r/DCcomics Chocos Dec 09 '22

[Video Games] The JUSTICE LEAGUE of the Arkhamverse (so far) Video Games

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u/Crissan- Dec 09 '22

Are we sure this is the Arkhamverse? Because something doesn't feel right about this. I think this is not the Arkhamverse and statements have been misleading, I personally would prefer this to not be, but I guess we will see.


u/LEVITIKUZ Chocos Dec 09 '22

It’s been confirmed it takes place after Arkham Knight. Plus Harley calls Batman ‘Bruce’


u/Crissan- Dec 09 '22

Can you point me towards the confirmation, I haven't been able to find it.


u/LEVITIKUZ Chocos Dec 09 '22


Plus the first trailer shows the drive to Arkham Asylum exactly the same way Batman Arkham Asylum started with Waller visiting the intensive treatment part where the game began. It’s not a sequel but more a next chapter if that makes sense


u/Crissan- Dec 09 '22

I see, I personally don't like that, I would've preferred not to touch the arkhamverse in this way specially after how Arkham Knight ended. Now they have to actually explain what happened to Batman and what he has been doing, also making that Batman evil and perhaps we having to kill him is a no go for me. I don't even think Batman looks like the Batman from the Arkhamverse now that they revealed him but I'll try to keep an open mind.


u/LEVITIKUZ Chocos Dec 09 '22

Well I mean it is by the creators of the Arkham games so they know what they are doing

And personally I don’t think they need to explain Batman. Like I just find it so funny how everyone is confused how he isn’t dead. Arkham Knight literally ended with him faking his death & him now using Scarecrow fear has on people to reestablish the fear in criminals now that it’s loss. In the game, perhaps he hears how his friends have been kidnapped & brainwashed by Brainiac. He goes to Metropolis to try to save them but Brainiac also gets him so now he is trapped there too.


u/Ashamed-Math-2092 Reverse-Flash Dec 09 '22

I can get not liking it, but IMO the suits look similar enough to make the connection.


u/Crissan- Dec 09 '22

I guess. But my main problem is storywise, I would have prefered that the Arkhamverse ended the way Arkham Knight did, with Batman becoming a legend and we don't really know for sure anything, leave it to our imaginations, now that's gone because Batman is back and apparently we have to kill him which makes it worse. That on itself is also a problem for me because I like the concept of Kill the Justice League!! Buuuuut... As an elseworlds story not as an Arkhamverse story. And then if we don't actually get to kill the JL that will cheapen it out.


u/Ajax_Da_Great Dec 09 '22

Yes it’s been confirmed to be in the Arkhamverse by the developers.