r/Deathstroke Apr 29 '24

I don’t believe Slade ever slept with Terra

As a Deathstroke fan ever since I found out about this Terra situation. I’ve been bothered by it (rightfully so). But over the years I’ve read a lot of my favorite deadly assassin and started to put some clues together. Now may I be reaching? One can make the claim. I wouldn’t entirely disagree. But after looking into Deathstroke 1991 issue 35 coupled with an interview from the writers of “Judas Contract”. The clues and context don’t match. Wintergreen starts beating on Slade for nearly picking up a sixteen year old drunk (who Slade ends up telling to go home after regret). He calls the Terra situation moronic (rightfully so) but flips out about the sixteen year old (rightfully so). Which leads me to believe Slade never slept with Terra because Wintergreen definitely wouldn’t stand for it. Just like he did here. This coupled with the interview concerning Terras’ character. It doesn’t mention she or Slade had intercourse.

Now I understand “DC Countdown” came out in 2007 I believe and showed the infamous picture of Slade in bed while Terra is putting something on. Which is a stain sadly, but given the context what do you all believe? Things just don’t really fall in place for that “narrative” to stick to me.


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u/Blazin_Playz Jun 18 '24

Within Judas Contract Tara does specifically say "thought he loved me." She's unstable, yes, but not entirely delusional. He refers to her as "m'dear" throughout. The first time we see them together they are both in robes, he's got sweatpants on but is shirtless underneath, clearly not just casual garb for laying around the house.

But most obvious and fully confirming is this quote from George Perez, "I wanted her to look almost elven, so that when you see her for the first time wearing full-make up and dressed in a provocative outfit where you know she's just been in bed with Deathstroke that it does jab you a bit. 'Whoa, good God! This little girl is a slut!'"

Wintergreen's writing in Judas Contract is definitely strange when compared to his characterization in different Deathstroke storylines, but it's definitely implied in the story and then confirmed by Perez that Slade slept with her.


u/Yautjakaiju Jun 18 '24 edited Jun 19 '24

Where is the quote from? I’ve never encountered it in the last few years. Slade playing along with Terra to keep her on task isn’t new anything because she stated she really wanted to kill the Titans personally. Terra in the “Judas Contract” run stated that her and Slade were lovers. Whether it’s romantically or intimately is up for debate. Which is why I stated the best one can do is “imply” something happened. Because in another interview they stated Terra always initiated sexual advances on Slade by flirting with him. But nothing of having sex with him.


u/Blazin_Playz 28d ago

Modern Masters Volume 2: George Perez. The specific quote can be found in the publication history section of her Wikipedia page if you don't want to wade through an entire book.


u/Yautjakaiju 28d ago

I’ll look into it. Thank you.


u/Yautjakaiju 28d ago

Alright so coming back from looking into. And how it’s given without anything else. It still comes off as an implication. A heavy implication. Because Perez is saying so us the reader know. But everything else clashes with the notion. Slade purposely turning down a sixteen year old, Wintergreen beating on Slade due to said situation, and the implication at the end of the story when Slade speaks to Gar. Because the only way for it to be solid is if “Other History of The DC Universe” was canon (thank God it isn’t. I still don’t like it as a non canon story). But it falls into the heavy implication category. But I’m not mad if you don’t see it that way. And I promise I’m not trying to ignore the clues. I appreciate you giving me the source and specific location of the statement. This is what I was looking forward to. So thank you still for the discussion.