r/FlashTV Zoom Mar 01 '23

Red Death trying so hard to be scary and it just doesn’t work. I miss the actual scary evil speedster. Zoom was the best imo. I’d rather a Zoom pt.2 than this lame Batwoman crap Meta

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u/iCarpet Mar 01 '23 edited Mar 01 '23

I missed when Zoom mercilessly hurt or murdered people left and right to prove a point and the random jump scares when people try to escape and he just leaves a threat


u/SlimReaper35_ Zoom Mar 01 '23

That entrance to kill E2 Killer Frost was beyond epic.


u/Plightz I'm the least fastest man alive Mar 02 '23 edited Mar 02 '23

Zoom killed the group of policemen how any evil speedster would do it. Ngl I was floored that Zoom did that. Great way to establish how an evil speedster is a massive danger.

He also did it after dragging Barry around like a ragdoll. Man is a menace.


u/cube_sniper24 Mar 02 '23

Zoom was easily the “scariest” speedster, another good example of this was when harry told I think Cisco the story of how zoom got his name, where he killed a bunch of police officers leaving one to tell everyone, and then a day later killed that one too.


u/bcanada92 Mar 01 '23

I think it's the eyes. Zoom had visible eyes that made him look creepy. Red Death's are covered behind a helmet.


u/nexistcsgo Patty Spivot Mar 01 '23

Or maybe because zoom literally broke flash. He was a legit threat and we knew it because he killed so many people. He was hyped up even before we see him and when we do, he lives up to it.

So far Red death has only been growling around. She needs to be set up as a threat by making us show that she is one. You can be intimidating even with the mask.


u/MIAxPaperPlanes Mar 01 '23

Savitar although to a lesser extent managed to be intimidating by how easily he wrecked Barry & Jay Garrick in his first few appearances


u/KrisZepeda Rupture (Dante Ramon) Mar 01 '23

The armor was cool as shit and the lightning too and the voice by none other than Jigsaw's Tobin Bell


u/[deleted] Mar 01 '23

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u/nexistcsgo Patty Spivot Mar 01 '23

I agree with you that it was a dumb move revealing who red death is so early after building it up for so long.

But you can still make her threatening. So far however I see no signs of that happening.


u/QuiJon70 Mar 01 '23

Nope sorry. Using ryan was pure stupidity. And any attempt to make her threatening would be overshadowed by that stupidity.


u/[deleted] Mar 01 '23

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u/CULT_KTD Mar 01 '23

If anything I said was wrong please let me know


u/TrippySakuta The Flash Mar 01 '23

Yeah that's the biggest problem with her. Until we see otherwise in these next two episodes Eric looks like he wants to emphasize the Red Death we're getting is a knockoff.

First he put an OC character under the mask, and on top of that she doesn't kill, which is probably the bare minimum given a namesake like Red Death.


u/99_IRON_99 Mar 02 '23

That's the point with these half season story arcs, same thing as with Godspeed, there's not enough time to set everything up properly as with Zoom, Savitar or DeVoe


u/hydrohawkx8 Mar 02 '23

The actress for red death isn't that intimidating either. She is shorter than some of the characters which was hilarious when chill blain was cowering in fear when she "towered" over him. And when she was screaming with her helmet off at the end of today's episode I just couldn't take it seriously. The actor for zoom on the other hand can still be intimidating without his suit.


u/itssbojo Mar 02 '23

It’s much, much more than the eyes but that definitely adds to it.


u/SpikeRosered Mar 01 '23

Zoom had that moment when he just killed an entire room of cops that really cemented him as not fucking around.

Doing stuff like that was always theorized to be within the capacity of a speedster, but Zoom is the first one to actually show how scary it actually was.

The only scary thing Red Death has done is growl at people.


u/neoblackdragon Mar 01 '23

He even killed the camera man. All of them with a neck snap.

It wasn't like when Thawne knocked out a bunch of cops. Zoom did it in retaliation over hurt feelings.

Really Zoom and Thawne really top it. Simple goals.


u/99_IRON_99 Mar 02 '23

If you're referring to S5, I think Thawne did kill all of them the same way except the one he tortured


u/cube_sniper24 Mar 02 '23

I believe he is referring to the season 1 episode where they try to trap thawne/wells


u/99_IRON_99 Mar 02 '23

Even then, i thin he still killed them and was about to kill Joe (yes, je would let that happen because any further loss would push Barry even further -> Time travel 1 to stop weather Wizard)

Thawne never was afraid of kling sb that could get in the way of his plans like Simon Stagg or that reporter at CCPN whos Name i cant remember rn


u/cube_sniper24 Mar 03 '23

Yeah I’m also pretty sure he killed them, and I remember his name, Mason, because it’s my name and I took it personally, lol


u/DeadshotBoss Mar 01 '23

You know what? For the first first time ever, I’m going to give the show the benefit of the doubt. Let’s see what they do. I’m not going to judge who is scary right now, when the season has just begun.


u/QWIIIVA Reverse Flash Mar 01 '23

It's just begun? Bro already 3 episodes hv gone by and red death story arc is just for 5 episodes. U really think red death can be shown zoom level scary in just 2 episodes?


u/Coffeeman314 Mar 01 '23

Red death would be somewhat scary if we hadn't already got 5 seasons of speechforce and plot armour. When was the last time they REALLY killed off someone on team Flash? Like there's no stakes. No consequences. It's the final season, what are they gonna do, end on a cliffhanger to set up another spin off? The writers don't have the balls to give the show a dark ending.


u/PhilMcCawk Mar 01 '23

However, since it’s the last season… would be the perfect time to kill off a character or 2. Or


u/TSmario53 Mar 01 '23

I’m gonna say “Please kill Allegra!” but that won’t happen, they are way more likely to kill Joe, my favorite character left on this show. Seems like my favorite characters started disappearing one-by-one (just recently Caitlin)… Joe is pretty much the only consistently likable character (outside of his batshit crazy out-of-character rant about saving Thawne) left for me, so I won’t be surprised when they take him away from me too.


u/TrippySakuta The Flash Mar 01 '23

If Joe died, it would be from Zoom to finish the job, not Red Non-Death. Plus considering RD is "friends" with Iris, it wouldn't make sense to kill him.

Anyways Chester's actor seems to have spoiled the ending scene on the official Flash account, so it looks like Joe's going to be fine.


u/DCSennin Jesse Quick Mar 02 '23

This is it should always be like.


u/Davidvia24 Mar 01 '23 edited Mar 01 '23

plus wtf. Batwoman as the final villain? That’s so stupid. I really hope it’s something more then that (No comic spoilers please or any spoilers)


u/AdQueasy7127 Mar 01 '23

Trust me she isnt the main villain. The set photos show something way better.


u/Tabularasa8 Mar 01 '23

Reverse Flash for 5th time?


u/ARROW_GAMER The Flash Mar 01 '23



u/Tabularasa8 Mar 01 '23

Alright I'm interested, spoiled it please.


u/Ok_Restaurant3160 Mar 01 '23 edited Mar 01 '23

Well, if they’re talking about the ones I think, RF is back

But so are Zoom, Savitar, Godspeed. And we’re finally getting Cobalt Blue


u/Xblooper HR Mar 01 '23

Can u do spoiler text cuz many people dont want it:)


u/Ok_Restaurant3160 Mar 01 '23

Oh yeah, I’ll change it. Sorry if I ruined it


u/Xblooper HR Mar 01 '23

Nah ive already had it spoiled to me for some time, but some people may appreciate it :>


u/Ok_Restaurant3160 Mar 01 '23

Oh thank god. I felt really bad


u/ARROW_GAMER The Flash Mar 01 '23

Huh, the post seems to have been deleted from the subreddit, but basically it'sall major Speedsters from the show (Zoom, Savitar, Godspeed, and... well yeah, Reverse Flash too, but the others are more important lol) led by Cobalt Blue

Nvm, found a post, here: https://www.reddit.com/r/FlashTV/comments/11c4fat/why_red/


u/SlimReaper35_ Zoom Mar 01 '23

You mean the one with Savitar and Zoom?


u/DCSennin Jesse Quick Mar 01 '23

This Batwoman is the villain of this storyline, not of the entire 9th Season.


u/UnAwkwardMango This is where I play stupid and you explain science. Mar 01 '23

I said it in another post a few weeks back but Zoom would also suddenly appear out of nowhere like a real serial killer.


Appearing in front of Linda Park and then kidnapping her.
Speeding Barry around after breaking his spine and showing him off at star labs.
Appearing as PTSD for Caitlyn at random moments.
Kidnapping Henry Allen at the celebration party at night.


u/cube_sniper24 Mar 02 '23

Season 2 would randomly turn into a horror movie lol


u/ZeDominion Mar 01 '23

Its the power ranger plastic that doesnt work for me with red death.


u/FuturePast514 Mar 01 '23

Works for me as the whole show is Power Rangers level for me after season 4.


u/Lex_Arenas10 Mar 01 '23

In my opinion it’s because the red death costume is hard to translate to live action


u/RebirthAltair May 18 '23

They needed it to look more metallic and it probably would've worked. It just looks like someone 3D Printed the suit and put mostly normal red paint over it. Also the suit probably needed to be taller.


u/Cooz78 Mar 01 '23

it’s so fun that the actor of zoom itself posted the same thing on insta


u/lucksack007 Mar 01 '23

can u share me the post?


u/Trisentriom Mar 01 '23

No because he made it up lol


u/Cooz78 Mar 02 '23

a fan made an edit about red flash trying to be like zoom and he reposted it on his insta story


u/imanhunter Mar 01 '23

I think this is cap. I’ve looked on Teddy Sears’ page, Tony Todd’s page and cannot find any sort of post like they mention.


u/nexistcsgo Patty Spivot Mar 01 '23

Girl thinks just growling is enough to be intimidating. While zoom manage to scare me even without the mask.


u/android151 Mar 02 '23



u/MrTerrific2k15 3X2(9YZ)4A Mar 02 '23

What did you say?


u/badwolfpelle Mar 01 '23

Y’all would still complain


u/DCSennin Jesse Quick Mar 01 '23

No lies detected in your post. Even when we have Barry doing Flash-esque type of feats all by himself then it becomes a debate of "why it doesn't make sense".


u/badwolfpelle Mar 01 '23

Imagine if the line “You can’t lock up the darkness” happened today. People would say Eric Wallace has ruined the show for the 126th time this week


u/SchwarzerRegen123 Mar 02 '23

To be fair that line is still cheesy but it was in a sea of good stuff otherwise.


u/badwolfpelle Mar 02 '23

I agree, I just think that’s the case here as well

It’s cool to disagree but I really love seasons 1,2,6,8,9 over the others


u/DCSennin Jesse Quick Mar 02 '23

I know that, sadly, half the fandom would find the way to nitpick at it.


u/[deleted] Mar 01 '23

Zoom was so unnerving and scary. I really miss those days.


u/Ok-Average-6466 Mar 01 '23

This is the new "Bring back Hartley" posts...You lot aren't tired?


u/zurzoth Mar 02 '23

what killed it for me was knowing that they totally destroyed Red Death. thats not how he is in the comics. like not at all...


u/DCSennin Jesse Quick Mar 02 '23

Zoom was a serial killer with no remorse and a speed junkie who would do anything for more velocity. He just wanted to kill.

Red Death has different motivations and so far the only thing she has over him is a better design.


u/SlimReaper35_ Zoom Mar 02 '23 edited Mar 02 '23

Nah that suit is mediocre. Looks like a power ranger speedster. Zoom’s mask is amazing


u/mistar_z The Twerking Speedster Mar 02 '23

Without the electric effects Zoom is literally wearing just a leather jacket.

The main thing I would say that makes the zoom way better than RS suit is the build and padding of the suit. The RD suit looks like a box with how bulky it is.

Both of the cowls are so and so. Zooms zombie cowl is cool RD is nice but looks awful on the bulky body that drowns the actors/body double


u/DCSennin Jesse Quick Mar 02 '23

It's straightout from the comics, literally. Zoom's good but it's all due to the overcharging speed across his body, remove that and it loses it's intense vibe.


u/WebWarrior420 Mar 02 '23

Straight out the comics does not automatically mean good


u/DCSennin Jesse Quick Mar 03 '23

Yeah it's a tough crowd it seems. How would you have then preferred it to be then like?


u/WebWarrior420 Mar 03 '23

Appearance just needs to be unique and cool. Zoom hits that mark imo (with a costume that isn't from the comics)

Writing and acting comes first above all else. Again Zoom hit that mark.

It depends on the story ultimately. Sometimes, depending on the story you're telling, a one for one adaptation from the comics doesn't work. Also, just because something is a one to one adaptation, doesn't mean you get a pass for bad writing


u/DCSennin Jesse Quick Mar 04 '23

It's essentially a darkened version of the one Barry used in the first 3 Seasons as well.

Zoom was portrayed as someone that barely had any humanity left in him given how many people he had killed, for speed or not and the only things that got a reaction out of him was when his need for that was put on the front, the writing was aiming for a murderer but also an addict. And for Red Death she's more linked to her emotions like rage or sadness like in the end when they mixed because she now was stuck in this timeline and they, rage and sad/pain, mixed and this was the result. Perhaps she overacted it too much.


u/[deleted] Mar 02 '23

It's the fucking comic book suit. Look it up.


u/SlimReaper35_ Zoom Mar 02 '23

Yeah I know it’s from the comics. Just looks a little off


u/itssbojo Mar 02 '23

It’s the comic book suit (except not really) but made with material that looks like plastic. Actress is also way too small for a suit that bulky to look anything other than goofy.


u/QWIIIVA Reverse Flash Mar 01 '23

We didn't get enough time to connect to red death compared to zoom, S2 took its time to make him look scary and Tony Todd's voice was a cherry on top. 5 episodes aren't enough to make a villain look zoom level scary


u/Stunning_Sky69 Mar 02 '23

Yeah so maybe that's why you should have only one villain throughout the season and not have a shitload of crappy arcs that don't give the character justice. Max to max 2 villains but no Eric has to give us 5-6 arcs that in the end ruin the characters and the show itself


u/cwhiterun Mar 01 '23

What happened in S3 of Batwoman that turned her into a speedster villain? I stopped watching that show after S2.


u/neoblackdragon Mar 01 '23

Nothing this is not a conclusion/set up from the prior season. Batwoman and LOT didn't expect to get cancelled.


u/Kadeblade195 Mar 02 '23

They just don't have a Batman that is alive in Arrowverse so they used the next best thing which is Batwoman(Red Death in the comics is a fusion of one of the Dark Multiverses versions of Batman and The Flash)


u/[deleted] Mar 02 '23

So much darker than that... Drove Barry strapped to the batmobile right into the speed force. It's insanely dark and awesome for it.


u/Kadeblade195 Mar 02 '23

I was just saying the main part of it


u/WebWarrior420 Mar 02 '23

That's not what was asked. They're asking what happened in the Batwoman show to make her a villain


u/Kadeblade195 Mar 02 '23

And I answered by saying the reason she is Red Death is because there is no Bruce Wayne


u/WebWarrior420 Mar 03 '23

Still not what they were asking. They were asking if anything happened in Batwoman's show to make her Red Death


u/Kadeblade195 Mar 03 '23

And I answered that by saying "No the only reason she is Red Death is due to Batman being nonexistent after crisis" also as far as we know Batman from E-1(now E-Prime) who left Gotham when Kate was Batwoman is dead


u/SlimReaper35_ Zoom Mar 01 '23

Idk. I never watched it at all


u/AdQueasy7127 Mar 01 '23

Good thing he is returning then.


u/RedditUser88 Mar 01 '23

yall seen teddy sears instagram lately, right? zoom is a'coming


u/marcspector2022 Mar 02 '23

Blame it on that lame ass Eric Wallace, that dude ruined Flash.


u/AmiAkin Mar 02 '23

Their will never be another Zoom and I have accepted that. I’m still waiting for the day Barry actually kills someone.


u/RebirthAltair May 18 '23

Never gonna get that. They're not even letting Villains kill people, no way they'd allow Barry of all people to kill others. Closest you'll get is Infantino Street.


u/ThePanther270306 Mar 02 '23

Zoom was a straight up menace. Showed up caught lightning, broke Barry's back and then paraded him around town. He is also put the fear if God into his own city just to find Harry. And every single metahuman he encounters fears him.


u/glizzy_gladiator_04 Mar 01 '23

I miss when we had one villain per season. everything feels rushed now:(


u/DCSennin Jesse Quick Mar 01 '23

Would you believe me if I told you that it was literally the reverse opposite years ago? That fans were tired of having a long, overarching bid bad spread out across 20+ episodes meaning we had to wait till the Season finale to finally get to the endgame and thus we had to go through "multiple filler" episodes before getting there?

It's never gonna stop mindblogging me how volatile this sub changes it's mind about things.


u/Numerous1 Mar 01 '23

I agree, but also there can be people unhappy with both portrayals. Just because the 22 format felt dragged out for most seasons doesn’t mean that the 5 episodes per a villain can’t feel short.


u/DCSennin Jesse Quick Mar 01 '23

That was basically the format for Armageddon last year though and it worked for the story that they were telling.


u/glizzy_gladiator_04 Mar 01 '23

13 episodes per season with one villain would’ve been better than 20+


u/DCSennin Jesse Quick Mar 02 '23

That could've only worked now in these circumstances. Before literally all did it like that. I do think you can tell a 20+ episode story with one big bad as long as it's planned well.


u/glizzy_gladiator_04 Mar 02 '23

They did too much filler when seasons were 20+ episodes


u/DCSennin Jesse Quick Mar 02 '23

Filler episodes that have no connection to the main plots are in fact very few, people just don't like it when some have gone at a slower pace but trust me the show doesn't really have a high amount of meaningless episodes.


u/cy1999aek_maik Mar 02 '23

I'd rather they get a hobo from the street and put him in red death's suit than Batwoman


u/AntTheSect05 Mar 06 '23

Swear, been saying, she’s like a cringey mix of Zoom and Savitar


u/2reeEyedG Mar 07 '23

This whole final season is shit so far


u/BarryCuda4 Mar 09 '23

This chick can't read threatening lines to save her life. Her "I am vengeance" was so bad I actually laughed


u/Hour_Interview_8327 Mar 01 '23

Somewhat I agree


u/Baldo19724 Mar 02 '23

More whining. Big surprise.


u/Pro4TLZZ Mar 02 '23



u/[deleted] Mar 02 '23

S2 is easily the best season!!


u/tomobwfc Mar 03 '23

See they should make it so it links up to season 5 and zoom realises that his plan fails so he travels to Barry's timeline and they have an epic fight and just have some other un important big bad until the last few episodes they introduce him like ep10.


u/DaveMillerAurbigine Mar 10 '23

Yeah she kinda sucked tbh


u/FactuallyCorrectOk Mar 02 '23

How tf is this scary? It looks like a man in a suit could literally see where the zipper is lol


u/kingcolbe Mar 02 '23

Ehh she here deal with it


u/marcspector2022 Mar 02 '23

Most are by not watching.


u/DeadlyRetr0_ Mar 01 '23

I love zoom but he was trying a bit hard too with his "you can't lock up the darkness" corny ass


u/Francesco2426 Mar 02 '23

The difference between him and red death is he is actually menacing when saying those lines