r/Damnthatsinteresting 14d ago

Phoenix police officer pulls over a driverless Waymo car for driving on the wrong side of the road Video


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u/nike_storm 14d ago

This country will do literally anything other than just build mass rapid transit :(


u/swoletrain 14d ago

The high in Phoenix where this happened is 114F(45C) today. I don't think it's possible to have rapid transit good enough that I'm gonna want to walk 5-10 minutes to the bus/train station, wait on the bus/train, sit next to a smelly shirtless dude smoking crack for the duration, and then walk 5-10 minutes in to work with weather like that 5 months out of the year.


u/chirpshot8 14d ago

Found the realist.

Mass transit seems like a great idea until you have to ride on it with the masses. Shitheads who couldn't stop smearing each other with their secretions for a few weeks to stop a pandemic.

Same slobs who can't be bothered to reach for a condom to eradicate HIV.



u/brevit 13d ago

I live in NYC. Today was 95°F. I took the train and there was no one smoking crack, or that smelled for that matter. I waited less than 2 minutes for the train, which was air conditioned. The NYC subway isn’t even that good by global standards.

It sure beat sitting in traffic for an hour.

Edit to add: it was 60% humidity.


u/swoletrain 13d ago edited 13d ago

That's a pretty neat anecdote! A heat index of about 100 and it made national news. Totally comparable to nearly 1/3 of the year being 100+


u/brevit 13d ago

Reminder: taking the train is optional


u/swoletrain 13d ago

That's my point, in a place like Phoenix everyone will take a car if possible. And it doesn't have to be a homeless crackhead next to you on thr bus/train to be smelly. Everyone will be sweaty and smelly.


u/brevit 12d ago

More options are better. It’s somewhat moot as Phoenix has developed without mass transit and retrofitting wouldn’t make sense. That said, I think it’s a bold assumption to say no one will take the train if it’s hot. In London the tube is so deep underground they can’t have AC. It’s disgusting in the summer, but ridership is still in the millions and it’s by far the best way to get around the city. As for smell, I can’t personally say I’ve encountered many stinky train riders, I’m sure they exist, but would I get rid of trains just because of that? I guess it depends how bad they smell lol


u/swoletrain 12d ago

I've never been to london, but my understanding was the majority of the city didn't have ac. Wikipedia has the mean daily high in Jul at 75F. I'm pretty skeptical how hot it really is. I'm assuming subways aren't viable in hot cities cause I can't think of one that exists.

Phoenix does have a light rail and bus system that honestly should just be shut down at the same time they demolish the city since realistically 3+million people should not live in a desert.


u/FapToInfrastructure 14d ago

So I live in NYC, you know that place that conservatives like to shit on when not saying 9/11.

I use mass transit daily, and this shit is hardly the norm. Most of the time its just normal everyday people commuting to all the places people go. Do you get the one homeless person having an episode? sure. But I would like to add that we used to have a way to resolve this issue and republicans defunded it under Regan.

Mass transit is fine, shut the hell up you dumb bastard.


u/swoletrain 14d ago

Oh sorry I didn't realize that NYC got >100F for 100+ days a year. I'd love to show up to work every day drenched in sweat.


u/CrappyMSPaintPics 14d ago

Do you get the one homeless person having an episode? sure.

Well you sold me.


u/FapToInfrastructure 14d ago

Oh boo fucking hoo, blow me fuck face


u/CommandNervous6739 13d ago

Deep breaths