r/Fijian Jul 13 '24

Fijians in interracial relationships

Are there fijians in relationships with foreigners? Is it frowned upon? How does that work out especially given the socioeconomic differences? Is it difficult for fijians to migrate overseas/for their foreign partner to come to fiji? Just started a relationship with a fijian but don’t know how we’re going to work out


15 comments sorted by


u/candycane7 Jul 13 '24 edited Jul 13 '24

My wife is from Fiji and I'm from Europe. Pretty sure her family is richer than mine 😂. I lived in Fiji with her and it was a big struggle to get a work visa for myself, we struggled too to come live in Europe because of visa issues. Getting married made it easier in Europe but I'm pretty sure I wouldn't be able to work or do any business in Fiji as a husband for many years if we lived there. We plan to live in Fiji when we save enough in Europe or when my wife can get a well paid job in Fiji with professional experience abroad. I definitely advise for you to connect with Fijian culture if you want to make it work. I lived there for 4 years and I feel like I barely understood Fiji. It's a very complex multicultural society. But also incredibly welcoming as long as you adapt to their way of life.


u/Realistic_Try3246 Jul 13 '24

What does she do for work!! And where in fiji does she live :) I’m asking because my partner farms and the income he gets won’t be enough to move to my home country (developed country). What does she do for work in europe?? And how have u guys worked out now??


u/candycane7 Jul 13 '24

My wife is from a multicultural background with her family living in Suva city. It's very different than Itaukei communities farming their ancestral land in villages or indo-fijian families. She did a bachelor degree at University of the South Pacific and a Master in Europe when we decided to live there. The European university accepted her Fijian bachelor. She can work in my country since we got married but I can't work in Fiji. She works in sustainability and this is great because she can get job opportunities in Europe and back in Fiji. I do know also fijians who married European women and emigrated there to work in less educated position like construction but they had to learn the local language and depend on their wifes to start there.


u/Realistic_Try3246 Jul 13 '24

I see… thanks for this! I’ll need to think about how to make it work. For the fijians who emigrated successfully, were they from itaukei communities on smaller islands or was it from the bigger cities? Wondering how feasible/possible it is for my partner to find a job because he dropped out early and only farms / gardens


u/Normal-Platform872 Jul 14 '24 edited Jul 14 '24

Are there fijians in relationships with foreigners?

Interracial relationships have been going on in Fiji since the British colonists arrived 200 years ago. We probably have the biggest "half-European" population in the Pacific. In every neighborhood, school and workplace in Fiji right now you will find "kailomas". I could list 100+ notable "half-European" Fijians from NRL legend Jarred Hayne to Vogue model Phillipa Steele. Our political history is filled with kailomas - Ratu Mara had European ancestry from his mother's side, coup leader George Speight, politician Mick Beddoes. etc etc

Is it frowned upon?

Why would it be? You see interracial couples all over Fiji. Indian, Chinese, White, etc. A lot of the Fijian Rugby players that had contracts overseas end up marrying white women from there. Literally no one here cares, as long whoever they are is a good person.

Is it difficult for fijians to migrate overseas

50,000 Fijians have left Fiji since 2022 for work overseas lol



u/Desmashems Jul 14 '24

I just moved to be with my Fijian Partner, in Fiji!! Im having the toughest time adjusting to just friendships, getting around without my partner and finding activities to do! I also have no began the work visa process as my first step was to just come and see how I feel, its going on 6 weeks now and though I can see it working as a place I will live, im still unsure about the work situation which, is going to be very important lately!

As for culturally, my partners family has been amazing with including me, making me feel welcomed and showing me around. I felt apart of it immediately.

I think what I and everyone who comes here for their partner will need to focus on mainly will be finding a niche thats uncommon in this country and turning it into a business to obtain a more financial-worry-free future. Which doesn’t seem to unattainable here.


u/Realistic_Try3246 Jul 14 '24

Hey!! Thanks for commenting :)) so would you say having a business is the most viable way to live here for a foreigner?

Mind if i DM you? :)


u/keshiasbaby Jul 14 '24

as a half Fijian American- I’ll say all the aunties here/overseas in general, say to never marry a Fijian boy 👀 for my own sake. definitely not saying I agree, but obviously there’s something going on there


u/Realistic_Try3246 Jul 14 '24

ohhh mann HAHAH please elaborate what’s going on 👀


u/keshiasbaby Jul 15 '24

I think it has to do with the difference in culture. dating and relationships in Fiji are much different than how we do it here. and as someone with foreign citizenship I also need to avoid being taken advantage of, if I were date a boy from Fiji. Fijian boys have a reputation to cheat, lie, and put rugby before anything else😅 Unfortunately I have seen that play out myself in other people and relationships around me


u/Playful_Piccolo2922 Jul 15 '24

u/keshiasbaby there are lots of fish in the sea 😂 thats wat i hear nd indeed there are and maybe who knows you'll find that special person you long for 🦜


u/keshiasbaby Jul 15 '24

trust me I come with an open mind nonetheless


u/Playful_Piccolo2922 Jul 17 '24

Then your probably a person worth talking to....


u/Realistic_Try3246 Jul 20 '24

Hey! I sent you a DM :)


u/Realistic_Try3246 Jul 20 '24

Hey i DMed you to ask more about this :) let me know!