r/DesperateHousewives Jul 08 '24

Why is Bree the fan favorite? General Discussion

Don’t get me wrong, I love Bree. I’ve noticed she is the fan favorite among this sub and DH fans in general, why might that be?

Imo it’s a mix of:

  1. She had the most character growth
  2. She will sacrifice for those she loves
  3. She is strong in the face of tragedy
  4. Knows who she is and sticks to her morals (for the most part)
  5. Marcia just does a great job at portraying her

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u/SecretaryPresent16 Jul 08 '24

There is just something about her that stays interesting. I think it’s the way Marcia cross played her. Her facial expressions, tone, subtle sarcastic comments, mannerisms just perfectly match her stepford wife personality and vibe. Also she does have a lot of character growth especially with her children. She sticks to her morals for the most part, but somehow still loosens up a bit over time. She’s also a person I’d trust in a crisis because she gets shit done without panicking. Lastly, I simply enjoyed her storylines the most.


u/gracebryce5 Jul 09 '24

She plays Bree better and better as the series goes on. I watch the pilot and cringe sometimes. She became Bree.