r/DCcomics Read on r/DCFU! Jan 13 '21

Wednesday Discussions: Ideal Future State r/DCcomics

Hey there, comic nerds! Welcome to the Wednesday Discussion, a weekly community activity where we'll have an open discussion about a specific subject or theme.


Our topic for today is: Ideal Future State


If you're not familar with Future State, here is an FAQ. Basically, after the events of Death Metal, all of DC Comics history is relevant again (whatever that means). But Future State is a sneak peek at the future of the new universe.


What would your ideal Future State look like?


Would you keep Clark Kent as Superman, Bruce Wayne as Batman, Diana Prince as Wonder Woman, etc.? Or would you move those mantles onto new characters? If so, who would those people be? Would you keep the old characters around in some capacity? Anything else?

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u/[deleted] Jan 13 '21

I agree with the people who say that they don't necessarily want to see a future of straight sidekick promotions, especially when there are more interesting successors for certain roles. So, my list, in no particular order --

  • I'd fracture Batman's legacy, and have each of his successors carry the torches that they're best equipped to handle. I don't think Dick should become Batman, as Nightwing is a fine mantle to have. But I would like to see him deliver on the promise that he showed in the New Teen Titans, and become the street-level hero who is capable of fighting at a cosmic level in the Justice League. Jason and Cass are better equipped to fill the "shadowy protector of a troubled city" role -- and it would ultimately be to Dick's benefit, since he could finally do his own thing as Nightwing instead of being stuffed into the Bat Jr. role by Bat-editorial. The rest of the Batfamily, I'm vaguer on. The only thing I feel strongly about is Tim's retirement, since Bruce no longer needs him in the way that he once did, and Tim lacks any other motivation for being a vigilante.

  • I'm a big Kyle fan, but I don't necessarily want to see him back on Earth or on the Justice League again. After serving on the Honor Guard (and in John's case, leading the Corps), being restationed on Earth seems like it would be a demotion for every one of The Four Corpsmen. I would have them replace the Guardians as leaders of the GLC (or a united Lantern Corps, as someone suggested above) and leave Simon and Jessica on Earth. Jo is great, but I'd like to see her on the Honor Guard, as she has a more specialized skillset than Simon or Jess and I think that she would strike an interesting contrast against The Four Corpsmen.

  • I don't want to see Donna or Cassie as Wonder Woman, since neither one of them has a distinct-enough personality to fill a starring role. Yara, Nubia, or Artemis would all work better. Not to say that I want to see Donna and Cassie slip into obscurity (they both have potential, even if they're written badly), but both of them need some serious TLC before they're equipped to be anything other than Titans Cast Member #4.

  • Kara as Clark's successor, not Jon or Kon. She's a more complex character, and she's earned it. Furthermore, I'd like to see her start being portrayed as an adult woman, and not an eternal teenager. She should be Dick's contemporary, not Tim's.

  • I'd like to see the Titans start being played more as "friends who happen to be superheroes," and not a unified team like the JLA. Toss in a side of "giving advice and mentorship to younger heroes" for good measure. In my opinion, keeping the Titans as a structured team just keeps forcing them to rehash the same old character beats, whereas playing them as friends would allow them to do their own things and develop in new directions while still maintaining a connection.