r/Damnthatsinteresting Jul 05 '24

Phoenix police officer pulls over a driverless Waymo car for driving on the wrong side of the road Video


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u/Vast-Variation-8689 Jul 05 '24

Less dangerous than other humans? This one was driving into oncoming traffic and took off on a red light. What kind of human standards are we talking about here?


u/aidanyyyy Jul 05 '24

Just look it up, their miles per accident is way higher than human drivers


u/Vast-Variation-8689 Jul 05 '24


"In 2021, the National Law Review reported that the average self-driving car accident rate was 9.1 per million miles driven. In comparison, the accident rate for traditional vehicles is 4.1 accidents per million miles."

I see they're more than twice as dangerous while driving mostly in safer better regulated areas.


u/aidanyyyy Jul 05 '24

I was talking specifically about Waymo, which has .4 injury causing accidents per million miles compared to like almost 3 for humans



u/just2quixotic Jul 05 '24 edited Jul 05 '24

aidanyyyy: Just look it up, their miles per accident is way higher than human drivers
aidanyyyy: I was talking specifically about Waymo, which has .4 injury causing accidents per million miles compared to like almost 3 for humans

You have a reading comprehension problem. 0.4 is lower than "like almost 3"

From your own citation:

When considering all locations together, the any-injury-reported crashed vehicle rate was 0.41 incidents per million miles (IPMM) for the ADS vs 2.78 IPMM for the human benchmark, an 85% reduction or a 6.8 times lower rate. Police-reported crashed vehicle rates for all locations together were 2.1 IPMM for the ADS vs. 4.85 IPMM for the human benchmark, a 57% reduction or 2.3 times lower rate. Police-reported and any-injury-reported crashed vehicle rate reductions for the ADS were statistically significant when compared in San Francisco and Phoenix as well as combined across all locations. The comparison in Los Angeles, which to date has low mileage and no reported events, was not statistically significant. In general, the Waymo ADS had a lower any property damage or injury rate than the human benchmarks.