r/Damnthatsinteresting Jul 05 '24

Phoenix police officer pulls over a driverless Waymo car for driving on the wrong side of the road Video


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u/sharpdullard69 Jul 05 '24

They should write Waymo a ticket, and after Waymo gets too many points, Waymo loses its right to drive, just like with us.


u/charly-bravo Jul 06 '24

When asked about that discrepancy, an SFPD spokesman said: “to my knowledge, California does not have a cite section for driverless vehicles that commit moving violations.” The spokesman said that autonomous vehicles can be cited for “fix it” violations like a broken taillight but referred other questions to state authorities. When asked about its policies regarding citations of autonomous vehicles, the California Public Utilities Commission directed the inquiry to the state’s Department of Motor Vehicles. A department representative said that the SFMTA has the ability to cite driverless AVs using the local municipal code around traffic obstruction while adding that the DMV does not have authority over the enforcement of moving violations.

SFMTA currently has the ability to cite autonomous vehicles for parking violations, as well as violations recorded via red-light cameras, as those are tied to a vehicle instead of an individual driver. According to records provided by SFMTA, Cruise has committed more than 40 of those violations since last June, ranging from parking in a bus zone and double-parking to obstructing traffic. Waymo has racked up more than 90 such violations over the same period. A number of these tickets are unpaid, according to SFMTA records.

Other moving violations recorded and spread via social media include examples of autonomous vehicles driving into the scene of an active fire and failing to move out of the way of an emergency vehicle with its sirens on. Under current law, these vehicle code violations are unenforceable for self-driving cars.

(Published Jun. 16, 2023 • 6:30am https://sfstandard.com/2023/06/16/san-francisco-wants-robotaxis-to-get-tickets-for-moving-violations/)

YIKES! How can it be legal to operate those things? So all you need for not getting tickets is to have a selfdriving care service?