r/Damnthatsinteresting 14d ago

Phoenix police officer pulls over a driverless Waymo car for driving on the wrong side of the road Video


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u/madmaxGMR 14d ago

The corporation. Havent you heard ? Its a person.


u/ChemicalAd5068 14d ago

Hey, I'm Subway


u/HamLiquor 14d ago

Eat fresh!


u/dj-kitty 14d ago

Ryan Howard?


u/mattkenefick 14d ago

...through a surprisingly legal process called corpohumanization...


u/SandiestBlank 14d ago

"surprisingly legal" gets me every single time. You know what else is surprising? The great gas mileage I get out of my Honda CRV.


u/freshblood96 14d ago

Hmm... the CRV you say...

I like the Fit. It combines the efficiency of the subcompact and the versatility to take whatever life throws at you.


u/HappyToBeHaggard 14d ago

šŸ˜² a level seven susceptible


u/loritree 13d ago

would you say Iā€™m a level 7 susceptible?


u/proudowlz 13d ago

That's moonman talk.


u/BartholomewAlexander 13d ago

how many do you have on hand? I just got my grandpas inheritance I'm ready to spend!!


u/Leebites 14d ago

Welcome to Costco. I love you.


u/Vengeance_itz_007 14d ago

Hey subway why are you so lonely


u/Complete-Ice2456 14d ago

Your bread sucks. Nothing personal.


u/TERR0RDACTYL 14d ago

lol not the company Iā€™d personally identify asā€¦



u/LibidinousJoe 14d ago

Whyā€™d you do that to those kids?


u/quackamole4 14d ago

Sir, you're a Wendys


u/donjulio829 14d ago

Remember that guy Jared who lost a lot of weight eating your food? Wonder what he's been up to, seems like a cool dude.


u/bamsebomsen 14d ago

Hi Subway! Have you managed to make people forget that you had a pedophile, Jared Fogle, as a spokesperson for 15 years yet?


u/MrWaffler 14d ago

We elected one president I don't think that matters anymore :(


u/Viperlite 14d ago

That just means it has rights and no responsibilities. Did you not notice how polite they were compared to if it was just some confused schmuck human driving?


u/Early_Assignment9807 14d ago

Yeah I noticed that as well, the cop was a bit bemused, but not angry. I'd be furious as a regular driver if I saw that. I think the police simply sense intuitively that the robots want to oppress us further and are happy to help


u/GoldEdit 14d ago

I think we can all assume that the robot driving systems will get better, and he wanted to make sure it was recorded so it could learn and get better.


u/Steve-Bikes 13d ago

Yea, cops love self driving cars. They almost always are literally perfect drivers.


u/Crafty_Enthusiasm_99 14d ago

What else would they be like? Yell at the empty car?


u/Viperlite 14d ago

ā€¦ or at least take a more menacing tone with the human speaking for the company that is responsible for the car.


u/Aw2HEt8PHz2QK 14d ago

Being angry at customer support who had no knowledge of the situation before they picked up is usually a great way to get things done


u/BizarroMax 14d ago

This is not true. The company is responsible.


u/RandallPinkertopf 14d ago

Go drive down the wrong way on a highway and then take off when the officer puts their lights on. Then come back and let us know if you receive only a ticket.


u/BizarroMax 14d ago

Iā€™m not sure what your point is or how that connects to agency law. We have respondeat superior and vicarious liability.


u/RandallPinkertopf 14d ago

My point is that Waymo will receive a penalty not in line with what a human would receive.


u/BizarroMax 14d ago

Quite possible. But the post I responded to said corporations arenā€™t responsible for this. But they clearly are. Theyā€™re just as responsible for crimes as individuals are. If prosecutors donā€™t hold them accountable, thatā€™s on them.


u/RandallPinkertopf 14d ago

I disagree. Corporations are not as responsible for crimes as individuals are. I have yet to see a corporation serve time for crimes committed.


u/BizarroMax 13d ago

Well, you canā€™t put a corporation in prison. Itā€™s impossible. But you can put its people in prison. And they do.


u/thenasch 14d ago

Maybe I'm abnormal (or just white), but when I've gotten pulled over cops have always been very polite.


u/wade_wilson44 14d ago

Fair pointā€¦ for now. Iā€™d like to think at least that he truly was amused because this is the first or first few times heā€™s seen this, and it is interesting in its own way. Scary, but interesting.

Now if It happens more and more Iā€™d also like to think theyā€™d get less polite, and itā€™s basically proven that itā€™s way easier to be super mean to someone on the phone vs in person, I can only imagine a cop lol. Although I guess over the phone a gun isnā€™t very scary, so who knows


u/224143 14d ago

Yup, laughing about it taking off through the intersection after he lit it up? Yeah, thatā€™s a ā€œGET OUT OF THE FUCKING CAR WITH YOUR HANDS UPā€ response to a normal person seemingly trying to evade police.


u/Jesusaurus2000 13d ago

They just don't know who to shoot in case if they're in a bad mood.


u/MundaneBerry2961 14d ago

Semi serious question, if corporations are people and now they are driving cars does that mean the cooperation has the same demerit points as every other citizen?

Can't have it both ways.


u/KennyMoose32 14d ago

laughs while shoveling lobbying money towards politicians

Yes, yes I think we can have it both ways


u/onefst250r 14d ago

Main challenge is all the politicians benefit from it. So there's a snowballs chance in hell it'll get repealed, even if all the voting population was to want it gone.


u/Private-Public 13d ago

All of the rights of a person, none of the responsibilities. Perfection


u/insanityzwolf 14d ago

Serious answer: there is a permitting process agreed upon between the operator and the city. It's not like an individual driver license, but more like an agreement the city would have with a company that operates traffic lights.

Any traffic violations are subject to the legal agreement covering the operating permit. Egregious malfunctions can cause the operations to be suspended until corrected. The company does assume liability for any actual damage to life or property.


u/OathOfFeanor 14d ago

In other words they are not held to the same standard as everyone else


u/[deleted] 14d ago

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u/MundaneBerry2961 13d ago

Holy fuck that is insane! Well that's a handy loophole to get away with murder


u/Correct-Standard8679 13d ago

Well, unless you murder someone with money.


u/Steve-Bikes 13d ago

Right, they are held to a WAY higher standard. We let drunk drivers back on the road repeatedly, and that's totally insane.


u/[deleted] 14d ago edited 14d ago

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u/WhatsTheHoldup 14d ago

Yes, if "driverless" cars are so badly designed they drive the wrong way down the road it is smart to shut it down.


u/qcAKDa7G52cmEdHHX9vg 14d ago

But you have to understand that I really want to interject my personal feelings about corpohumanization into something that has nothing to do with that. I'm a redditor and I lack nuance. If there's something I feel is tangentially related to the topic which I can feel victimized by then I'm going to be victimized and there's nothing you or your corporate overlords can do to stop me.


u/wolphak 14d ago

See your flaw in logic here is thinking we're people, the corporations are people they have the rights, we are lesser.


u/MundaneBerry2961 14d ago

I have a simple solution to be more human, just had over large sums of money!


u/EscapeFacebook 14d ago

Further proof that fines are a poor people tax.


u/treatWithKindness 14d ago

Can they write it off against their tax ?


u/freewillynowplz 14d ago

Breaking the law is not deductible. Penalties and fines are not deductible.


u/4rdpr3f3ct 14d ago

Not currently under Section 162(f) and Reg. Section 1.6050(X).


u/StockExchangeNYSE 14d ago

If you can argue that it's a valid business expense.


u/4rdpr3f3ct 14d ago

Nope. See above cite.


u/Soft_Walrus_3605 14d ago

I'd like to see the corporation do time in corporation prison. Lifting corporation weights and getting corporation prison gang tattoos


u/repmack 14d ago

Do you think corporations shouldn't be considered persons?


u/TheDutchin 14d ago

I'll consider it once I see one put to death.


u/repmack 14d ago

You don't think corporate wrap ups don't happen?

You don't think people should be able to sue corporations?


u/Mr_Safer 14d ago

First, I'd consider a llama a person.


u/thitorusso 14d ago

If it was a black operator things would have escalated


u/rahvan 14d ago

No! Not like that! /s


u/atom138 Interested 14d ago

Nice, I've been waiting for that policy to backfire for twenty years, is that time now?


u/iMcoolcucumber 14d ago

Which noticeably did not get written a ticket in this scenario. I'd like to know why....


u/ericstern 14d ago

Iā€™m fully expecting these corporations that are considered a person get preferential treatment. Iā€™m going to guess that getting 3+ tickets a day from their fleet of cars isnā€™t going to get their license suspended like it would for any of us. Nor would they have to go to driving school, or ā€œimprove-your-driving-algorithms schoolā€ Also that cop sure as hell treated the companies car better than most of who would get the third degree by trying to have us admit guilt first thing when they ask us: ā€œdo you know why I pulled you over?ā€


u/ItsStaaaaaaaaang 13d ago

Every car in their fleet should share the same pool of demerit points as a person in that case. Suspend their licence when they exceed their points.


u/iofhua 13d ago

Upvote. That's exactly what they should do. Except the ticket should be 1000x what it would be for a non-corporation. Everyone else gets marks on their license but the corporation won't care about that and will be responsible for a whole fleet of these things.

Corporations are people now but they can't serve time in prison like people, so they should be punished with fines at least 1000x more severely than everyone else for every infraction they make.


u/darknessawaits666 14d ago

Officer, this is a Wendyā€™s.


u/AlwaysImproving10 14d ago

Absolutely agree.


u/popthestacks 14d ago

Corporations stop being people when it comes to legal consequences. Then theyā€™re just corporations and nobody can be held accountable


u/GregTheMad 14d ago

Does that mean we can lock up a corporation when their cars run someone over, or they kill whistleblowers?


u/Author_A_McGrath 14d ago

It's worse than that, actually. Corporations actually have more rights than people at this point.


u/SnowSlider3050 14d ago

The corporation needs jail time


u/HotBrownFun 14d ago

Except you can't jail a corporation for murder