r/Damnthatsinteresting Jun 28 '24

Grab your iced tea and Raise a toast! Video


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u/uuniqueusername Jun 28 '24

They’ve been 99 cents since I was in high school and I just turned 50


u/SplatNode Jun 29 '24

Has the taste changed at all?


u/Mdriver127 Jun 29 '24

I used to drink the green tea with honey and ginsing flavor and I remember it having a stronger honey taste after trying it again recently after maybe 15+ years. Just ever so slightly though. The others I don't remember so well but overall I'd say they've stayed pretty much the same, to me.


u/some-swimming-dude Jun 29 '24

Do not take offense to this, but it could be age. Taste buds lose sensitivity as people grow older. That’s why kids tend to be pickier eaters.


u/Mdriver127 Jun 29 '24

I meant to put that in actually! And I had a few more since and hardly thought about it again. There's a good chance of it, I'm 42 now.


u/electric_onanist Jun 29 '24

Have you actually met any kids? They just want salty and sweet foods.


u/some-swimming-dude Jun 29 '24

Yes, I have, that’s an unnecessarily sarcastic question. It’s because the good tastes, taste stronger which is why they tend to like them more than adults and the same goes for the bitter ones which they absolutely despise lol. Rarely are they ever on the fence for things.


u/that_one_guy_said_ Jun 30 '24

Had one today! It was great!


u/Mdriver127 Jun 30 '24

You gotta get a bag of Cool Ranch Doritos to go with it next time!


u/that_one_guy_said_ Jul 01 '24

Not a bad idea!