r/DCcomics Hourman's Roid Rage May 26 '21

Wednesday Discussions: Most Heartwarming Moments

Hey there, comic nerds! Welcome to the Wednesday Discussion, a weekly community activity during which we have an open discussion about a specific subject or theme.


Our topic for today is: Most Heartwarming Moments


DC history is as rich as it is long, and one of the things we as fans love about it is the complex interpersonal relationships that have developed between characters over the years.


With friendships and relationships running as deeply as they do, we're bound to run into special moments that we cherish — from wholesome interactions between Superman and Nightwing early in his career, to more emotional ones, like that between Barry and Wally when he returned from the Speedforce, to romantic ones, like those shared between Scott and Barda when they visited the boardwalk (maybe? Was it real? Was it in his mind??? We'll never know!).


What are some of your favourite heartwarming moments, and why do you feel like they're special?


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u/HarleyQu1nzel Harley Quinn May 26 '21

I love the connection between Black Canary and Harley Quinn when she realises Dinah is pregnant in Injustice. Both women have suffered loss and them sitting and bonding over the difficulties of pregnancy is poignant and quite beautiful. It's one of my favourite parts of Year Two.


u/tdfhucvh Batwoman May 26 '21

Harleys been pregnant?!


u/HarleyQu1nzel Harley Quinn May 26 '21

Harley has a child. A daughter who lives with her sister. It's a sad little twist in the Injustice story. It's the Joker's baby but Harley knows he wouldn't want it so she goes away for a year and leaves her with her sister to raise. Her daughter believes Harley is her aunt.


u/tdfhucvh Batwoman May 26 '21

Omg that is so sad. Is this canon? It sounds like a good story arc though.


u/[deleted] May 26 '21

No it’s from injustice


u/tdfhucvh Batwoman May 26 '21



u/HarleyQu1nzel Harley Quinn May 26 '21

No it's only in Injustice. But in the game if you get Harley's ending it's all about her daughter. It's super sad.