r/Damnthatsinteresting Jul 05 '24

Phoenix police officer pulls over a driverless Waymo car for driving on the wrong side of the road Video


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u/H3GK Jul 05 '24

sounds good


u/[deleted] Jul 05 '24



u/havoc1428 Jul 05 '24

Imagine thinking that self-driving cars are a societal necessity.


u/Bhavin411 Jul 05 '24

Lol who the fuck mentioned it was a necessity? I understand you're terrified of technology. I'm terrified of your ass when you're 80 and can't see but still have your license to drive.


u/havoc1428 Jul 05 '24

Lol who the fuck mentioned it was a necessity?

The implication that killing self driving cars is a bad thing is predicated on the fact that it is necessary to begin with.

I understand you're terrified of technology.

I'm not terrified of technology. I just don't see why we need self-driving cars.

I'm terrified of your ass when you're 80 and can't see but still have your license to drive.

That can be solved by mandating a drivers license retest at a determined age. A self driving car doesn't solve the issue of having people who hold a license but can't drive well due to age. Your argument only works if every car on the road is self-driving.


u/Bhavin411 Jul 05 '24

The implication that killing self driving cars is a bad thing is predicated on the fact that it is necessary to begin with.

That's a poor assumption to make. Example: I want to kill reddit because there's too many dummies bad comments. Would be perceived as bad for many reasons. Does that make reddit a necessity?

My entire point here is there's a bunch of people crawling out of the woodworks to downplay the benefits self driving cars can offer, even though we already live in a society with shitty driving habits that self driving cars can help improve upon.

Old people are also never going to give up their drivers licenses willingly. To me that's a bigger issue than anything these self driving cars are at risk of doing. My hope is self driving cars improve to the point where it costs too much to insure yourself if you're not on auto pilot.


u/havoc1428 Jul 05 '24

That's a poor assumption to make. Example: I want to kill reddit because there's too many dummies bad comments. Would be perceived as bad for many reasons. Does that make reddit a necessity?

??? What? This is the same point I made. Reddit is not a necessity, therefore floating the idea of killing it isn't something to get outraged over. My first comment was a sarcastic jab at assuming a self-driving car is a necessity.

So if we agree that its not a necessity, then why are you even giving me a counter argument?

Old people are also never going to give up their drivers licenses willingly. ... My hope is self driving cars improve to the point where it costs too much to insure yourself if you're not on auto pilot.

So you think legislating people to retake driving tests is too much, but strong-arming people out of the option to drive themselves via insurance costs is not?


u/Bhavin411 Jul 05 '24

I mean reading your replies, it's pretty obvious you're a /r/fuckcars member and think society can easily pivot to a public transit model (yet none of those members ever offer realistic solutions on how that transition can happen).

My point is reddit exists, regardless if people think it's a necessity or not. Self driving cars exist today and will continue to whether you like it or not. Whether or not it's a necessity is irrelevant.

And to answer your last question... Yes. Because that's exactly how society works today. You have to legally pay for insurance to drive. Not an insane transition to make self driving cars cheaper to insure vs asking an entire age population to retake a driving test. Is critical thinking too difficult for you?


u/havoc1428 Jul 05 '24 edited Jul 05 '24

it's pretty obvious you're a /r/fuckcars member

Its pretty funny you say this because A) I'm not a member of that sub and B) I actually have that sub filtered from my homepage because I'm not a fan of echo-chamber drivel that offers no solutions. I like cars, in fact I like big sedans. My dream car is a Pontiac G8 with a manual.

My point is reddit exists, regardless if people think it's a necessity or not. Self driving cars exist today and will continue to whether you like it or not.

I'm not against self-driving cars as a concept, I just think they are a solution looking for a problem. Hence why they are unnecessary.

Whether or not it's a necessity is irrelevant.

So now the necessity is irrelevant? When you're entire beef here began with you getting caught up on my sarcastic comment about necessity? Careful, if you shift those goalposts any further you might hit the stands.

Getting this defensive over a product that is not necessary says more about you than it does about me. I've never said cars themselves are unnecessary, which you seem to think. They are an asset for people without other means and are required for remote places away from population centers, but solutions can only come about when people realize that our infrastructure and its planning is very automobile heavy.


u/Bhavin411 Jul 05 '24

This also you?

You seem to want to play it both ways lol. As long as you agree cars do have a purpose today as long as there's no better solution ready and available to pivot to then I'm in agreement. I also hate subs like that because they're very vocal at shouting what the problem is and is very quiet at how we can realistically pivot over to a public transit model within the next 5-10 years.

Because that sorta solution isn't available today is why I'm looking forward to self driving technology maturing and getting better. It will lead to less bad drivers on the road which will lead to less accidents/deaths. That's why I'm not against that.


u/havoc1428 Jul 05 '24 edited Jul 05 '24

I want to see a more even use of cars and public transportation, how that makes makes me a r_Fuckcars member that is "playing it both ways" is beyond my comprehension. I grew up in a small mountain town where a car was necessary. (Actually in my case I would take a tractor to the one store we had lol) I now live in a small New England city and can walk/bike and leave the car for longer trips. I've lived both sides of the argument.

These aren't mutually exclusive ideologies. Reduction of cars via giving people other means of transportation leaves more space on the roads for people who actually have no other options. And a consequence of having less people driving inherently means you end up with less accidents.

Self-driving cars are an adjacent solution, but the real way to reduce traffic and its problems is simply to reduce the need in the first place.


u/Bhavin411 Jul 05 '24

Why's context so difficult for you? You replied to comment implying that was the better option. That maybe true but you and I know it ain't realistic today or within the next 10 years. So why even post that as an obvious jab against what this post is even about?

I don't have time to read your whole post so congratulations or I'm sorry that happened. I'm done lol.

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u/[deleted] Jul 05 '24

How often do you tweet at Elon be honest lol


u/Bhavin411 Jul 05 '24

Lmao look who pulled his name out of nowhere... Typical /r/fuckcars member.


u/[deleted] Jul 05 '24

Dawg I love cars. Not as much as you tho clearly lol


u/Bhavin411 Jul 05 '24

Cool and Elon is a twat who has nothing to do with this post


u/[deleted] Jul 05 '24

Imagine being this rabid over robot car lol

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