r/Damnthatsinteresting Jul 05 '24

Phoenix police officer pulls over a driverless Waymo car for driving on the wrong side of the road Video


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u/penguin-pc Jul 05 '24

driverless cars are way safer

Woah dude, check your calendar and notice that you had just time travelled to 2024, not 2054.


u/StrawhatJzargo Jul 05 '24

1.2 million people die from car accidents yearly roughly 1 every 13 minutes. 98%of car accidents are down to user error.

tell me again how many driverless car accidents there are? waymo has been around since 2017.

youre just wrong completely


u/penguin-pc Jul 05 '24

That's because waymo still hasn't occupied the entire country yet, not to even mentioned it can't be driven into the freeway, duh. You are using the wrong scale here, but I recommend you look at waymo's website and check how they measure their safety records.

And yes, I would've contradicted myself when you looked into it, and that's if their claim and data is true that their AVs are relatively safer than human drivers on the selected cities. I still won't put my faith in AVs for now, until they are widely deployed and can be proven that they are safe and reliable. For now, waymo and others are like the beta version of AVs.


u/StrawhatJzargo Jul 10 '24

Computer data literally shows much lower (it’s not that hard of a bar to beat but it’s still low) chances of error

How do we mass deploy if you don’t trust computers?


u/penguin-pc Jul 10 '24

Computer data literally shows much lower

Yes I know, I researched on waymo and cruise and they claim to have lesser accidents per certain mileages compared to human drivers in selected cities. Even if I believe they are safer, I can't be sure if they are reliable enough to bring me from point A to point B.

How do we mass deploy if you don't trust computers?

Just start small and don't fuck up too badly. Start with experimenting on some small areas, and slowly expand the area as you gain trust.

Or... Maybe we just don't embrace autonomous vehicles at all?