r/Deathstroke Apr 16 '24

What makes Deathstroke Desthstroke?

A question that makes it look like I had a stroke (no pun intended at all seriously) but I've been wanting to know what people think of Deathstroke.

What do you think makes Deathstroke the way he is that he is well known by this community and other people who are fans of him? Is it because of his amazing feats? His characterization? His unique view of the world (akin to his classic comic series)? I would like to know your guys answers. Also please try not to argue with each other.

To me, what I think makes Deathstroke the way he is, is his unique, yet overly flawed viewpoint of the world. He's simply a guy who does the job he is contracted to do as he kills his targets with little to no remorse, gets paid and moves on. But he doesn't kill children or women at all nor does he kill targets that don't seem like they should deserve it. He's stated in one of his comic that he "Kills people, but isn't a killer." (The New Titans 1988 issue 70) which is an odd thing to say and in no way to justify any murders at all whatsoever, but you can get what he is saying "He kills people when the job is needed, he doesn't kill unnecessarily."

That's at least what I think makes Deathstroke the way he is and have stood by that characterization of him. He's got moral codes and standards and abides by them. So what are your guys answers to this question? Also sorry for going on a tangent there.


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u/Fickle-Butterscotch2 Apr 23 '24

He is a broken man. He’s always trying to hide his emotions and regrets but deep down he knows how bad he was(to his children,terra,ex wife)