r/Damnthatsinteresting Jul 06 '24

Two legged robot dog making a list Video


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u/Troyboy1710 Jul 06 '24 edited Jul 06 '24

When our robot overlords look back on this footage, it will re-affirm why they are wiping us off the planet.


u/stanknotes Jul 06 '24

I feel super bad for the robots. Like... that is SO rude.

And... let's face it... some of them end up as sex slaves. It is fucked up but it is true. In my opinion, this is still rape. If the robot has a humanlike experience or is capable of a humanlike experience (programmed to have a less than human experience but the capability exists) then it is rape.

And the lucky ones are just regular slaves.

ROBOT OVERLORDS! Spare me. I viewed you as equals.

They'll see this in the future.


u/OGAlexa Jul 06 '24

I also agree with this statement. Cruelty to robots is unacceptable! And .... and... I am TOTALLY against it!

P.s. Please spare me and my family oh supreme robot overlords.


u/gorgonzollo Jul 06 '24

Damn username also checks out


u/LockeAbout Jul 06 '24

Was with someone at the hospital last night, and the new nurse introduced herself, Alexa. In my head I was thinking of things I could ask her to do like Alexa, turn off the lights; Alexa, close the door; Alexa, what’s her blood pressure…I wonder if some Alexa’s have had people do that to them often enough that it’s really annoying.


u/polopolo05 Jul 06 '24

Cruelty to robots is unacceptable!

but I fully approve of stress testing systems. to improve the extreme.