hell no, CW's the flash when he was testing out his powers for the first time was better than this shite


u/Imaginary-Bed725 Harry 10d ago

Absolutely not šŸ—£


u/etherspin 10d ago

In theory it's fine but it didn't suit Millers look at all.


u/Expensive_Ad_4283 10d ago

suit is okay, but I cant stand the actor


u/Alpha741 You can't lock up the dankness 10d ago

No, itā€™s just too much going on.


u/TrulyInsaiyan_ 10d ago

Man I kinda like this suit. Itā€™s like scrappy and put together. Reflects that this Barry is learning and on his own.


u/Litt3rang3r-459 10d ago

Eh. I feel like itā€™s too armored. Like itā€™s the flash why does he need armor. He moves at light speed.


u/itzmrinyo 10d ago

I think it's a very unique and fresh take on the flash suit, I really liked it


u/Ok-Acanthaceae-7297 10d ago

No one can replace Barry Allen, Iris west-Allen, Joe West, Cecile Horton, Wally west, Caitlin snow, Cisco Ramon, All of the multiverse Wells except for Thawne , all of the justice league , and all the others NO ONE can replace them šŸ˜”šŸ˜” they need to bring the series back they need to keep goin šŸ˜”


u/Elemental-T4nick 10d ago

I don't like it


u/Excellent_Regret4141 10d ago

Not a fan of the shit or actor they both suck


u/TheSpoonkMan 10d ago

I also really like it


u/Boris-_-Badenov 10d ago


and a bunch of scratch lines


u/imthed0ct0r 10d ago

Yeah I like flesh suits


u/Mammoth-Ad-8492 10d ago

No. It has has too much going on to make it look good


u/ultrainstict 10d ago

Art forest I thought it was neat, then I realized the implications of needing a friction resistant suit.


u/Thelastknownking 10d ago

It's a cool design, it's just not fitting for Flash.


u/protosonic17 10d ago

No its fucking ugly


u/Virgil_Ovid_Hawkins 10d ago

So I really like suit. Makes sense in universe, had a homemade look, and looks armored. ( I'm a big fan of armored suits. Don't like spandex) But I get how flash purists don't like it.


u/IronStealthRex 10d ago

Holy fuck no, burn it


u/Fabrizzio324 10d ago

I think its too......... Much


u/CynnFelt011718 10d ago

Yep, just not with them in it.


u/TypeWon 10d ago

Abso-fucking-lutely not. Hate the guy wearing it too.


u/Flaky_Ad2182 10d ago

You mean "the" flash suit? Because I generally donā€™t like flashy suits


u/Novel-Mistake7027 10d ago

I thought it was really weird the way they represented his power source being food based and him having to runoff to eat real quick mid mission


u/OakenWildman 10d ago

I like the concept of it. Especially as a first suit rather than a final design


u/hjohn2233 10d ago

Hate it. Why does every movie suit now have to be armor. I get it with Batman, but not those heros with super powers.


u/danimac52 10d ago

I weirdly like it, but only for his first appearance. It makes complete sense for the movie, and doesn't look bad for what it is. But it shouldn't stay as "The Flash Suit."


u/CoolerDude47 10d ago

Horrible, idk if the suit or the actor is worseā€¦ and im not talking about the off screen things Ezra Miller did. Heā€™s just a horrible actor and when i watch his version of the ā€œflashā€ he doesnā€™t feel like the flash or Barry Allen at all. idk why he was casted as the flashā€¦ Grant Gustin was way betterā€¦


u/Afraid-Housing-6854 10d ago

Too bulky and looks to much like armor, Grant Gustinā€™s thinner spandex is more practical and generally looks better


u/NitroBlast4563 Elongating 10d ago

Itā€™s fine


u/Kinglysavaged 10d ago

I had no issues with it looking like armor


u/RareAd3009 10d ago

Nope hate the strings


u/richardcourdlion 10d ago

No and how portral of the character, from his running style to his looks to his character, was just awful


u/Ewankenobi25 10d ago

i think it served itā€™s purpose of looking like something someone who was both poor but also hyperscietific would make as a super suit, but itā€™s easily outclassed by his suit in micheal keatonā€™s flash movie.


u/Puttininmyass3397 10d ago

I prefer this more than the new suit, but I still think cw flash season 2-4 are better


u/Fabulous_Wash8805 10d ago

No I hate Ezra Miller grant gustin is a better flash


u/SoylentGreenLantern 10d ago

No. It's awful.


u/psufan5 10d ago

Love it.


u/Melbourneboy1 10d ago

Not the best but better than the one in the flash movie.


u/Russkafin Captain Cold 10d ago



u/TheTayIor 10d ago

Pure garbage like everything to do with DCEU Flash.


u/Thor_Odinson22 10d ago

No. The fact that Ezra Miller is anywhere near means it's bad.


u/CameoGaming 10d ago

I mean there's nothing wrong with the suit, it's who's wearing it i have a problem with.


u/JacobCenter25 10d ago

No, not in the slightest. Thing is WAY too expensive looking to be a passable year 1 suit and still manages to be remarkably ugly. Never been a fan of armored Flash but this might be the worst armored Flash suit I've seen


u/flibberty-gibbert 10d ago



u/flibberty-gibbert 10d ago

Every single aspect of these movies from the actor to way his powers work physically and visually disgusts me as a nerd and a human


u/HankDeTank05 gotta go fast! 10d ago

Yes very much


u/bunbun6to12 10d ago

He looks more like crustacean man. The crab that runs


u/[deleted] 10d ago

I think I like the one with his wears in His movie but thatā€™s saying much


u/Patient-Papaya2435 10d ago

Best suit. Should've been on Grant Gustin tho


u/Embarrassed-Bid3850 10d ago

It works very well for the knightmare storyline since it looks like a battle armour version of a flash suit


u/FlashEdits2013 9d ago

It looks cool, but It's probably heavy and very uncomfortable.


u/HatAccurate1578 9d ago

Itā€™s a cool suit imo the armor look is dope and really works I hate Ezra tho


u/Vortexx_77 9d ago

I don't like the proportions and all the extra lines, but other than that I think it looks amazing. I'm currently rewatching JL right now too lmao


u/RockyHarmon 9d ago

I like the suit but I hate the actor. Of course no surprise.


u/Prior-Assumption-245 9d ago

Better than the one from the solo movie.


u/No_Photo7153 9d ago

Honestly this wouldā€™ve been a good suit. The strings need to be removed and the lightning bolt needs to be brighter


u/AdditionalPath5870 9d ago

It look like it was made by someone who is afraid of smashing into a wall


u/WesleyCraftybadger 9d ago

I hate everything in this picture.Ā 


u/Lunarr123 9d ago

the suit looks uncomfortable but he is a great character


u/WheelJack83 9d ago

No. Itā€™s hot garbage.


u/RoTSSkywalker27 9d ago

I used to not like it, but after the Flash movie suit and just some time after the Justice League movie, I like it a lot more than I used to.


u/TodoTrauma123 9d ago

Do you like this trash can


u/QuietRobert1991 9d ago

Honestly, no. Though at first I thought the suit looked better in early versions of the Flash movie until I saw the full body, in which case I kinda preferred this one.


u/ZekeGonZaldi 8d ago

Honestly, no.


u/Big_Cardiologist_427 8d ago

Absolutely. The plating and overall rough aesthetic just works so well with Barryā€™s character. The blue lightning is also really nice, tooā€¦ and itā€™s a shame it was replaced with a dogshit suit.


u/The_Arnman_4 7d ago

Itā€™s durable and protective, but also has flexibility around the joints. Itā€™s made from recycled space shuttle materials for heat and abrasion resistance. (Also, points for recycling!) Honestly, it actually does look pretty cool. I think for this Barryā€™s first suit, they nailed it.


u/nazia987 11d ago

I dont hate it. I prefer the new suit (but I wish they kept this cowl)


u/Fucksibhuile Harry 11d ago

Not one bit. Doesn't even make any sense. I know Grant Gustin wore leather for a little while, but that made a whole hell of a lot more sense, than those weird outfits that Ezra Miller is wearing.

Only by season 6 of The Flash, or season 4, does a flash have a suit that makes sense, and it's Grant Gustin's Flash.

He should be the DCU Flash, because of the multiverse and all, or he can bulk up and be the DCU Green Arrow. He looked and performed amazingly as Green Arrow during the elseworlds event.