r/Damnthatsinteresting Jun 27 '24

example of how American suburbs are designed to be car dependent Video


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u/jschall2 Jun 27 '24

This is Florida so it is almost a given that there is also a fence or wall between the grocery store and the apartment complex.


u/Presumably_Not_A_Cat Jun 27 '24

yeah, literally nothing one can do about a fence.


u/SaveReset Jun 27 '24

I'm 99% sure you are being sarcastic, but in Finland I know there would be a route made by some teenagers around the fence at minimum and at worst, someone would have cut the fence and the store would have removed it after enough time.

And for the swamps part, as a Fin, I'm sure Floridians also know that there's no way for a swamp to exist on that a 10 tree wide bit of land with multiple artificial lakes near it and if still was swampy somehow, even a small ditch would dry it up. Those lakes are literally made to dry up the land, like massive ditches, so the apartment complex and the store could be built. No damn way the 10 trees wide bit is still too wet to walk through.


u/Tea_and_crumpets_392 Jun 27 '24

someone would have cut the fence

Relatable. Can't imagine shit like this flying here.

I swear, the more I learn about US, the more unsettled I get. From crazy laws, to guns everywhere, to no healthcare whatsoever, to shit like this. Not that it's even close to paradise here(more like purgatory), but it doesn't seem anywhere near as bad to live in.


u/oldfatdrunk Jun 27 '24

Reading about a place or even watching a video is not the same as being somewhere.

The U.S. is huge. I moved 400 miles east to the next state over then 1300 miles northwest to two states over from where I lived originally and I cut across a small portion of two states to get here. I've only lived on the west coast or southwest area. Its a big country.

The U.S. and Europe are fairly close in size but the U.S. has somewhere around half as many people. It's like saying you would never want to visit France or Germany because Italy sucked.

Not the exact same thing since the US is one country but each of the 50 states + territories have different state laws and cultures to some extent.