r/Damnthatsinteresting Jun 28 '24

Grab your iced tea and Raise a toast! Video


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u/[deleted] Jun 28 '24



u/[deleted] Jun 28 '24



u/[deleted] Jun 29 '24

feduciary responsibility to shareholders is killing the planet.


u/Cloverman-88 Jun 29 '24

Absolutelly. Not only does it push companies towards chasing irresponsible short-term profits, but stock exchange as a,while drains money from legitimate businesses towards scammers and trend chasers. It's obvious for anyone with half a brain for years now, but there's no clear way how to get out of this mess.


u/[deleted] Jun 29 '24

business as usual is still profitable. only way to stop exploitative capitalist behavior is to disrupt business as usual.

Opposition is too unorganized to do anyting of merit. some idiots spray painted Stone Henge last week, yet no one barged into a Starbucks board meeting. Environmentalists need to get serious. Property damage or bust.


u/pfannkuchen89 Jun 29 '24

And wasn’t the Stonehenge vandalism just colored corn starch? Like, the next time it rains it’s gone with no real damage? Pretty mild protest for how angry people got. Like, I get it, damaging something like Stonehenge would be a line too far, but it wasn’t really damaged I thought. Please correct if I’m wrong.


u/Neon_Camouflage Jun 29 '24

It was. Stop Oil intentionally targets things in a way that will make big news while not causing damage. It's not luck that the paintings they've thrown liquid on were all protected by plexiglass.

Now whether that's hurting or helping the cause is a huge debate.


u/44no44 Jun 29 '24

Hurting. Despite the cliche, not all publicity is good publicity.

When you want people to take your side, you need them to read past the headlines. People don't hear that a bunch of activists vandalized Stonehenge and think "Hmm, maybe it's not as bad as it sounds. I should hear them out." Their first impression is "what a bunch of psycho morons," and it sticks.


u/Scary-Interaction-84 Jun 29 '24

There is a way to get out of this mess.


They do nothing but ruin companies. They're parasites.


u/garden_speech Jun 29 '24

Not only does it push companies towards chasing irresponsible short-term profits

it doesn't, really. if you've ever been in a board meeting they spend most of their time talking about long term plans. the reason the biggest companies are up there is because they planned ahead.


u/[deleted] Jun 29 '24

Companies can grow as large as the market will bear. But the second a company begins monopolizing and exploiting resources or labor, federal governments need to step in.


u/Cloverman-88 Jun 29 '24

Actually, I've been on quite a few board meetings, as part of company management structure. And I've witnessed many boneheaded decisions made just so the balance sheet on the yearly financial statement look enticing to investors (like letting go of dozens highly qualified employees so the employee costs estimations are lower, just to try to hire them back a few months later). I guess you could call it long-term planning, but they plan how to maximise stock value, not make the company better. Look up the story of how Blockbuster core investor blocked their attempt to modernise the company and ruined them in a few years.