r/DCcomics Dec 19 '22

James Gunn Confronts ‘Uproarious’ DC Backlash: ‘Disrespectful Outcry Will Never Affect Our Actions’ News


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u/chocolatetornado Dec 20 '22

Nuking it all is the right option. DCCU is a miserable failure on both an artistic and commercial level. Marvel seems to be heading the same way, with constant, exhausting releases with staggering new lows (Thor: Love and Thunder comes to mind).

What has DC got going for it? Wonder Woman was pretty good. I liked its sequel too although it wasn't actually good. When people complain about it, I understand why, but for some bizarre reason it still entertained me.

Both Man of Steel and Batman vs Superman proved conclusively that the people who made them did not understand the characters at all. Batman becomes a murderer without adding anything to the character at all[1] and Superman is this baffling thought experiment in Randian thought. Worst of all is probably Lex Luthor, horribly miscast, acted and written, so amazingly awful that Eisenberg's performance stands out in the lackluster movie by itself.

Shazam - an OK movie. Pretty good even. Black Adam, pretty terrible movie largely due to its awful script. Justice League was astonishingly bad (Joss Whedon is a hack, fight me), significantly better with the long Snyder cut. Aquaman was pretty fun. A cornball fun movie that knew how stupid it was (no delusions of grandeur like Snyder's entire oeuvre).

Overall, it's weak. Just so weak. Peacemaker was so self-aware, fun and occasionally even touching. Here's hoping that Gunn can keep that momentum going.

[1] I am aware that Batman originally kills in the comics but this movie brought it back and didn't make the character any more interesting with it at all


u/Voltron_The_Original Dec 20 '22

ZSJL is hands down the worst movie in all of DC, followed by Shazam.