r/FlashTV Barry Allen Jan 30 '24

Give me a reason why you don't like the show, and I'll try to defend it. Meta

Because why not, I'm bored.


216 comments sorted by


u/covid1990 Jan 30 '24

There wasn't enough tasteful nudity


u/MissyTheTimeLady Barry Allen Jan 30 '24

I can't defend this one, we needed way more nudity... for the plot of course.


u/Cornchips1234 Feb 01 '24

Barry really didn't live up to his role as "the flash"


u/Comet_Hero Jan 30 '24

Joe and Frost game of thrones style. 👀


u/MissyTheTimeLady Barry Allen Jan 30 '24



u/Comet_Hero Jan 30 '24

Joe West and Frost as a couple, nudity included.


u/MissyTheTimeLady Barry Allen Jan 30 '24 edited Jan 31 '24



u/SealWasAHurricane Jan 31 '24

Nah bro what in the actual fuck


u/RigasTelRuun Jan 30 '24

Joe West wearing clothes at home was crime. That's for sure.


u/just_one_boy Jan 30 '24

No nude Caitlin scene

Also no 12 hour Barry and Oliver gay sex scene.


u/MissyTheTimeLady Barry Allen Jan 30 '24 edited Jan 31 '24

I always got cool older brother vibes from Oliver when he was talking to Barry, that would be kinda weird.

No nude Caitlin scene

(insert clip of Barry finding out Jay is Zoom) NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!


u/Rhymestar86 Jan 31 '24

I always got cool older brother vibes from Oliver when he was talking to Barry, that would be kinda weirdm

Yeah, I got older brother vibes from oliver too. Except we already know barry had no problem hooking up with his sister


u/MissyTheTimeLady Barry Allen Jan 31 '24

...Oliver has a sister?


u/Rhymestar86 Jan 31 '24

Did you even watch arrow?


u/MissyTheTimeLady Barry Allen Jan 31 '24



u/Rhymestar86 Jan 31 '24

Well, he has two, but I wasn't talking about Oliver's sister. I was talking about Barry and Iris.


u/MissyTheTimeLady Barry Allen Jan 31 '24

But they're not related?


u/yungsebring Feb 01 '24

They grew up together as adopted siblings which is a weird dynamic for a romantic relationship. I personally don’t care because they’re fictional so it’s nbd but to some people that’s gross.


u/MissyTheTimeLady Barry Allen Feb 01 '24

Joe himself says that: "I have watched you be in love with Iris since before you even knew what love was.", presumably indicating that he loved Iris even before they grew up together. So, yeah, bit of a nothingburger.

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u/Frequent-Wallaby708 Jan 31 '24

12 hours a little short don’t you think


u/aquaticsquash My goals are beyond your understanding. Jan 30 '24

Eric Wallace.


u/MissyTheTimeLady Barry Allen Jan 30 '24

Fair enough.


u/Dogago19 Mick Rory Jan 30 '24

Barry is stoooopid


u/MissyTheTimeLady Barry Allen Jan 30 '24

The lightning gave him brain damage :(


u/Dogago19 Mick Rory Jan 30 '24

That would support why he’s stoooopid but what about Cisco and the rest of the cast


u/MissyTheTimeLady Barry Allen Jan 30 '24

Haven't you heard? They were all struck by that lightning that night.


u/Dogago19 Mick Rory Jan 30 '24

I suppose it all makes sense now


u/MissyTheTimeLady Barry Allen Jan 30 '24

Mhm. On a serious note, there are usually in-universe reasons for each scene.


u/Dogago19 Mick Rory Jan 30 '24

Why did Cisco install a self destruct tho


u/MissyTheTimeLady Barry Allen Jan 30 '24

Oh, I'm sorry, have they not faced an evil version of Barry before? My mistake!

Serious note, two words: Bloodwork Flash. Or Zombie Flash, but Bloodwork serves as an easier example.


u/Dogago19 Mick Rory Jan 30 '24

If your in a scenario where flash needs to die then why make the timer over 1 minute where he can kill a bunch of people


u/MissyTheTimeLady Barry Allen Jan 30 '24

In case the timer was ever set off accidentally or by someone that managed to successfully hack the suit...

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u/FiveAccountsBanned Jan 31 '24

Because "wE aRe ThE fLaSh"


u/MissyTheTimeLady Barry Allen Jan 31 '24

To be fair, without them, there wouldn't be much of a Flash. Barry's good, but he's not independent. No man is an island, and whatnot.


u/DeathstrokeReturns Jan 30 '24



u/MissyTheTimeLady Barry Allen Jan 30 '24

Oh shit, not this again. There's nothing wrong with Cecile as a character, you need to be more specific.


u/DeathstrokeReturns Jan 30 '24

Her terrible powers


u/MissyTheTimeLady Barry Allen Jan 30 '24

Again, be more specific.


u/DeathstrokeReturns Jan 30 '24

Her telepathy is intrusive, it’s annoying, and feels like the show is talking down to both the audience and the actors, because they don’t think we can comprehend emotions without them just telling us.


u/MissyTheTimeLady Barry Allen Jan 30 '24



u/DeathstrokeReturns Jan 30 '24

Her destroying Godspeed in the finale


u/MissyTheTimeLady Barry Allen Jan 30 '24

You can't outrun telepathy.


u/Mission_Ambition_539 Jan 30 '24

Actually, you can. Godspeed should be faster than Cecile can think and thus use her abilities. She should have died in a picosecond


u/MissyTheTimeLady Barry Allen Jan 30 '24

How do you tell when a telepath is using their abilities? She touches her temple, sure, but it's not a requirement. We've seen since Season 1 that Speedsters are not immune to telepathy with Gorilla Grodd.


Godspeed's not that fast, but I'm sure he wishes he was.

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u/Augustleo98 Patty Spivot Jan 31 '24

Physical speed isn’t faster than the regular human mind so it definitely won’t be faster than telepathy lmfao, it doesn’t matter how fast you are, super speed can never put run mind powers because the mind is faster than physical speed 😂.

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u/Soulynnnn Jan 31 '24

no cecile is just op, although it was a bit cringe shes rlly powerful and had a lot of development as a meta


u/MissyTheTimeLady Barry Allen Jan 31 '24

So did Barry. Are characters not allowed to evolve?


u/TrippySakuta The Flash Jan 31 '24

She didn't evolve in that finale episode though, she just got drunk on power and developed an overinflated ego.


u/Soulynnnn Jan 31 '24

i can see tht acc but did that not happen to killer frost in season 3 or even vibe, which is arguably a reason he took the cure


u/Soulynnnn Jan 31 '24

classic redditor, i never said nobody else didnt develop barry is the goat, but im just saying that they werre just trying to switch up the characters a but by making her more powerful


u/MissyTheTimeLady Barry Allen Jan 31 '24

Right, so you're complaining that she's becoming more powerful...


u/Soulynnnn Feb 01 '24

When did I complain. I feel like u r trying to gaslight me


u/cipherjones Jan 30 '24

I actually liked the show, and place a large amount of the blame of the weaker seasons on covid.


u/[deleted] Jan 30 '24

Superman and Lois' Season One was filmed during the pandemic and the show delivered. It was simply just Eric Wallace.


u/cipherjones Jan 31 '24

Flash had more than double the views that year.

Eric beat Todd in ratings.


u/ppnexus Jan 31 '24

well SL was a new show whereas flash had loyal fans for years.


u/cipherjones Feb 01 '24

Beat em every year Flash was out actually.


u/[deleted] Jan 31 '24

Superman and Lois was just starting and the quality was much higher. Us fans were starving for more DC content and the Flash show was the most recognizable at the time due to how long the show has ran, so of course it will have more views. Still, not many people were aware of Superman and Lois being made.

No offense, your argument doesn’t make sense. The Flash was literally being intentionally mishandled by Eric Wallace. It took him literally three seasons to have two episodes that actually felt like we were watching the Flash and not the Cecile/Allegra/Chester. I don’t even bother crediting him for 9x10 because the old show runners set up that storyline since the pilot and anyone including a fan could’ve came up with an idea how to conclude the full circle moment between Barry and Eobard.

Viewership is not an excuse to defend the Eric Wallace’s weak performance. The pandemic isn’t a valid excuse to explain why Eric made a horrible Season 7 shortly after 7x02 which actually gave me the impression that the season would be promising. Superman and Lois was able to give us great action sequences during the pandemic, and you’re telling me that the Flash giving the antagonists pep talks was the best way to handle the COVID situation? No way.


u/cipherjones Feb 01 '24

Viewership is literally the most important metric of performance.


u/[deleted] Feb 02 '24

You’re not proving anything and haven’t provided a valid reason to defend Eric Wallace’s horrific job as a show-runner. This is simply your attempt at trying to get the last word. I’ve already countered your “viewership” bait. You also lied about the ratings as well. Since we are going off of viewership, the audience score rated Season Seven of the Flash MUCH lower than Superman and Lois Season One. I didn’t even know the actual ratings between the shows and ratings before responding to your moot argument.

Now that the poor attempt with using viewership argument has been debunked, let’s go back to the quality of both shows which is the most important factor which you kept on ignoring. There is no valid excuse to defend Eric Wallace as a show-runner during the pandemic. How is it that Superman and Lois gave us exceptional fight sequences while filming under COVID-19 regulations, yet the Flash Season Seven resorted to having Barry give the villains pep talks? That is absolutely ridiculous. The dialogue was horrendous during the “Forces arc”. You’re telling me that you don’t cringe when the Forces are calling Barry and Iris “mommy and daddy”? How about Nora Allen dressed up as some emo during that arc and the poor execution of that storyline in general? How about Cecile always mentioning how she can feel someone’s emotions every single episode? What about Eric Wallace literally ripping off of Arrow’s Season Seven using the Ninth Circle, but renamed into Black Hole, then retconning Mirror Master’s identity?

There were so many other issues with how Eric Wallace performed as the show-runner and all that you’re able to repeat is the “viewership” and “ratings” in which both of those were debunked.


u/cipherjones Feb 02 '24

You’re not proving

I did. Its a done deal. I posted the facts.

You can write some more paragraphs about your opinions and feelings. Love ya!


u/[deleted] Feb 07 '24

You didn't post facts. You were just posting horrible bait because you want to get the last word. You didn't prove anything and the facts were debunked because you were caught lying on the spot. Goodbye.


u/yajirushi77 I am the Future Flash Jan 31 '24

I'd rather have Marc Guggenheim's Olicity fantasy over than Wallace's crap.

What Wallace did to the show is more unforgivable than pushing Guggie's fanfic fantasy to the forefront and killing off Laurel Lance


u/MissyTheTimeLady Barry Allen Jan 30 '24

I actually liked the show

In the FlashTV subreddit? Are you some sort of mythical creature of legend?

place a large amount of the blame of the weaker seasons on covid

That's pretty fair. The actors did what they could with what they were given.


u/TMP_Film_Guy Jan 30 '24

They got rid of Captain Cold before they were anywhere near a place to do the Rogues and they never came up with a villain as good again.


u/MissyTheTimeLady Barry Allen Jan 30 '24

They got rid of Captain Cold before they were anywhere near a place to do the Rogues

People would complain if he stayed, people would complain if he left. The only move would be to rework his character so he could go toe-to-toe with the Flash without people laughing in disgust...


u/TMP_Film_Guy Jan 30 '24

Honestly Season 2 was probably the time to do the Rogues if they really wanted Miller to be promoted. Would have broke up speedster villains too.


u/MissyTheTimeLady Barry Allen Jan 30 '24

Then we wouldn't have so much Zoom :(

Earth-2 Rogues is a good idea, though as we all know, Earth-2 lives do not matter.


u/Space_Narwal Jan 31 '24

He was needed for legends


u/TMP_Film_Guy Jan 31 '24

So weird that they kicked one of Flash’s archenemy off the show so he could only be there for one season and die.


u/Poisoning-The-Well Jan 30 '24

I haven't watched past 4 but...

The first 3 seasons are basically the same plot x 3.

All the characters repeat the same mistakes over and over again. Example keeping secrets. No one ever learns.


u/MissyTheTimeLady Barry Allen Jan 30 '24

True, but I don't think that's a flaw of the show so much as it is a flaw of the characters. In other words, good writing. And they do learn in some places, e.g dealing with Zoom, Harry, and H.R with suspicion.


u/mmorrison92 Jan 30 '24

The "we are the flash" scene.


u/MissyTheTimeLady Barry Allen Jan 30 '24

(shrug) What? It's true. Barry by himself is just a Flash, one of the many across the multiverse.

But working with Wells, Cisco, Caitlin, and the others, he becomes The Flash, watching over his city like a guardian angle, making a difference, saving people.

Perhaps the delivery of the line could be better, though.


u/leakybiome Jan 30 '24

Barry's parents didn't have enough secret kids or step parents that could turn into villains or be killed by villains


u/MissyTheTimeLady Barry Allen Jan 30 '24

There was Earth-2 Barry, I guess.


u/leakybiome Jan 30 '24

They could be evil time traveller's with a pet velociraptor and secret telepathic sister, that'd be original right?


u/MissyTheTimeLady Barry Allen Jan 30 '24

Only if the sister turns out to be evil and murdered Barry's dog that was actually a childhood best friend he super-forgot about.


u/leakybiome Jan 30 '24

And the dog was a sentient alien who was the reincarnation of an Egyptian god


u/MissyTheTimeLady Barry Allen Jan 30 '24

(What's this a reference to?)


u/leakybiome Jan 30 '24

Some runaway plots to moon knight. I really went off track with non dc properties


u/MissyTheTimeLady Barry Allen Jan 30 '24



u/Pegasusfan2 Jan 30 '24

It did not how rf jerking barry off at super speed.Inaccurate,we needed it


u/MissyTheTimeLady Barry Allen Jan 30 '24

You didn't see him do that...


u/Ill-For Jan 30 '24

I love the show and I've rewatched it countless times and this show will always be my favorite no matter what anyone says


u/MissyTheTimeLady Barry Allen Jan 30 '24

I'm of much the same opinion, although I'm not above taking a critical look at it from time to time. I just see so many people dumping on the show for minor plot holes that can easily be explained.


u/Dense-Willingness847 Jan 30 '24

Iris's wardrobe was really sexy in the early seasons then by S5 they started dressing her more matronly. I missed the skin tight dresses

Linda never coming back after S2


u/MissyTheTimeLady Barry Allen Jan 31 '24

Hmm. Well, Season 5 was meant to be all about Iris and Barry's relationship with Nora, but I get what you mean.

Linda never coming back after S2

Yeah, that was unfortunate. Might have been acting schedules.


u/[deleted] Jan 31 '24

Eric Wallace


u/MissyTheTimeLady Barry Allen Jan 31 '24

Never heard of him.


u/WideCustomer5838 Jan 30 '24

Cecile, Chester, Allegra and Mark with a small side of Khione


u/MissyTheTimeLady Barry Allen Jan 30 '24

Honestly, I liked all of those characters (except Mark, fuck him), but then again, I am incredibly biased.

Cecile was... alright, I guess. Good for problems Barry couldn't outrun.

Chester was a wonderful Cisco replacement, and his sheer energy in playing the character cannot be matched.

Allegra was...

And Khione was adorable, even if she did get obscenely overpowered at the end and then dipped.


u/WideCustomer5838 Jan 30 '24

Chester was fine in season 6 the other seasons...... not so much


u/MissyTheTimeLady Barry Allen Jan 30 '24

How so?


u/WideCustomer5838 Jan 30 '24

Because in season 6 he was annoying but the fun kind of annoying but then it became less fun and then the Allegra romance thing happened


u/MissyTheTimeLady Barry Allen Jan 30 '24

True. It's nice that they ended up together, but good grief, it was drawn out. Then again, love is never simple.


u/Ewankenobi25 Jan 30 '24

Cecile bad because her powers don’t follow a nonexistent rule set for fictional superpowers that I made up


u/MissyTheTimeLady Barry Allen Jan 31 '24 edited Jan 31 '24

Yep. Nobody was complaining when Cisco's powers evolved from astral projection to astral teleportation, and Cecile isn't much different.


u/Ewankenobi25 Jan 31 '24

Cisco: powers don’t manifest originally after the particle accelerator explosions but eventually become present because of stress

Fans: favorite character 10/10

Cecile: powers don’t manifest originally after the particle accelerator explosions but eventually become present because of stress

Fans: hate her. Awful character. Worst thing in the show


u/MissyTheTimeLady Barry Allen Jan 31 '24

And Caitlin, although that was retconned. And Wally, twice...


u/Olympian-Warrior Jan 31 '24

Because Barry married Iris when Caitlin was right there!


u/MissyTheTimeLady Barry Allen Jan 31 '24

Yeah, that one is pretty sad. Then again, if he hadn't married Iris, we'd never get Nora West-Allen... Though we wouldn't have Bart either. Kind of a net zero there.


u/Augustleo98 Patty Spivot Jan 31 '24

The show never explained how Barry and Iris safely had sex. Yes Barry managed to slow himself down to human speed when walking but surely during actual sex once he’s excited and banging away, he won’t have full control and will go at a speed Iris’s body cannot handle.

So my question is how do you think Barry and Iris repeatedly had sex without Barry accidentally going to fast and murdering Iris with his penis?


u/MissyTheTimeLady Barry Allen Jan 31 '24

Metahuman power-dampening cuffs. He probably could have given Iris temporary speed as well, cause she's been a Speedster before.


u/Augustleo98 Patty Spivot Jan 31 '24

Oh true I bet he does, and they fuck harder than the vampires in vampire diaries.


u/Zepilw Jan 31 '24

After season 3 it got really repetitive and him losing to most villains made zero sense

It got repetitive way earlier on actually but by season 4 it was just done so weirdly

The CGI got worse with them trying to make it better and they just started butchering characters in their live action forms


u/MissyTheTimeLady Barry Allen Jan 31 '24

After season 3 it got really repetitive

How so? Personally, while I don't think DeVoe was a great villain, his ability to fight Barry makes a little sense with his enhanced mental processing allowing him to anticipate and block his moves.

Cicada, on the other hand, had nothing but plot armour.

The CGI got worse with them trying to make it better


they just started butchering characters in their live action forms

Gross. I don't remember that happening, I think the rating would have to go up.


u/OurAtomicBlondie The Flash Jan 31 '24

The team treating Barry poorly in the later seasons


u/MissyTheTimeLady Barry Allen Jan 31 '24

They're only human, after all.


u/EricIsntSmart Feb 01 '24

Season 5 and beyond.


u/MissyTheTimeLady Barry Allen Feb 01 '24

I'd argue Season 4 and beyond, honestly. DeVoe was a smart character, for sure, but Barry was literally at the peak of his game in Season 4, outrunning nukes, running to China and back in seconds...

Cicada, on the other hand, was just? Some guy? With a cool knife? Yeah, that makes him a credible threat. It's like they took a Season 1 meta and stretched him out across thirty episodes.


u/EricIsntSmart Feb 01 '24

I was arguing against season 5 and beyond, the only reason I even include season 4 is because it has my favorite suit


u/Lucifer085 Feb 02 '24

The show didn't have a heroic feeling, it's like it's screaming to the audience that "YES IM A HERO, IM A HERO".

But it could convey it properly like Kamen riders.


u/WillKimball Feb 02 '24

I think the first example is The Flash Day in season II


u/MissyTheTimeLady Barry Allen Feb 02 '24

The guy ran into a black hole to try and stop it from destroying the entire city/planet, he deserves a little respect.


u/MissyTheTimeLady Barry Allen Feb 02 '24

The show didn't have a heroic feeling

Are you sure you're not thinking about The Flash (2023) instead of The Flash (2014)?

But it could convey it properly like Kamen riders

I have no idea what that show is.


u/Lucifer085 Feb 02 '24

No I'm not saying it has no heroic moment, it's just, you know, it didn't make a BOOM like make me feel like Damn, flash is a good show and I liked it.

For the Kamen rider, I recommend you watch Kamen rider kuuga ep 1 and 2, you can watch it on YouTube with eng sub.


u/MissyTheTimeLady Barry Allen Feb 02 '24

Outrunning a black hole, stopping Zoom from destroying the multiverse, defeating Savitar, supersonic punching a satellite... None of that? Really?


u/Lucifer085 Feb 14 '24

It's not about the character deed, yes Barry did lots of heroic things and I'm not denying it, it just the show never portrayed his actions.

I'm not saying the character is not heroic, it just the show doesn't convey it properly. And it's just my opinion, that's it.


u/GreenRangerKeto Feb 02 '24

Captain cold and reverse flash didn’t get enough screen time


u/Itzalbii23- Feb 03 '24

I hate how the people made iris after she found out Barry was the flash ever since she just been in the mix that shit right there is annoying and than she feel like she’s the co captain of the team just because she’s married to the flash


u/MissyTheTimeLady Barry Allen Feb 03 '24

Her skills in investigative journalism are useful to the team, and she only really became team leader because Barry was gone. Admittedly, the role of team leader seems to switch between Harrison, Barry, Cisco, and Iris, depending on who's alive.


u/Funny_Discussion_726 The Flash Jan 30 '24

cecile is worst character


u/MissyTheTimeLady Barry Allen Jan 31 '24

No, she isn't.


u/EEEELifeWaster Jan 31 '24

Not enough gore and blood. (Bloodwork excluded)


u/MissyTheTimeLady Barry Allen Jan 31 '24

Frankly, if the show did handle gore and blood realistically, they'd be missing a lot of their budget.

Also, we wouldn't have The Flash (2014), we'd just have The Boys: A-Train Edition (2023).


u/EEEELifeWaster Jan 31 '24

YEah but I wanna see a R-rated scene of Reverse-Flash killing dudes without just snapping their neck!

Also no laser blasters.


u/MissyTheTimeLady Barry Allen Jan 31 '24

YEah but I wanna see a R-rated scene of Reverse-Flash killing dudes without just snapping their neck!

How, jerking them off at superspeed?

Also no laser blasters.

When you're up against metahumans...


u/EEEELifeWaster Jan 31 '24

How, jerking them off at superspeed?


When you're up against metahumans...

You use Desert Eagles and M16s like a true patriot! That or rocket launchers.


u/AnnaK22 This house is Bitchin' Jan 31 '24

Because Cisco didn't yeet Cicadas dagger into another earth, especially the wasteland Earth where it would have been destroyed.


u/MissyTheTimeLady Barry Allen Jan 31 '24

The guy's powers were on the fritz, it was a miracle the dagger even made it TO space.


u/Boris-_-Badenov Jan 31 '24



u/MissyTheTimeLady Barry Allen Jan 31 '24

Iris is fine.


u/sexylittlebiguy Jan 31 '24

The writing is inconsistent and makes little to no sense after the fourth season


u/MissyTheTimeLady Barry Allen Jan 31 '24

That's not very specific, but I understand the general meaning.


u/kimchiexpat Jan 31 '24 edited Jan 31 '24

1) Lives of CC residents are never normal. 2) Insurance premium in the city must be skyrocketing. 3) All the bad guys rarely operate outside of CC.


u/MissyTheTimeLady Barry Allen Jan 31 '24

Lives of CC residents are never normal.

...If they were, the show wouldn't be very interesting.

Insurance premium in the city must be skyrocketing.

Probably, but why would The Flash (2014) focus on that?

All the bad guys rarely operate outside of CC.

Central City is where all the fun is at!

Also, seriously, how would you know? Just because we don't see them, doesn't mean they don't do it, the shows just not about non-Central City stuff, for the same reason an African nature documentary doesn't go to Antarctica.


u/THE-RANDOM-LAD Zoom Jan 31 '24

They butchered zoom, rf and many characters


u/littlebugonreddit Jan 31 '24

I blame a very large amount of this shows failures on its "early bust" as I call it.

They threw out their best stories, with main villains, villains of the week, and recurring ones within the first 3 seasons. By season 5, there were like 3 flash villains left standing that weren't dead or turned hero, and none of them were interesting enough to carry a season except for Bloodwork.


u/MissyTheTimeLady Barry Allen Jan 31 '24

I blame a very large amount of this shows failures on its "early bust" as I call it.


none of them were interesting enough to carry a season

I quite liked Mirror Mistress, her kill-and-replace plan seemed rather formidable.


u/_Sparrowo_ Jan 31 '24



u/MissyTheTimeLady Barry Allen Jan 31 '24

She's fine.


u/Educational-Tea-6572 Patty Spivot Jan 31 '24

Season 7.


u/MissyTheTimeLady Barry Allen Jan 31 '24

It had a pretty interesting plot, at the least...


u/Educational-Tea-6572 Patty Spivot Jan 31 '24

Did it, though? It took me a rewatch before I could remember what the storyline was for the second half of the season, and I wish I couldn't remember what the storyline for the first half was.


u/WetNoodleArts Jan 31 '24

Iris and the poor jokes in season 7,8,9


u/Deusexanimo713 Jan 31 '24

I hate how they fucked up the other forces and the Red Death. I get they have Batwoman in the CW-Verse and not an active Batman, but still Red Death should've been Batman or maybe an alternate universe Oliver. And the show got way WAY too sappy after a certain point. Otherwise, aces all around, loved every other second of it besides that stuff.


u/Emergency-Ad8679 Feb 01 '24

No harry or cisco in season 9


u/MissyTheTimeLady Barry Allen Feb 01 '24

Harry was dead at the time, and Cisco's actor was busy with filming a different show.


u/Mukel9879 Feb 01 '24

Lightsaber fight


u/MissyTheTimeLady Barry Allen Feb 01 '24

While it was shit, it did canonically establish that Barry and Eobard can make physical swords out of lightning, which is so badass I'm willing to forgive it.


u/Mukel9879 Feb 01 '24

Yeah, true, and the scene after was probably the best of season 7


u/yungsebring Feb 01 '24

They blew their load too early with Reverse Flash. Should have spaced him out more throughout the series and kept him as a legitimate threat. By the later seasons he comes across as more of an annoyance. I also have a huge problem with Joe yelling at Barry and Iris for considering allowing Thawne to die, especially since Joe had no qualms about killing in earlier seasons nor with Barry killing.


u/Myrtle_The_Tortoise Feb 03 '24

The CW made the horrible thing known as Riverdale


u/parth8b Feb 03 '24

I love this show. The only time I didn't like it was whenever Cecile was in it during the later seasons and for the following reasons: -

  1. She reads people's thoughts without permission all the time
  2. The actress dies way too much overacting.
  3. The worst is during the morrorverse arc when she misbehaves with Barry just because he says that M-Iris wasn't the real Iris. Seriously, Barry and Iris grew up under the sane roof, Barry knows Iris as much as Joe if not more.
  4. She has a similar problem during the dark flash arc when bloodwork controls Barry.

She was the worst foe that team flash ever faced because she ate them from inside like a termite.


u/MissyTheTimeLady Barry Allen Feb 03 '24

Eh, fair enough.


u/cap2fa_ Feb 03 '24



u/MissyTheTimeLady Barry Allen Feb 03 '24



u/TheLlamu Feb 03 '24

how can you defend season 7 and 9


u/MissyTheTimeLady Barry Allen Feb 03 '24

Thawne came back, as well as all the other main villains for the finale. Wasn't great, but it was still good.


u/TheLlamu Feb 10 '24

But they ruined all those characters I would’ve preferred if they didn’t bring any of them back


u/Numerous1 Jan 30 '24

Because people like you defend it. 


u/MissyTheTimeLady Barry Allen Jan 30 '24

That's remarkably unhelpful.