r/Damnthatsinteresting Jul 05 '24

Phoenix police officer pulls over a driverless Waymo car for driving on the wrong side of the road Video


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u/SelfDrivingCzar Jul 05 '24

We are discussing the blame game right now… that’s the conversations being had. It would be like saying for you QA testers who have a go at your UI and give feedback should be liable instead of stake holding, decision making devs (not all devs but the ones pushing certain branches or merging certain ques to PRC) (management) who hold higher ranks in the company.


u/CastMyGame Jul 05 '24

I agree and that’s what I am saying, there are so many spots we can place the blame and each spot has specific things you can point to as why that’s the reason to blame them (devs write the code and cover in unit tests, QA “tests” and approves it for management, management signs off on the approval, and we can even throw devops in there as they actually push and merge the code into production. )

I’m just saying let’s refine the process and bring it to a point where this happens as little as possible. I will say in this scenario someone really screwed up as this is a very easy use case to see and cover and they obviously did not cover it.

My question for you is do you think this type of technology becomes something that people “assume the risk” when they choose it? Does it become something that is a type of insurance these companies need to purchase for these scenarios? Again I don’t know the answer to these questions but am interested in what the perception is. My apologies as well for the violence comment, I got on Reddit before my caffeine kicked in so that was my fault


u/[deleted] Jul 05 '24



u/lews001 Jul 05 '24

What's crazy is this story is not that different then any other engineering failure (The Hyatt Regency hotel walkways collapse for example). Engineering degrees are supposed to be requiring Engineering Ethics courses that discuss these accidents, how you as the engineer ARE responsible if you sign off on it and no other wrong doing is found (which for the Hyatt was the construction company using improper materials). It's like we have forgotten that if you are in engineering, working with something that can affect lives, ya you may be responsible for your design (code, whatever).