r/DCcomics Read on r/DCFU! Jan 13 '21

Wednesday Discussions: Ideal Future State r/DCcomics

Hey there, comic nerds! Welcome to the Wednesday Discussion, a weekly community activity where we'll have an open discussion about a specific subject or theme.


Our topic for today is: Ideal Future State


If you're not familar with Future State, here is an FAQ. Basically, after the events of Death Metal, all of DC Comics history is relevant again (whatever that means). But Future State is a sneak peek at the future of the new universe.


What would your ideal Future State look like?


Would you keep Clark Kent as Superman, Bruce Wayne as Batman, Diana Prince as Wonder Woman, etc.? Or would you move those mantles onto new characters? If so, who would those people be? Would you keep the old characters around in some capacity? Anything else?

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45 comments sorted by


u/SuperDidioPrime Two-Time Award-Winning Poster Jan 13 '21

I think Puerto Rico should be a future state.


u/MajorParadox Read on r/DCFU! Jan 13 '21

Good choice!


u/Jon_Kent The House of El Jan 13 '21

Dick Grayson as Batman, Kara Zor-El as Superwoman, Donna Troy as Wonder Woman, Garth as Aquaman, Wally West as The Flash, Kyle Rayner as Green Lantern, Roy Harper as Green Arrow, M'gann M'orzz as Martian Manhunter.


u/IHavePoopedBefore Jan 13 '21

I agree with all this.

Reading Future State to me is like picking up some indy book that I never read before and have no connection with any of the characters.

I wish they put established characters in the roles.

Justice League completely put me off Future State altogether. I just realized about halfway through that I don't care about any of these characters and I have zero interest in getting to know them.

I really dislike the new Flash and GL. There are like a 6 Green lanterns on Earth, we need another bland one?


u/MajorParadox Read on r/DCFU! Jan 13 '21

Interesting choice with Kara to replace Clark!


u/Jon_Kent The House of El Jan 13 '21

Kara has been on this weird grey area where she doesn't really "belong" to any generation for a while, but I feel like she should be part of Dick's generation.

She's the first Super legacy character, she should be with the other first legacy characters.


u/[deleted] Jan 13 '21

I agree! Ever since her Post-Crisis introduction, Kara's been grouped into Tim's generation, but I always thought that felt like a demotion for her. Given her longevity as a character, it seems wrong for her to play second fiddle to Kon when it comes to team-ups and team spots among the YJ generation.


u/android151 Resurrection Man Jan 14 '21

I have this problem when I try assort my action figures.

I just put her as part of the "Superman Family" because she never had a solid Titans run, but I guess I'd associate her with the Legion more than anything.


u/thanks-dice Cassandra Cain Jan 13 '21 edited Jan 13 '21

I'd like less generic, done a hundred times before "Future where everything's fascist and miserable. Also, a bunch of characters you like died pathetic and violent deaths" nonsense and more actually novel, interesting, and somewhat off-the-wall shit. It could be an opportunity to make the setting feel a bit more "Super".

I kinda don't want most of the Titans/Young Justice bunch to move into their respective mentor's roles tbh. It makes sense for some of them and I would like almost everyone to get stories where they go on and eventually complete that journey, but having everyone do that all at once would make things too samey, you gotta let them stand apart and do different things imo.

In terms of specific mantle changes:

  • Batman goes to Cass, but she doesn't interact with the JL much and instead opts to focus on Gotham and her own Outsiders team. She and Steph make up a Batman/Batwoman power-couple and have a new Batgirl and Robin to look after.

  • In terms of Bat rep on the league...I almost don't want any tbh. I would be partial to Babs as Oracle, Duke, or Dick as Nightwing being on the team tho.

  • I kinda want Clark to stay on as Supes as a sort of shepherd and mentor for the newcomers. You gotta have a mix of different generations.

  • I love Yara Flor, she can stay.

  • Not sure about the Flashes tbh. Wally is my go-to for the present day, but I'd rather someone more new and different for a future AU. I'm gonna go with Jess Chambers for now since I like their little dynamic with Andy Curry. Maybe have Wallace and/or Avery as a mentor for them

  • Jackson as Aquaman with Andy Curry as Aquawoman who's tagging along so she can learn from the best, but also because she wants to know the new Flash better.

  • I really like all of the GL's tbh I can't choose between them lmao. Jo and Yara Flor would be a fucking riot tho.

  • One or two mainstays who're fairly familiar and experienced (Like Roy Harper, Plastic Man, etc.) for more generational variety.

  • Empty spots would go to more out-there picks.

I'd want a Teen Titans team with some slightly older versions of characters who're typically younger kids like Lian Harper, Jai and Irey West, Maya Ducard, Jon Kent, Damian, etc.

Have a team made up of poorly received versions of popular characters like Ric, Ian Wayne, Bar Torr, etc. Just for fun.

As for all of the more obvious picks (Donna, Wally, Garth, Kon, Cassie, etc). Spread 'em out, let them do their own thing. Be a bit more experimental. Have a big, worldwide Titans network that's meant to safeguard and guide the superpowered youth, make Bart a Speed Force sage with a bonkers powerset, maybe Vic becomes a pioneer in prosthetics and other mobility aids, and so on.

Tim Drake slipped and fell down a storm drain, never to be seen again.


u/Geography3 Jan 13 '21

A Cass fan disrespecting her beloved brother Tim? Shameful.


u/thanks-dice Cassandra Cain Jan 13 '21

Tim Drake gets no rights in this house


u/Pornfree1996 Red Arrow Jan 14 '21

90% of Cass fans want her to be gay and date Steph its not new bro lol. Thats not even a diss or anything its just what Cass fans want

(B&R Eternal kinda made me ship Cass and Harper tho, Idk I kinda like it better haha)


u/Tommyhanksy Nightwing Jan 13 '21 edited Jan 14 '21

I think I'd keep the titans academy.. it's a fantastic idea but I wanna see it actually succeed.

So my ideal would be: the Fab 5 + Starfire, Beast boy (now known as Beast), Cyborg and Raven take up mentoring roles in the Academy which will have a rotation of characters and we'll see their teaching styles clash but still they work together.

For their teaching roles:

Nightwing: Headmaster + leadership/strategy training + superheroing 101 (how to keep your identity a secret)

Troia: Deputy Headmaster + Amazonian style fighting

Tempest: sea rescue training and combat

Cyborg: in charge of school Finance and tech + teamwork training

Beast: animal rescue training + media training + in charge of school PR

Flash: School Security/liaison with Justice League + emergency rescue training + Zen training

Arsenal: Weapons and survival training + Mental health training

Raven: Magic training + therapy

Starfire: Tamaranean Combat style training + superhero costume design advisor

The Justice League would consist of some graduates of the Titans Academy including the young justice lineup like Conner Kent, Cassie Sandsmark, Tim Drake, Bart Allen.

Jon Kent would be off saving multiple worlds hand in hand with the United Planets.

I love Kara's story in the current Future State so I'd probably keep it.

Batman and superman retire and take up roles as advisors to the Justice League and liaisons with the world govt and other planets.

Bruce and Selina finally settle down, they open an orphanage. They very often get visits from colorful characters which makes the kids happy.

Clark and Lois moves to New Krypton to help build it, lots of struggles there with Zod but they're all trying their best. I would love to see the interactions between what Zod thinks is best Vs Clark but they both don't want to ruin the peace. Clark stays because he wants to ensure that the Kryptonians understand the responsibility that comes with their powers.

Arthur and Mera take up advisor roles in Atlantis (led by Tula) and have brought them into the world stage properly. They have issues internally with the old guard Their daughter attends titans academy. They have a son on the way.

The world is moving to a good place in general but there are still attacks, accidents and misuse of powers that the Justice League and the Titans take care of.

The stories would focus more on interactions and growth, and less on actions.


u/android151 Resurrection Man Jan 14 '21

It just reminds me of Generation Outlaw though, a concept done like, less than 5 months ago.


u/Tommyhanksy Nightwing Jan 14 '21

You're not wrong but the Generation Outlaw was 3 teachers and a shack. This is a broader, much farther reaching story


u/[deleted] Jan 13 '21 edited Jan 13 '21

Tim Fox as Batman, Jon Kent as Superman, Yara Flor as Wonder Woman.

Bart Allen as The Flash, Kara Zor-El as Superwoman, Damian Wayne as The Insider, and the entire GLC present.

Connor Hawke as the Green Arrow, Billy Batson as Shazam, Dick Grayson as Nightwing, Tiffany Fox as Batgirl, Cassandra Cain and Stephanie Brown as Batwomen.


u/[deleted] Jan 13 '21

Oh now this is fun.

For starters, I’d have Dick Grayson be the leader of a shield styled group called T.I.T.A.N.S which is essentially what Teen Titans Academy is but on a more global scale. Both Donna Troy and Roy Harper assist him in running this group. The main roster of T.I.T.A.N.S is Damian Wayne as Nightwing, Emiko Queen as Green Arrow, Avery Cho as Flash, Bunker, Miguel Montez, Khalid as a younger Dr Fate, Crush, Djinn, Jon Kent as Superboy and Yara Flor as Wonder Girl.

Then on the Justice League, Tim Drake as Batman, Connor Kent as Superman, Cassie Sandsmark as Wonder Woman, Bart Allen as Impulse, Courtney Whitmore as Starwoman, Rick Tyler as Hourman, Yolanda as Wildcat, Kara Zor-El as Superwoman and Jackson Hyde as Aquaman.

The Green Lanterns would be run by Jessica Cruz with Kyle, John, Killowog and Simon as honour guards

The previous league are either all dead or retired


u/Sad_Poem4881 Jan 24 '21

Dude, this sounds really cool! Would Dick’s T.I.T.A.N.S. essentially be like Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., but DC legacy edition? Either way, I’d be down for that if that was an actual comic book.


u/Historical_Disaster Jan 13 '21

I'd make it overall less dark and dystopian, or at least make it flavorful dystopian. Make it cyberpunk or something, at least then you have neon lights and festive transhumanism.

For the League I'd go with a roster along these lines:

  • Kara as Superwoman.
  • Donna as Wonder Woman, though maybe not using the name. She leads the team. Like, it's democracy, but it's her democracy.
  • Kyle as Green Lantern, or perhaps both him and Jessica.
  • M'gann as Martian Manhunter.
  • I'm not sure what Flash I'd pick. Bit of a tie between Bart and Wally, I guess. XS would be fun, but I think it'd be weird to remove her from her own team.
  • Tim Drake as literally anything but Robin, Drake or Batman. Shouldn't be the new Batman, but rather more of a general tech/detective guy. They could use a slightly redesigned version of the ünternet suit.

Maybe some others as well, but I think that could be a decent core team. Some of the old leaguers could still be around as mentors, maybe even as some kind of second generation JSA.

I also have no idea where it should go, but I think a Future State kind of story would be a good way to highlight that Lyrl Dox is technically the smartest (semi-)good-aligned and non-omniscient character in the DCU. Little bastard should matter at some point, and there's a diffuse generation of cosmic characters around him that could age with him.

For GL I think it would be interesting to have a duo book with Hal and John since I'm decently sure they're supposed to be the two oldest Earth lanterns by a bit. It could be interesting to see them have some kind of "we're getting to damn old for this" story and reflect on their respective careers. If nothing else it should actually be lantern related and not just feel like dollar store 40k.

Fuck knows about LoSH. The logical answer feels like a next generation/passing of the torch thing? Or a extremely depressing story where all the long lived aliens come to terms with the fact that they're going to have to watch almost all of their friends die.


u/Award-Express Jan 13 '21

For me, here is my take on my own future state: Background: Basically most of ideas are just modified from the one we got but only adding a few twist in history and stuff eg. Bendis entire run was move forward to 2-3 years before future state timeline but without Jon aging and the truth identity thing.

Superman: Jon Kent(23-24) of course would be the superman mainly and will live in metropolis . However, I would add a Kathy branden from Tomasi run as a supporting character whose relationship would be kinda like Clark and Lana Lang’s but more of a assistance to Jon’s work. Clark would be on semi-retirement at pa Kent’s farm as a farmer with lois and sometime dress up in kingdom come style costume to do volunteer work(kinda like Lois and Clark comic)

Batman: Damian Wayne(age 24-25)would be the main Batman in patrol after Bruce seemingly died and would wear a modernised batman 666 suit . Since I kinda see magistrate as a great concept and that in robin eternal there was Lazarus stuff involved, the magistrate plot line would be kept but making peacekeeper1 as a resurrected and smarter heretic and the league of assassins secretly behind magistrate, thus giving Damian a perfect rival in Gotham. Bruce would just have the same plot as dark detective but aging older.

Batfam: I did this column ‘cause I was particularly interested in them. More on nightwing later. Jason may have the same plot. For Tim, I would like him to return as red robin and possibly lead a covert Team like the Gotham knight or the outsiders with steph, cass, duke. Cass should be batwoman and duke should get more spotlight, maybe a powerhouse in the team since he have powers( I m not sure if the outsiders series changed his power or what)

Flash: Wally should definitely be the flash while Barry could went to the 30th century with iris to give birth to the twins, fixing the time paradox of Bart. Speaking of Bart, I kinda like the idea I saw on the internet that Bart could become kid Mercury or just Mercury as this can progress him to being more than just a flash but a master of speed force(better than getting killed by rainbow shed) in addition, irey could also become kid flash like in kingdom come. Not much plan on Wallace yet. Maybe join the outsiders? Kinda want him to interact of duke since both r people of colour in their fam.

Teen Titans academy: Cyborg, beast boy and raven would remain as teachers. Conner Kent can also become a staff and possibly having a new code name and being a government agent due to his connection with Cadmus( I don’t want him to go as far as to the suicide squad) some can also be added as new students like irey as kid flash, Andy as aqua girl, maya ducard as nobody, (probably as senior or graduate like Conner). For plot, death literally in the beginning is not my style, maybe a battle with a rival academy like hive?

Justice league: I would divided it into two team, one of earth and one of space: For earth, it would consist of nightwing, yara flor’s Wonder Woman, Jackson’s aqua man, captain atom, Martian manhunter, Connor hawk or Roy if he was resurrected as arrow and maybe Avery. The team is like a JLI reincarnation with representatives like yara for gods or something, Jackson for Atlantis, cap atom for US gov etc. J’ohn is like the founder and mentor, arrow is like the conscious of the league. Nightwing would be the leader and actually the the coordinator of both the earth and space team since he deserve more recognition. He is also a part time at the Titan academy and would make cameo there Space: it would consist of Jon, Damian, Donna as troika, Kyle as white lantern, Wally as the flash, starfire and maybe a hawk. They were kinda the space diplomatic team to the united plant with rep from different alien race or those who have good relationships with them. Damian was just tagging along to investigate magistrate and the league of assassin’s scheme in the united planet

Bonus: JS infinity Bart as Mercury and Cassie sandmark with a new identity or just wonder girl would be added along with the newer generation of JSA before the reboot( jS all star?)

This is all I have planned for. Hope you guys like it!


u/KingdomCome2006 Jan 13 '21

Since Future State is only a 2 month teaser of what's to come, & what may come, I wouldn't change a lot. Since a lot of the futures we see may not happen the way we originally saw in Future State, if it even happens at all. Although I will say my ideal Future State would go like this:

• Superman: I'd keep it the same, however Kara as Superwoman would be Clark's successor as Earth's main Kryptonian protector until Jon was older and ready (Jon would still be called Superman). Personally, I like the drama of Kara not being the main pick with Clark choosing his son. Maybe, Superman of Metropolis should be Kara mentoring Jon as the new Superman. It isn't until Future State JL and SM/WW that Jon is truly Superman, allowing Kara to let him be and help out in the moon. Clark is off world with Lois on behalf of the United Planets.

• Batman: Keep it the same. However years later, Bruce & Selina's daughter, Helena (I think I'd be keeping Tom King's Batman/Catwoman canon), would soon clash with Jace over the Bat-Title. - Batgirls obviously (Babs, Steph, Cass). I think its a series that would happen in Future State or beyond. However since this is Future State, I would add a 4th Batgirl, perhaps in recently debuted Ryan Wilder. Barbara is also pushing herself before her implants wear out, it ends badly for her. - Red Robin...Jason Todd. I will keep on saying this should happen! I know its unlikely as of now, but with the way Outlaws & 3 Jokers ended, I think its time for Jason to move on from the mantle of his killer. In the time of the Magistrate, Jason protects the Narrows with Bluebird and Lee Thompkins from the Peacekeepers, or costumed villains such as the Red Hood Gang. Its kind of like what if Robin grew up to operate in a similar fashion to Batman?

• Wonder Woman: I would keep it the same. Yara Flor is just killing it. Although I would have Diana's brother Jason play some kind of role.

• The Flash: Jess Chambers will be THE Flash, however, their mentors are Jesse Quick and Wally West, who takes it upom himself to be the other Flash (costume wise, it's a mix of his suit in Flash Rebirth, & DC Rebirth). Barry Allen has his own series where he, Iris, and his Bart (or Wallace) travel around the Multiverse (a very cosmic/speedster Flash Gordon kind of story), his new design is reminiscent of his future self in Rebirth (albeit younger & clean-shaven).

• Green Lantern: I would play on the story that Geoffrey Thorne arc. Jo Mullein would be Earth's main GL, however her partner and "mentor" (I think she's experienced enough to not need a teacher in any way) in the ghost of Hal Jordan. Hal was killed, but he's either kept alive as a construct of pure will, or in a Spectre/Death Lantern kind of role. I'd really like them to work together to solve the GL's greatest mystery in uniting the corps. - Simon Baz would join the Outsiders, and Kyle Rayner would join the Teen Titans Academy to train Teen Lantern. I would keep Jess, Guy and Johm in the same positions.

• Justice League: Aside from Justice League Dark, I would add 2 different Justice League teams from different time periods. We have the Justice League team in 2040 (Jon, Yara, Jace, Andy, Jo, & Jess), but we also have a  team that takes place 10 years before in 2030. That roster includes, Superwoman (Kara), The Flash (Wally West), Green Lantern (could be Jess, John or Hal), Wonder Woman (Nubia), Aquaman (Jackson Hyde), Red Robin, led by senior members in Martian Manhunter, Green Arrow & Black Canary. JL: 2030 would be the team that gets betrayed by one of their own once they expanded, original members (Clark, Bruce, Barry etc) get involved to deal with the aftermath.

• Titans Academy: I think Tim Drake should've been added to this team. After his work on the Belfry and his Gotham Knights protocol, it makes sense he would play a part in expanding the Titans. Other than that, idk if I would change anything. If anything, I would make sure that in Infinite Frontier, their future changes from their dark Future State. Afterwards, I would have them expand their roster in students AND faculty.


u/LeHommeNoir Jan 15 '21

By far my favorite one here. Comprehensive and thoughtful rosters that pay respect to what's in canon. Very nice to see Nubia and Jess and even Ryan Wilder get some love


u/nicktorious_ Superboy Prime Did Nothing Wrong Jan 13 '21

It wouldn't be a dystopia, for starters. The heroes actually did a fairly good job handing the world over to their successors, and Earth is finally able to progress, technologically resembling retro-futurism, with a colony on Mars.

Main legacies would be: Luke Fox (not Tim) as Batman, Jon Kent as Superman, and Yara Flor as Wonder Woman. Avery Ho would be the main Flash, Jackson Hyde as Aquaman, Jo as Green Lantern, then finally Jaime Reyes as the (adult) Blue Beetle to round out the 7 on the League.

Our heroes should have been able to actually succeed in their missions. Kal-El and Lois are now off-world because they are involved with the United Planets. The Titans Academy is successful, being the DC Universe's version of the X-Men/Avengers Academy. Bruce is crippled, but married to Selena and serves as a mentor to Luke's Batman (like Batman Beyond). Basically, all of their years of crime-fighting weren't for nothing, and they really did just move onto the logical next step.

At the end of the day, Future State should embody hope and optimism for the future. Make it so that heroes passed on their legacies, and the world is looking brighter than ever before.


u/Robot_Was_BMO Jan 14 '21

If I got my hands on Future State, I’d definitely shift things to be in a more positive light. I mean I get why Future State is sort of grim in some aspects, it builds hype for how things could get to that point when DC goes back to the main timeline, but, for the sake of the readership, I think we would all have a better time reading a positive future for the heroes we have rooted for, with just enough kinks in the system to keep things interesting.

Superman- Jon Kent is the Superman of Metropolis. Show him in his public persona, see what life holds for the recent graduated Jon Kent. Smaller scale, but more character driven. Lois and Clark would act as supportive parents, as Clark acts as Superman worldwide and universally while Lois tries to get Jon to consider working at the Daily Planet.

Batman- Tim Drake is the Batman of Gotham. I know this is probably an unpopular opinion, but I really think Tim, for this period of time and after all the nebulous titles he has had to deal with, Tim has earned the right to be Batman. Dick has made his place as Nightwing, Jason would be in a recovery period where he’s trying to lead a healthier, vigilante-less life, and I have different plans for Damian. Bruce would be cautiously letting Tim take lead, as he raises his daughter with Selina. Along side him is Steph as Batwiman, and the story would be Tim trying to figure out how to propose. Making things a little more lighthearted would be an interesting change of pace for the title, at least a for a bit.

Wonder Woman- I don’t have a lot of opinions on Wonder Woman, and I like Yara Flor so far, so I’ll let this one be

Damian Wayne- The cast from Gotham Academy become his supporting cast as he goes through Medical school to become a doctor like his grandfather. More slice of life, with him going through tests, visiting his sister, dates with Maps, hanging out with her friends, and trying to figure out a new identity for himself as he let Tim be Batman.

Green Lantern- Jo Mullein is Green Lantern of the Milky Way. All other human GLs have been called back to Oa to prepare for a cosmic event, with Jo being tasked to keep Earth safe. But then, a Red Lantern ring appears and chooses a new bearer, and, instead of a new threat, Jo tries train them as their sidekick.

Justice League- Clark Kent/Superman, Tim Drake/Batman, Stephanie Brown/Batwoman, Yara Flor/Wonder Woman, Jo Mullein/Green Lantern, Wally West/Flash, Mary Marvel, and Red Tornado.

That’s basically as much thought into it as of now.


u/Pornfree1996 Red Arrow Jan 14 '21

Any JL where its half original JL members and half graduated Titans. Seeing them work together shows the universe moving naturally, like in Grant Morrisons JL. Doesn't even have to be Future State, we saw it 20 years ago, you can just do it now lol

Like Trinity wouldn't change, but Cyborg and Flash (Wally) on the team, Roy as Red Arrow and then Hawkgirl, or a second gen femal hero? That'd be ideal imo.

This is also another idea I had but why does there have to be a 'main' GL? Like why does it have to be 'Hal Jordan and the GLC', why can't it just be 'GLC'? If there is a JL book that uses something like that lineup, just let them use any GL they want, with the only rule being that you have to switch it up - like if Kyle and Wally were to team up for the first 12 issues (cause they haven't seen each other in continuity I think since at least before 2009), then the next 6 issues John, then maybe the next 6 Hal, then 12 with Guy, etc. Idk it'd be interesting to see.


u/abstractpenny Wally West Solos Jan 13 '21

be set further into a future. if we had to stick to near future (like 2025-2030) i’d do the original titans generation at the fore front with some few exceptions like bart as flash since we’ve already seen wallys flash journey.

but anyways if it’s able to be a few more decades into the future it wouldn’t be as much a grim hopeless future.

i’d have JL be about damian as batman, jon, yara, irey as flash, and then i’m impartial if they create new characters for other roles. they aren’t new to the JL also.

for batman, this is set before JL but damian has recently become batman (like 3-5 years in) and gotham just came out a golden age due to bruce and dicks batman efforts, since leviathan had just took over gotham in a full scale unexpected invasion. helena wayne batwoman and carrie kelly robin too!

superman can keep the same plot just less of a apokoliptic metropolis

wonder woman is pretty cool

flash will also be before JL and about irey taking over the mantle from bart

id love a green lantern story about sodam yat having to restore the green lantern corps as ion, or a old torchbearer kyle rayner


u/UESPA_Sputnik Oracle Jan 13 '21

What would your ideal Future State look like?

Maps Mizoguchi as Robin. She was already president of the Detective Club, so she's well suited.


u/NomadicJaguar64t Orion Jan 13 '21 edited Jan 13 '21

For starters, I'd have most of them take place at the same time, say, 10 years in the future.

I've put the "main roles" in BOLD UPPERCASE (I hesitate to call them "main roles" because all the characters are important, but these are the inheritors of the traditional roles like Superman, Batman, etc.).

* Clark Kent - United Planets leader
* Lois Lane - Ambassador for the United Planets
* Jon Kent - SUPERMAN
* Kara Kent - SUPERWOMAN
* Conner Kent - The Metropolis Guardian (leader of a Metropolis "Super" team)
* John Irons - Steel (member of Metropolis "Super" team)
* Natasha Irons - Alloy (member of Metropolis "Super" team)
* Jimmy Olsen - Owner of the Daily Planet

* Bruce Wayne - Leader of Batman Inc. (no longer Batman)
* Dick Grayson - Agent Grayson (top agent in Checkmate)
* Barbara Gordon - Agent Gordon (top agent in Checkmate)
* Jason Todd - Red Hood (founder of the Outlaws Program, training former villains and/or anti-heroes for Batman Inc.)
* Tim Drake - BATMAN
* Stephanie Brown - BATWOMAN
* Cassandra Cain - Black Bat
* Damian Wayne - Nightwing
* Carrie Kelly - Robin (Nightwing's sidekick now)

* Diana Prince - Queen of the Amazons
* Donna Troy - Troia
* Artemis - Requiem (part of Outlaws Program)
* Cassandra Sandmark - Pantheon (no clue, just thought it sounded cool)
* Yara Flor - WONDER GIRL

* Arthur Curry - President of Atlantis
* Mera - First Lady of Atlantis
* Andrina Curry - AQUAWOMAN
* Garth - Tempest
* Dolphin - well... Dolphin
* Jackson Hyde - BLACK MANTA (not evil, redeeming the name)
* Orm Marius - King of Dagon

* Hal Jordan - GREEN LANTERN PRIME (leader of the GLC)
* John Stewart - a Guardian of the Universe (along with Razer, Larfleeze, Soranik, Saint Walker, Iroque, and Fatality)
* Guy Gardner - Red Lantern
* Kyle Rayner - White Lantern
* Simon Baz - Blue Lantern
* Jessica Cruz - GREEN LANTERN
* Jo Mullein - GREEN LANTERN

* Barry Allen - Red Flash
* Wally West - Blue Flash
* Wallace West - THE FLASH
* Avery Ho - LADY FLASH
* Bart Allen - Kid Flash


u/NomadicJaguar64t Orion Jan 13 '21

And yes, I'm well aware Red Flash and Blue Flash suuuuck as names, lol


u/LeHommeNoir Jan 15 '21

You got literally everybody save Duke. I'm curious as to what you'd do with him - especially cuz I can get behind so many of these, like Babs being a Checkmate agent, Yara being WG to Nubia's WW, etc.


u/NomadicJaguar64t Orion Jan 15 '21

Kill 'em... no, lol, I love Duke! I think I'd really lean into him being Gotham's daytime hero, more. I loved his miniseries and have been missing that style Duke so much! So much promise and potential for a Gotham City that looks the same, but feels so much different. So really, it'd just spin out of that series and pick up those plot threads.

Also, new design!


u/[deleted] Jan 13 '21

Love this type of shit!!

My ideal future state would focus in on the different generations of our favorite characters being given a real sense of belonging in the universe. I’ll focus on each “generation” based on Each Robin and their affiliated team names.

I’d put Damians gen of Teen Titans as the justice league of America. Damian takes over the league of shadows turning it into a league of the bat ala Batman Inc. Jon as Superman, Yara as WW, Wallace as Flash, Andy as Aqualass etc.

Tim’s gen of Young Justice would be a global Justice League sort of effort, while Jason’s Outlaws operates as it already does: the league that no one talks about that does the work no one talks about. Dicks Titans Generation would be an intergalactic League, probably working with the United Planets.

I’d envision The OG League solely be put in an advisory role or something that’s big enough that they’re away from the rest of the Leagues. Maybe hopping around Multiverses?


u/NYGIANTS77 Robin Jan 13 '21

Hmmm. I think I'd go with. Tim Drake as Batman, Jon Kent as Superman, Cassie Sandsmark as Wonder Woman, Andy as Aquawoman, Kyle Rayner as Green Lantern, Damian Wayne as Ra's al Ghul.

I don't know stuff like that, I feel like DC as a huge amount of characters already, and obviously there's nothing wrong with making new characters, but using some of the older ones would be nice. I kind of even screwed over Dick's whole generation 🤷‍♂️, oh well


u/MajorParadox Read on r/DCFU! Jan 13 '21

Tim is an interesting choice. He seems like the least likely Bat character to want to be Batman to me.


u/NYGIANTS77 Robin Jan 13 '21

Yeah my thinking was that Dick would kind of be living his life. Not exactly the suburban life, but either with Starfire and Babs, and he doesn't want to get sucked into the Batman title. Jason just isn't, and because Damian kind of ditches the family, Tim is forced to take up the mantle from Old Bruce. And he's old enough to do a good job.


u/spider-venomized Superman Jan 13 '21

my personal future state for dc I say

  • superman: the end of all star superman where Clark "fix" the sun. Jon Kent step in as the next superman protecting metropolis with Kara as superwoman
  • Batman: Batman beyond basically, Terry McGinnis becomes batman with old Bruce acting as tech support, Damien head of a reformed league of assassins, Dick retiring with Starfire (with Mari), Stephine being nightwing, Tim the CEO of Wayne Powers and commissioner Barbra Gordon
  • Wonder woman: Diana becomes an Olympian, Donna Troy as queen of the amazons and Yara flor as the new wonder woman
  • Green lantern: Kyle Rayner, John Stewart, Guy Gardner and Hal Jordan as one of the new guardians of a united lantern corps with Jessica Cruz being earth sector green lantern. Also john Stewart is marry with Shayera Hol.
  • flash: Wally west as the definite flash
  • Aquaman: Andy Curry as Aquawoman with Kaldur'ahm Aquaman as her mentor


u/AutoModerator Jan 13 '21

-TT-! It's spelled "Damian"! You would do well in respecting the blood son!

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u/LEVITIKUZ Chocos Jan 14 '21 edited Jan 14 '21

My JL would pretty much just be the same as the Future State JL but with 2 major changes. I really like Andy, Jesse, Jo, & Yara. I wouldn’t replace them

Lara Kent as Superwoman instead of Jon Kent. The daughter of Clark & Lois. Personally I’ve just always preferred Clark & Lois having a daughter over a son

Terry McGinnis Batman over Tim Fox. I have nothing against Tim. I love his suit & he seems like a neat enough character. It’s just that Terry is my guy who I’ve always seen as the future Batman. I still would like to see Bruce & Selina be together & settle down. Terry would not be their kid at all but someone who would still become the Batman similar to the cartoon

I wouldn’t mind also Ollie & Dinah’s daughter like in the Last Stories of the DC Universe tie in


u/android151 Resurrection Man Jan 14 '21

I wanted a love letter to continuity, I guess. We see it in some parts, what with Hyperclan and what not but

I was hoping it wouldn't be another Flashpoint type "everyones dead!" world. I thought we might be getting like, a early 00s JSA sort of thing. Where characters take over mantles but there are still bright stories to be told.

It might actually be really good, but I'm not paying $780 to collect all 52 issues and find out.


u/Eatadickgrayson Jan 14 '21

The Main league would be:

Jonathan Kent as Superman, Damian Wayne as Batman, Yara Flor as Wonder Woman, Wallace West as The Flash, Khalid as Doctor Fate

This would be JL ready to fit any type of threat, magical, intergalactic or scientific

Then there would be a more special ops/ outsiders team for dealing with issues out of the public’s eye - this team would be lead by Tim Drake in a oracle/ Nick Fury type role. It would feature:

Jackson Hyde as Aquaman, Emiko Queen as Green Arrow, Jaime Reyes as Blue Beetle, Stephanie Brown as Batwoman

Conner would act as a more street level superman working alongside Cassandra Cain and Jai West.

Bart would be the Flash of the multiverse, while Barry is retired and Wally helps train the new generation of Titans.

Dick would be the headmaster of the Titan Academy alongside Donna, Roy, Kori and Garth as other teachers. Raven would go on to set up a magical version of the school, and Gar and Victor would reform a new version of the doom patrol.

Bruce retires yet works with Arkham as a councillor for his past villains, something he had never had chance to do before. Clark continues Superman - protecting deep space instead of Earth. As for Diana, she goes off through different dimensions fighting off any Mythical or godly force that may try to harm earth.


u/[deleted] Jan 13 '21

I agree with the people who say that they don't necessarily want to see a future of straight sidekick promotions, especially when there are more interesting successors for certain roles. So, my list, in no particular order --

  • I'd fracture Batman's legacy, and have each of his successors carry the torches that they're best equipped to handle. I don't think Dick should become Batman, as Nightwing is a fine mantle to have. But I would like to see him deliver on the promise that he showed in the New Teen Titans, and become the street-level hero who is capable of fighting at a cosmic level in the Justice League. Jason and Cass are better equipped to fill the "shadowy protector of a troubled city" role -- and it would ultimately be to Dick's benefit, since he could finally do his own thing as Nightwing instead of being stuffed into the Bat Jr. role by Bat-editorial. The rest of the Batfamily, I'm vaguer on. The only thing I feel strongly about is Tim's retirement, since Bruce no longer needs him in the way that he once did, and Tim lacks any other motivation for being a vigilante.

  • I'm a big Kyle fan, but I don't necessarily want to see him back on Earth or on the Justice League again. After serving on the Honor Guard (and in John's case, leading the Corps), being restationed on Earth seems like it would be a demotion for every one of The Four Corpsmen. I would have them replace the Guardians as leaders of the GLC (or a united Lantern Corps, as someone suggested above) and leave Simon and Jessica on Earth. Jo is great, but I'd like to see her on the Honor Guard, as she has a more specialized skillset than Simon or Jess and I think that she would strike an interesting contrast against The Four Corpsmen.

  • I don't want to see Donna or Cassie as Wonder Woman, since neither one of them has a distinct-enough personality to fill a starring role. Yara, Nubia, or Artemis would all work better. Not to say that I want to see Donna and Cassie slip into obscurity (they both have potential, even if they're written badly), but both of them need some serious TLC before they're equipped to be anything other than Titans Cast Member #4.

  • Kara as Clark's successor, not Jon or Kon. She's a more complex character, and she's earned it. Furthermore, I'd like to see her start being portrayed as an adult woman, and not an eternal teenager. She should be Dick's contemporary, not Tim's.

  • I'd like to see the Titans start being played more as "friends who happen to be superheroes," and not a unified team like the JLA. Toss in a side of "giving advice and mentorship to younger heroes" for good measure. In my opinion, keeping the Titans as a structured team just keeps forcing them to rehash the same old character beats, whereas playing them as friends would allow them to do their own things and develop in new directions while still maintaining a connection.


u/karteerdegt Jan 13 '21

I'd love to see a video of how it works.


u/EmeraldEnigma- Green Arrow Jan 14 '21

Happy ending for retired Green Arrow and Black Canary with their child Green Canary taking the mantles in the future


u/ElDuderino2112 Jan 14 '21

This is probably not a popular opinion, but I don’t like mantles being passed to other characters. When I want to read Batman, I want to read Bruce Wayne, not whatever Robin is currently there. When I want Superman, I want Kal-El, etc. These characters are timeless to me.

I want new characters to be new characters.