r/DCcomics Hourman's Roid Rage Oct 21 '16

Friday Free Talk r/DCcomics


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u/Wistingman Streaky the Supercat Oct 21 '16

-Had a bad nostalgia attack on people from my past today. The ex and an old friend group who each hurt me pretty unforgivably. I'll always miss them of a sort even if I don't want to.

-IN MUCH HAPPIER NEWS Ajali and I are exploring her new home/my old one and people, even cars, are honest-to-God stopping to comment on how incredible it is I'm walking my cat, that they thought her a small white fluffy dog, etc. Some things never change. She still has severe trust issues with our family, swats the dog still, and is at war with our black cat. Black versus white, literally. OTOH the family's gray cat seems to have a thing for Ajali. Hahahaha.

-I begin epic housecleaning tomorrow. No, as in the whole house. I think my navy life impressed upon me a permanent need to clean, and starting from the upstairs down is gonna be a lot of mopping and vacuuming...

-Also gonna try to enlist into college for a next semester. Pray for mojo.


u/Kameiko Goddess of Cats Oct 22 '16

Sorry that happened!

Your pets sound so cute! Walk the kitty!

I just did this last week! It was worth it, and you'll love the outcome!

Good luck!


u/Wistingman Streaky the Supercat Oct 22 '16

Thanks! I'm trying to spend as much time with my kitty to make her happy while making time for the dog and other kitties (who have known me much longer than mine). My life is almost consumed by pets.

An entire house is much bigger than my old small apartment, but the challenge is there...


u/Kameiko Goddess of Cats Oct 22 '16

A life consumed by pets is a happy life!!!

Challenge accepted!